import DOMException from '../../exception/DOMException.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; const VALID_REFERRER_POLICIES = [ '', 'no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'same-origin', 'origin', 'strict-origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url' ]; const VALID_REDIRECTS = ['error', 'manual', 'follow']; const SUPPORTED_SCHEMAS = ['data:', 'http:', 'https:']; const FORBIDDEN_REQUEST_METHODS = ['TRACE', 'TRACK', 'CONNECT']; const REQUEST_METHOD_REGEXP = /^[A-Z]+$/; /** * Fetch request validation utility. */ export default class FetchRequestValidationUtility { /** * Validates request method. * * @throws DOMException * @param request Request. */ static validateMethod(request) { if (!request.method || FORBIDDEN_REQUEST_METHODS.includes(request.method)) { throw new DOMException(`'${request.method || ''}' is not a valid HTTP method.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError); } if (!REQUEST_METHOD_REGEXP.test(request.method)) { throw new DOMException(`'${request.method}' HTTP method is unsupported.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError); } } /** * Validates request body. * * @throws DOMException * @param request Request. */ static validateBody(request) { if (request.body && (request.method === 'GET' || request.method === 'HEAD')) { throw new DOMException(`Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError); } } /** * Validates request URL. * * @throws DOMException * @param url URL. */ static validateURL(url) { if (url.username !== '' || url.password !== '') { throw new DOMException(`${url} is an url with embedded credentials.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.notSupportedError); } } /** * Validates request referrer policy. * * @throws DOMException * @param referrerPolicy Referrer policy. */ static validateReferrerPolicy(referrerPolicy) { if (!VALID_REFERRER_POLICIES.includes(referrerPolicy)) { throw new DOMException(`Invalid referrer policy "${referrerPolicy}".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.syntaxError); } } /** * Validates request redirect. * * @throws DOMException * @param redirect Redirect. */ static validateRedirect(redirect) { if (!VALID_REDIRECTS.includes(redirect)) { throw new DOMException(`Invalid redirect "${redirect}".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.syntaxError); } } /** * Validates request redirect. * * @throws DOMException * @param request * @param redirect Redirect. */ static validateSchema(request) { if (!SUPPORTED_SCHEMAS.includes(request[PropertySymbol.url].protocol)) { throw new DOMException(`Failed to fetch from "${request.url}": URL scheme "${request[PropertySymbol.url].protocol.replace(/:$/, '')}" is not supported.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.notSupportedError); } } } //#