const bits = require('bit-twiddle') const tokenize = require('glsl-tokenizer/string') const HEADLESS_VERSION = require('../../package.json').version const { gl, NativeWebGLRenderingContext, NativeWebGL } = require('./native-gl') const { getANGLEInstancedArrays } = require('./extensions/angle-instanced-arrays') const { getOESElementIndexUint } = require('./extensions/oes-element-index-unit') const { getOESStandardDerivatives } = require('./extensions/oes-standard-derivatives') const { getOESTextureFloat } = require('./extensions/oes-texture-float') const { getOESTextureFloatLinear } = require('./extensions/oes-texture-float-linear') const { getSTACKGLDestroyContext } = require('./extensions/stackgl-destroy-context') const { getSTACKGLResizeDrawingBuffer } = require('./extensions/stackgl-resize-drawing-buffer') const { getWebGLDrawBuffers } = require('./extensions/webgl-draw-buffers') const { getEXTBlendMinMax } = require('./extensions/ext-blend-minmax') const { getEXTTextureFilterAnisotropic } = require('./extensions/ext-texture-filter-anisotropic') const { getOESVertexArrayObject } = require('./extensions/oes-vertex-array-object') const { bindPublics, checkObject, checkUniform, formatSize, isValidString, typeSize, uniformTypeSize, extractImageData, vertexCount, isTypedArray, unpackTypedArray, convertPixels, checkFormat, validCubeTarget } = require('./utils') const { WebGLActiveInfo } = require('./webgl-active-info') const { WebGLFramebuffer } = require('./webgl-framebuffer') const { WebGLBuffer } = require('./webgl-buffer') const { WebGLDrawingBufferWrapper } = require('./webgl-drawing-buffer-wrapper') const { WebGLProgram } = require('./webgl-program') const { WebGLRenderbuffer } = require('./webgl-renderbuffer') const { WebGLShader } = require('./webgl-shader') const { WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat } = require('./webgl-shader-precision-format') const { WebGLTexture } = require('./webgl-texture') const { WebGLUniformLocation } = require('./webgl-uniform-location') // These are defined by the WebGL spec const MAX_UNIFORM_LENGTH = 256 const MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH = 256 const DEFAULT_ATTACHMENTS = [ gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT ] const DEFAULT_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS = [gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0] const availableExtensions = { angle_instanced_arrays: getANGLEInstancedArrays, oes_element_index_uint: getOESElementIndexUint, oes_texture_float: getOESTextureFloat, oes_texture_float_linear: getOESTextureFloatLinear, oes_standard_derivatives: getOESStandardDerivatives, oes_vertex_array_object: getOESVertexArrayObject, stackgl_destroy_context: getSTACKGLDestroyContext, stackgl_resize_drawingbuffer: getSTACKGLResizeDrawingBuffer, webgl_draw_buffers: getWebGLDrawBuffers, ext_blend_minmax: getEXTBlendMinMax, ext_texture_filter_anisotropic: getEXTTextureFilterAnisotropic } const privateMethods = [ 'resize', 'destroy' ] function wrapContext (ctx) { const wrapper = new WebGLRenderingContext() bindPublics(Object.keys(ctx), wrapper, ctx, privateMethods) bindPublics(Object.keys(ctx.constructor.prototype), wrapper, ctx, privateMethods) bindPublics(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ctx), wrapper, ctx, privateMethods) bindPublics(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ctx.constructor.prototype), wrapper, ctx, privateMethods) Object.defineProperties(wrapper, { drawingBufferWidth: { get () { return ctx.drawingBufferWidth }, set (value) { ctx.drawingBufferWidth = value } }, drawingBufferHeight: { get () { return ctx.drawingBufferHeight }, set (value) { ctx.drawingBufferHeight = value } } }) return wrapper } // We need to wrap some of the native WebGL functions to handle certain error codes and check input values class WebGLRenderingContext extends NativeWebGLRenderingContext { _checkDimensions ( target, width, height, level) { if (level < 0 || width < 0 || height < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } if (target === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { if (width > this._maxTextureSize || height > this._maxTextureSize || level > this._maxTextureLevel) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } } else if (this._validCubeTarget(target)) { if (width > this._maxCubeMapSize || height > this._maxCubeMapSize || level > this._maxCubeMapLevel) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return false } return true } _checkLocation (location) { if (!(location instanceof WebGLUniformLocation)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } else if (location._program._ctx !== this || location._linkCount !== location._program._linkCount) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } return true } _checkLocationActive (location) { if (!location) { return false } else if (!this._checkLocation(location)) { return false } else if (location._program !== this._activeProgram) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } return true } _checkOwns (object) { return typeof object === 'object' && object._ctx === this } _checkShaderSource (shader) { const source = shader._source const tokens = tokenize(source) let errorStatus = false const errorLog = [] for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { const tok = tokens[i] switch (tok.type) { case 'ident': if (!this._validGLSLIdentifier( { errorStatus = true errorLog.push(tok.line + ':' + tok.column + ' invalid identifier - ' + } break case 'preprocessor': { const bodyToks = tokenize(^\s*#\s*(.*)$/)[1]) for (let j = 0; j < bodyToks.length; ++j) { const btok = bodyToks[j] if (btok.type === 'ident' || btok.type === undefined) { if (!this._validGLSLIdentifier( { errorStatus = true errorLog.push(tok.line + ':' + btok.column + ' invalid identifier - ' + } } } break } case 'keyword': switch ( { case 'do': errorStatus = true errorLog.push(tok.line + ':' + tok.column + ' do not supported') break } break case 'builtin': switch ( { case 'dFdx': case 'dFdy': case 'fwidth': if (!this._extensions.oes_standard_derivatives) { errorStatus = true errorLog.push(tok.line + ':' + tok.column + ' ' + + ' not supported') } break } } } if (errorStatus) { shader._compileInfo = errorLog.join('\n') } return !errorStatus } _checkStencilState () { if (!this._checkStencil) { return this._stencilState } this._checkStencil = false this._stencilState = true if (this.getParameter(gl.STENCIL_WRITEMASK) !