"use strict"; var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); }; var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; }; var _PreflightResponseCache_entries; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Fetch preflight response cache. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Preflight_request */ class PreflightResponseCache { constructor() { _PreflightResponseCache_entries.set(this, {}); } /** * Returns cached response. * * @param request Request. * @returns Cached response. */ get(request) { const cachedResponse = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _PreflightResponseCache_entries, "f")[request.url]; if (cachedResponse) { if (cachedResponse.expires < Date.now()) { delete __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _PreflightResponseCache_entries, "f")[request.url]; return null; } return cachedResponse; } return null; } /** * Adds a cache entity. * * @param request Request. * @param response Response. * @returns Cached response. */ add(request, response) { delete __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _PreflightResponseCache_entries, "f")[request.url]; if (request.headers.get('Cache-Control')?.includes('no-cache')) { return null; } if (response.status < 200 || response.status >= 300) { return null; } const maxAge = response.headers.get('Access-Control-Max-Age'); const allowOrigin = response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin'); if (!maxAge || !allowOrigin) { return null; } const allowMethods = []; if (response.headers.has('Access-Control-Allow-Methods')) { const allowMethodsHeader = response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Methods'); if (allowMethodsHeader !== '*') { for (const method of response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Methods').split(',')) { allowMethods.push(method.trim().toUpperCase()); } } } const cachedResponse = { allowOrigin, allowMethods, expires: Date.now() + parseInt(maxAge) * 1000 }; if (isNaN(cachedResponse.expires) || cachedResponse.expires < Date.now()) { return null; } __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _PreflightResponseCache_entries, "f")[request.url] = cachedResponse; return cachedResponse; } /** * Clears the cache. */ clear() { __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _PreflightResponseCache_entries, {}, "f"); } } _PreflightResponseCache_entries = new WeakMap(); exports.default = PreflightResponseCache; //# sourceMappingURL=PreflightResponseCache.cjs.map