var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); }; var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; }; var _HTMLElement_dataset, _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback, _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o; import Element from '../element/Element.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import CSSStyleDeclaration from '../../css/declaration/CSSStyleDeclaration.js'; import PointerEvent from '../../event/events/PointerEvent.js'; import Dataset from '../element/Dataset.js'; import NodeTypeEnum from '../node/NodeTypeEnum.js'; import DOMException from '../../exception/DOMException.js'; import HTMLElementUtility from './HTMLElementUtility.js'; import HTMLElementNamedNodeMap from './HTMLElementNamedNodeMap.js'; import NodeList from '../node/NodeList.js'; import HTMLCollection from '../element/HTMLCollection.js'; /** * HTML Element. * * Reference: * */ export default class HTMLElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); // Events this.oncopy = null; this.oncut = null; this.onpaste = null; this.oninvalid = null; this.onanimationcancel = null; this.onanimationend = null; this.onanimationiteration = null; this.onanimationstart = null; this.onbeforeinput = null; this.oninput = null; this.onchange = null; this.ongotpointercapture = null; this.onlostpointercapture = null; this.onpointercancel = null; this.onpointerdown = null; this.onpointerenter = null; this.onpointerleave = null; this.onpointermove = null; this.onpointerout = null; this.onpointerover = null; this.onpointerup = null; this.ontransitioncancel = null; this.ontransitionend = null; this.ontransitionrun = null; this.ontransitionstart = null; // Internal properties this[_a] = new HTMLElementNamedNodeMap(this); this[_b] = ''; this[_c] = 'inherit'; this[_d] = false; this[_e] = 0; this[_f] = 0; this[_g] = 0; this[_h] = 0; this[_j] = 0; this[_k] = 0; this[_l] = 0; this[_m] = 0; this[_o] = null; // Private properties _HTMLElement_dataset.set(this, null); _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback.set(this, null); } /** * Returns access key. * * @returns Access key. */ get accessKey() { return this[PropertySymbol.accessKey]; } /** * Sets access key. * * @param accessKey Access key. */ set accessKey(accessKey) { this[PropertySymbol.accessKey] = accessKey; } /** * Returns content editable. * * @returns Content editable. */ get contentEditable() { return this[PropertySymbol.contentEditable]; } /** * Sets content editable. * * @param contentEditable Content editable. */ set contentEditable(contentEditable) { this[PropertySymbol.contentEditable] = contentEditable; } /** * Returns is content editable. * * @returns Is content editable. */ get isContentEditable() { return this[PropertySymbol.isContentEditable]; } /** * Returns offset height. * * @returns Offset height. */ get offsetHeight() { return this[PropertySymbol.offsetHeight]; } /** * Returns offset width. * * @returns Offset width. */ get offsetWidth() { return this[PropertySymbol.offsetWidth]; } /** * Returns offset left. * * @returns Offset left. */ get offsetLeft() { return this[PropertySymbol.offsetLeft]; } /** * Returns offset top. * * @returns Offset top. */ get offsetTop() { return this[PropertySymbol.offsetTop]; } /** * Returns client height. * * @returns Client height. */ get clientHeight() { return this[PropertySymbol.clientHeight]; } /** * Returns client width. * * @returns Client width. */ get clientWidth() { return this[PropertySymbol.clientWidth]; } /** * Returns client left. * * @returns Client left. */ get clientLeft() { return this[PropertySymbol.clientLeft]; } /** * Returns client top. * * @returns Client top. */ get clientTop() { return this[PropertySymbol.clientTop]; } /** * Returns tab index. * * @returns Tab index. */ get tabIndex() { const tabIndex = this.getAttribute('tabindex'); return tabIndex !== null ? Number(tabIndex) : -1; } /** * Returns tab index. * * @param tabIndex Tab index. */ set tabIndex(tabIndex) { if (tabIndex === -1) { this.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } else { this.setAttribute('tabindex', String(tabIndex)); } } /** * Returns inner text, which is the rendered appearance of text. * * @see * @returns Inner text. */ get innerText() { if (!this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { return this.textContent; } let result = ''; for (const childNode of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]) { if (childNode[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.elementNode) { const childElement = childNode; const computedStyle = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.ownerWindow].getComputedStyle(childElement); if (childElement[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'SCRIPT' && childElement[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'STYLE') { const display = computedStyle.display; if (display !== 'none') { const textTransform = computedStyle.textTransform; if ((display === 'block' || display === 'flex') && result) { result += '\n'; } let text = childElement.innerText; switch (textTransform) { case 'uppercase': text = text.toUpperCase(); break; case 'lowercase': text = text.toLowerCase(); break; case 'capitalize': text = text.replace(/(^|\s)\S/g, (l) => l.toUpperCase()); break; } result += text; } } } else if (childNode[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.textNode) { result += childNode.textContent.replace(/[\n\r]/, ''); } } return result; } /** * Sets the inner text, which is the rendered appearance of text. * * @see * @param innerText Inner text. */ set innerText(text) { for (const child of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes].slice()) { this.removeChild(child); } const texts = text.split(/[\n\r]/); for (let i = 0, max = texts.length; i < max; i++) { if (i !== 0) { this.appendChild(this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('br')); } this.appendChild(this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createTextNode(texts[i])); } } /** * Returns outer text. * * @see * @returns HTML. */ get outerText() { return this.innerText; } /** * Sets outer text. * * @see * @param text Text. */ set outerText(text) { if (!this[PropertySymbol.parentNode]) { throw new DOMException("Failed to set the 'outerHTML' property on 'Element': This element has no parent node."); } const texts = text.split(/[\n\r]/); for (let i = 0, max = texts.length; i < max; i++) { if (i !