== this.getParameter(gl.STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK) || this.getParameter(gl.STENCIL_VALUE_MASK) !== this.getParameter(gl.STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK) || this.getParameter(gl.STENCIL_REF) !== this.getParameter(gl.STENCIL_BACK_REF)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) this._stencilState = false } return this._stencilState } _checkTextureTarget (target) { const unit = this._getActiveTextureUnit() let tex = null if (target === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { tex = unit._bind2D } else if (target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { tex = unit._bindCube } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return false } if (!tex) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } return true } _checkWrapper (object, Wrapper) { if (!this._checkValid(object, Wrapper)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } else if (!this._checkOwns(object)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } return true } _checkValid (object, Type) { return object instanceof Type && object._ !== 0 } _checkVertexAttribState (maxIndex) { const program = this._activeProgram if (!program) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } const attribs = this._vertexObjectState._attribs for (let i = 0; i < attribs.length; ++i) { const attrib = attribs[i] if (attrib._isPointer) { const buffer = attrib._pointerBuffer if (!buffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } if (program._attributes.indexOf(i) >= 0) { let maxByte = 0 if (attrib._divisor) { maxByte = attrib._pointerSize + attrib._pointerOffset } else { maxByte = attrib._pointerStride * maxIndex + attrib._pointerSize + attrib._pointerOffset } if (maxByte > buffer._size) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } } } } return true } _checkVertexIndex (index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this._vertexObjectState._attribs.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } return true } _computePixelSize (type, internalFormat) { const pixelSize = formatSize(internalFormat) if (pixelSize === 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return 0 } switch (type) { case gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE: return pixelSize case gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: if (internalFormat !== gl.RGB) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) break } return 2 case gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: case gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: if (internalFormat !== gl.RGBA) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) break } return 2 case gl.FLOAT: return 1 } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return 0 } _computeRowStride (width, pixelSize) { let rowStride = width * pixelSize if (rowStride % this._unpackAlignment) { rowStride += this._unpackAlignment - (rowStride % this._unpackAlignment) } return rowStride } _fixupLink (program) { if (!super.getProgramParameter(program._, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { program._linkInfoLog = super.getProgramInfoLog(program) return false } // Record attribute attributeLocations const numAttribs = this.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES) const names = new Array(numAttribs) program._attributes.length = numAttribs for (let i = 0; i < numAttribs; ++i) { names[i] = this.getActiveAttrib(program, i).name program._attributes[i] = this.getAttribLocation(program, names[i]) | 0 } // Check attribute names for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { if (names[i].length > MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH) { program._linkInfoLog = 'attribute ' + names[i] + ' is too long' return false } } for (let i = 0; i < numAttribs; ++i) { super.bindAttribLocation( program._ | 0, program._attributes[i], names[i]) } super.linkProgram(program._ | 0) const numUniforms = this.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS) program._uniforms.length = numUniforms for (let i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i) { program._uniforms[i] = this.getActiveUniform(program, i) } // Check attribute and uniform name lengths for (let i = 0; i < program._uniforms.length; ++i) { if (program._uniforms[i].name.length > MAX_UNIFORM_LENGTH) { program._linkInfoLog = 'uniform ' + program._uniforms[i].name + ' is too long' return false } } program._linkInfoLog = '' return true } _framebufferOk () { const framebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (framebuffer && this._preCheckFramebufferStatus(framebuffer) !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION) return false } return true } _getActiveBuffer (target) { if (target === gl.ARRAY_BUFFER) { return this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding } else if (target === gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { return this._vertexObjectState._elementArrayBufferBinding } return null } _getActiveTextureUnit () { return this._textureUnits[this._activeTextureUnit] } _getActiveTexture (target) { const activeUnit = this._getActiveTextureUnit() if (target === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { return activeUnit._bind2D } else if (target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { return activeUnit._bindCube } return null } _getAttachments () { return this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers ? this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers._ALL_ATTACHMENTS : DEFAULT_ATTACHMENTS } _getColorAttachments () { return this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers ? this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers._ALL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS : DEFAULT_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS } _getParameterDirect (pname) { return super.getParameter(pname) } _getTexImage (target) { const unit = this._getActiveTextureUnit() if (target === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { return unit._bind2D } else if (validCubeTarget(target)) { return unit._bindCube } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } _preCheckFramebufferStatus (framebuffer) { const attachments = framebuffer._attachments const width = [] const height = [] const depthAttachment = attachments[gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT] const depthStencilAttachment = attachments[gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT] const stencilAttachment = attachments[gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT] if ((depthStencilAttachment && (stencilAttachment || depthAttachment)) || (stencilAttachment && depthAttachment)) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED } const colorAttachments = this._getColorAttachments() let colorAttachmentCount = 0 for (const attachmentEnum in attachments) { if (attachments[attachmentEnum] && colorAttachments.indexOf(attachmentEnum * 1) !== -1) { colorAttachmentCount++ } } if (colorAttachmentCount === 0) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT } if (depthStencilAttachment instanceof WebGLTexture) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED } else if (depthStencilAttachment instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer) { if (depthStencilAttachment._format !== gl.DEPTH_STENCIL) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } width.push(depthStencilAttachment._width) height.push(depthStencilAttachment._height) } if (depthAttachment instanceof WebGLTexture) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED } else if (depthAttachment instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer) { if (depthAttachment._format !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } width.push(depthAttachment._width) height.push(depthAttachment._height) } if (stencilAttachment instanceof WebGLTexture) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED } else if (stencilAttachment instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer) { if (stencilAttachment._format !== gl.STENCIL_INDEX8) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } width.push(stencilAttachment._width) height.push(stencilAttachment._height) } let colorAttached = false for (let i = 0; i < colorAttachments.length; ++i) { const colorAttachment = attachments[colorAttachments[i]] if (colorAttachment instanceof WebGLTexture) { if (colorAttachment._format !== gl.RGBA || !(colorAttachment._type === gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE || colorAttachment._type === gl.FLOAT)) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } colorAttached = true const level = framebuffer._attachmentLevel[gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0] width.push(colorAttachment._levelWidth[level]) height.push(colorAttachment._levelHeight[level]) } else if (colorAttachment instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer) { const format = colorAttachment._format if (format !== gl.RGBA4 && format !== gl.RGB565 && format !== gl.RGB5_A1) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } colorAttached = true width.push(colorAttachment._width) height.push(colorAttachment._height) } } if (!colorAttached && !stencilAttachment && !depthAttachment && !depthStencilAttachment) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT } if (width.length <= 0 || height.length <= 0) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } for (let i = 1; i < width.length; ++i) { if (width[i - 1] !== width[i] || height[i - 1] !== height[i]) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS } } if (width[0] === 0 || height[0] === 0) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT } framebuffer._width = width[0] framebuffer._height = height[0] return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE } _isConstantBlendFunc (factor) { return ( factor === gl.CONSTANT_COLOR || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR || factor === gl.CONSTANT_ALPHA || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA) } _isObject (object, method, Wrapper) { if (!(object === null || object === undefined) && !(object instanceof Wrapper)) { throw new TypeError(method + '(' + + ')') } if (this._checkValid(object, Wrapper) && this._checkOwns(object)) { return true } return false } _resizeDrawingBuffer (width, height) { const prevFramebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer const prevTexture = this._getActiveTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D) const prevRenderbuffer = this._activeRenderbuffer const contextAttributes = this._contextAttributes const drawingBuffer = this._drawingBuffer super.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, drawingBuffer._framebuffer) const attachments = this._getAttachments() // Clear all attachments for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { super.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachments[i], gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0) } // Update color attachment super.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, drawingBuffer._color) const colorFormat = contextAttributes.alpha ? gl.RGBA : gl.RGB super.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, colorFormat, width, height, 0, colorFormat, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null) super.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST) super.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST) super.