== 0) { this[PropertySymbol.parentNode].insertBefore(this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('br'), this); } this[PropertySymbol.parentNode].insertBefore(this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createTextNode(texts[i]), this); } this[PropertySymbol.parentNode].removeChild(this); } /** * Returns style. * * @returns Style. */ get style() { if (!this[]) { this[] = new CSSStyleDeclaration(this); } return this[]; } /** * Sets style. * * @param cssText Style as text. * @see */ set style(cssText) { = typeof cssText === 'string' ? cssText : ''; } /** * Returns data set. * * @returns Data set. */ get dataset() { return (__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _HTMLElement_dataset, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _HTMLElement_dataset, "f") ?? new Dataset(this), "f")).proxy; } /** * Returns direction. * * @returns Direction. */ get dir() { return this.getAttribute('dir') || ''; } /** * Returns direction. * * @param direction Direction. */ set dir(direction) { this.setAttribute('dir', direction); } /** * Returns hidden. * * @returns Hidden. */ get hidden() { return this.getAttribute('hidden') !== null; } /** * Returns hidden. * * @param hidden Hidden. */ set hidden(hidden) { if (!hidden) { this.removeAttribute('hidden'); } else { this.setAttribute('hidden', ''); } } /** * Returns language. * * @returns Language. */ get lang() { return this.getAttribute('lang') || ''; } /** * Returns language. * * @param language Language. */ set lang(lang) { this.setAttribute('lang', lang); } /** * Returns title. * * @returns Title. */ get title() { return this.getAttribute('title') || ''; } /** * Returns title. * * @param title Title. */ set title(title) { this.setAttribute('title', title); } /** * Triggers a click event. */ click() { const event = new PointerEvent('click', { bubbles: true, composed: true }); event[] = this; event[PropertySymbol.currentTarget] = this; this.dispatchEvent(event); } /** * Triggers a blur event. */ blur() { HTMLElementUtility.blur(this); } /** * Triggers a focus event. */ focus() { HTMLElementUtility.focus(this); } /** * @override */ cloneNode(deep = false) { const clone = super.cloneNode(deep); clone[PropertySymbol.accessKey] = this[PropertySymbol.accessKey]; clone[PropertySymbol.contentEditable] = this[PropertySymbol.contentEditable]; clone[PropertySymbol.isContentEditable] = this[PropertySymbol.isContentEditable]; if (this[]) { = this[].cssText; } return clone; } /** * Connects this element to another element. * * @see * @param parentNode Parent node. */ [(_HTMLElement_dataset = new WeakMap(), _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback = new WeakMap(), _a = PropertySymbol.attributes, _b = PropertySymbol.accessKey, _c = PropertySymbol.contentEditable, _d = PropertySymbol.isContentEditable, _e = PropertySymbol.offsetHeight, _f = PropertySymbol.offsetWidth, _g = PropertySymbol.offsetLeft, _h = PropertySymbol.offsetTop, _j = PropertySymbol.clientHeight, _k = PropertySymbol.clientWidth, _l = PropertySymbol.clientLeft, _m = PropertySymbol.clientTop, _o =, PropertySymbol.connectToNode)](parentNode = null) { const localName = this[PropertySymbol.localName]; // This element can potentially be a custom element that has not been defined yet // Therefore we need to register a callback for when it is defined in CustomElementRegistry and replace it with the registered element (see #404) if (this.constructor === HTMLElement && localName.includes('-') && this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.ownerWindow].customElements[PropertySymbol.callbacks]) { const callbacks = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.ownerWindow].customElements[PropertySymbol.callbacks]; if (parentNode && !__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback, "f")) { const callback = () => { if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode]) { const newElement = (this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement(localName)); newElement[PropertySymbol.childNodes] = this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]; newElement[PropertySymbol.children] = this[PropertySymbol.children]; newElement[PropertySymbol.isConnected] = this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]; newElement[PropertySymbol.rootNode] = this[PropertySymbol.rootNode]; newElement[PropertySymbol.formNode] = this[PropertySymbol.formNode]; newElement[PropertySymbol.selectNode] = this[PropertySymbol.selectNode]; newElement[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode] = this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]; newElement[PropertySymbol.observers] = this[PropertySymbol.observers]; newElement[PropertySymbol.isValue] = this[PropertySymbol.isValue]; for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.attributes].length; i < max; i++) { newElement[PropertySymbol.attributes].setNamedItem(this[PropertySymbol.attributes][i]); } this[PropertySymbol.childNodes] = new NodeList(); this[PropertySymbol.children] = new HTMLCollection(); this[PropertySymbol.rootNode] = null; this[PropertySymbol.formNode] = null; this[PropertySymbol.selectNode] = null; this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode] = null; this[PropertySymbol.observers] = []; this[PropertySymbol.isValue] = null; this[PropertySymbol.attributes] = new HTMLElementNamedNodeMap(this); for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes] .length; i < max; i++) { if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes][i] === this) { this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes][i] = newElement; break; } } if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.children]) { for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.children] .length; i < max; i++) { if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.children][i] === this) { this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.children][i] = newElement; break; } } } if (newElement[PropertySymbol.isConnected] && newElement.connectedCallback) { newElement.connectedCallback(); } this[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](null); } }; callbacks[localName] = callbacks[localName] || []; callbacks[localName].push(callback); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback, callback, "f"); } else if (!parentNode && callbacks[localName] && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback, "f")) { const index = callbacks[localName].indexOf(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback, "f")); if (index !== -1) { callbacks[localName].splice(index, 1); } if (!callbacks[localName].length) { delete callbacks[localName]; } __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _HTMLElement_customElementDefineCallback, null, "f"); } } super[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](parentNode); } } //#