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, drawingBuffer._color, 0) // Update depth-stencil attachments if needed let storage = 0 let attachment = 0 if (contextAttributes.depth && contextAttributes.stencil) { storage = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL attachment = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT } else if (contextAttributes.depth) { storage = 0x81A7 attachment = gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT } else if (contextAttributes.stencil) { storage = gl.STENCIL_INDEX8 attachment = gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT } if (storage) { super.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, drawingBuffer._depthStencil) super.renderbufferStorage( gl.RENDERBUFFER, storage, width, height) super.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, gl.RENDERBUFFER, drawingBuffer._depthStencil) } // Restore previous binding state this.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, prevFramebuffer) this.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, prevTexture) this.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, prevRenderbuffer) } _restoreError (lastError) { const topError = this._errorStack.pop() if (topError === gl.NO_ERROR) { this.setError(lastError) } else { this.setError(topError) } } _saveError () { this._errorStack.push(this.getError()) } _switchActiveProgram (active) { if (active) { active._refCount -= 1 active._checkDelete() } } _tryDetachFramebuffer (framebuffer, renderbuffer) { // FIXME: Does the texture get unbound from *all* framebuffers, or just the // active FBO? if (framebuffer && framebuffer._linked(renderbuffer)) { const attachments = this._getAttachments() const framebufferAttachments = Object.keys(framebuffer._attachments) for (let i = 0; i < framebufferAttachments.length; ++i) { if (framebuffer._attachments[attachments[i]] === renderbuffer) { this.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachments[i] | 0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, null) } } } } _updateFramebufferAttachments (framebuffer) { const prevStatus = framebuffer._status const attachments = this._getAttachments() framebuffer._status = this._preCheckFramebufferStatus(framebuffer) if (framebuffer._status !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { if (prevStatus === gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { const attachmentEnum = attachments[i] super.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachmentEnum, framebuffer._attachmentFace[attachmentEnum], 0, framebuffer._attachmentLevel[attachmentEnum]) } } return } for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { const attachmentEnum = attachments[i] super.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachmentEnum, framebuffer._attachmentFace[attachmentEnum], 0, framebuffer._attachmentLevel[attachmentEnum]) } for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { const attachmentEnum = attachments[i] const attachment = framebuffer._attachments[attachmentEnum] if (attachment instanceof WebGLTexture) { super.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachmentEnum, framebuffer._attachmentFace[attachmentEnum], attachment._ | 0, framebuffer._attachmentLevel[attachmentEnum]) } else if (attachment instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer) { super.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachmentEnum, gl.RENDERBUFFER, attachment._ | 0) } } } _validBlendFunc (factor) { return factor === gl.ZERO || factor === gl.ONE || factor === gl.SRC_COLOR || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR || factor === gl.DST_COLOR || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR || factor === gl.SRC_ALPHA || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA || factor === gl.DST_ALPHA || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA || factor === gl.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE || factor === gl.CONSTANT_COLOR || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR || factor === gl.CONSTANT_ALPHA || factor === gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA } _validBlendMode (mode) { return mode === gl.FUNC_ADD || mode === gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT || mode === gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT || (this._extensions.ext_blend_minmax && ( mode === this._extensions.ext_blend_minmax.MIN_EXT || mode === this._extensions.ext_blend_minmax.MAX_EXT)) } _validCubeTarget (target) { return target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X || target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X || target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y || target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y || target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z || target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z } _validFramebufferAttachment (attachment) { switch (attachment) { case gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: case gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: case gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: case gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: return true } if (this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers) { // eslint-disable-line const { webgl_draw_buffers } = this._extensions; // eslint-disable-line return attachment < (webgl_draw_buffers.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_WEBGL + webgl_draw_buffers._maxDrawBuffers) // eslint-disable-line } return false } _validGLSLIdentifier (str) { return !(str.indexOf('webgl_') === 0 || str.indexOf('_webgl_') === 0 || str.length > 256) } _validTextureTarget (target) { return target === gl.TEXTURE_2D || target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP } _verifyTextureCompleteness (target, pname, param) { const unit = this._getActiveTextureUnit() let texture = null if (target === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { texture = unit._bind2D } else if (this._validCubeTarget(target)) { texture = unit._bindCube } // oes_texture_float but not oes_texture_float_linear if (this._extensions.oes_texture_float && !this._extensions.oes_texture_float_linear && texture && texture._type === gl.FLOAT && (pname === gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER || pname === gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER) && (param === gl.LINEAR || param === gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST || param === gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR || param === gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR)) { texture._complete = false this.bindTexture(target, texture) return } if (texture && texture._complete === false) { texture._complete = true this.bindTexture(target, texture) } } _wrapShader (type, source) { // eslint-disable-line // the gl implementation seems to define `GL_OES_standard_derivatives` even when the extension is disabled // this behaviour causes one conformance test ('GL_OES_standard_derivatives defined in shaders when extension is disabled') to fail // by `undef`ing `GL_OES_standard_derivatives`, this appears to solve the issue if (!this._extensions.oes_standard_derivatives && /#ifdef\s+GL_OES_standard_derivatives/.test(source)) { source = '#undef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\n' + source } return this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers ? source : '#define gl_MaxDrawBuffers 1\n' + source // eslint-disable-line } _beginAttrib0Hack () { super.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._attrib0Buffer._) super.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[0]._data, gl.STREAM_DRAW) super.enableVertexAttribArray(0) super.vertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) super._vertexAttribDivisor(0, 1) } _endAttrib0Hack () { const attrib = this._vertexObjectState._attribs[0] if (attrib._pointerBuffer) { super.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, attrib._pointerBuffer._) } else { super.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) } super.vertexAttribPointer( 0, attrib._inputSize, attrib._pointerType, attrib._pointerNormal, attrib._inputStride, attrib._pointerOffset) super._vertexAttribDivisor(0, attrib._divisor) super.disableVertexAttribArray(0) if (this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding) { super.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding._) } else { super.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) } } activeTexture (texture) { texture |= 0 const texNum = texture - gl.TEXTURE0 if (texNum >= 0 && texNum < this._textureUnits.length) { this._activeTextureUnit = texNum return super.activeTexture(texture) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } attachShader (program, shader) { if (!checkObject(program) || !checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('attachShader(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)') } if (!program || !shader) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } else if (program instanceof WebGLProgram && shader instanceof WebGLShader && this._checkOwns(program) && this._checkOwns(shader)) { if (!program._linked(shader)) { this._saveError() super.attachShader( program._ | 0, shader._ | 0) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error === gl.NO_ERROR) { program._link(shader) } return } } this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) } bindAttribLocation (program, index, name) { if (!checkObject(program) || typeof name !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('bindAttribLocation(WebGLProgram, GLint, String)') } name += '' if (!isValidString(name) || name.length > MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } else if (/^_?webgl_a/.test(name)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { return super.bindAttribLocation( program._ | 0, index | 0, name) } } bindFramebuffer (target, framebuffer) { if (!checkObject(framebuffer)) { throw new TypeError('bindFramebuffer(GLenum, WebGLFramebuffer)') } if (target !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (!framebuffer) { super.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._drawingBuffer._framebuffer) } else if (framebuffer._pendingDelete) { return } else if (this._checkWrapper(framebuffer, WebGLFramebuffer)) { super.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer._ | 0) } else { return } const activeFramebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (activeFramebuffer !== framebuffer) { if (activeFramebuffer) { activeFramebuffer._refCount -= 1 activeFramebuffer._checkDelete() } if (framebuffer) { framebuffer._refCount += 1 } } this._activeFramebuffer = framebuffer if (framebuffer) { this._updateFramebufferAttachments(framebuffer) } } bindBuffer (target, buffer) { target |= 0 if (!checkObject(buffer)) { throw new TypeError('bindBuffer(GLenum, WebGLBuffer)') } if (target !== gl.ARRAY_BUFFER && target !== gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (!buffer) { buffer = null super.bindBuffer(target, 0) } else if (buffer._pendingDelete) { return } else if (this._checkWrapper(buffer, WebGLBuffer)) { if (buffer._binding && buffer._binding !== target) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } buffer._binding = target | 0 super.bindBuffer(target, buffer._ | 0) } else { return } if (target === gl.ARRAY_BUFFER) { // Buffers of type ARRAY_BUFFER are bound to the global vertex state. this._vertexGlobalState.setArrayBuffer(buffer) } else { // Buffers of type ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER are bound to vertex array object state. this._vertexObjectState.setElementArrayBuffer(buffer) } } bindRenderbuffer (target, object) { if (!checkObject(object)) { throw new TypeError('bindRenderbuffer(GLenum, WebGLRenderbuffer)') } if (target !== gl.RENDERBUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (!object) { super.bindRenderbuffer( target | 0, 0) } else if (object._pendingDelete) { return } else if (this._checkWrapper(object, WebGLRenderbuffer)) { super.bindRenderbuffer( target | 0, object._ | 0) } else { return } const active = this._activeRenderbuffer if (active !== object) { if (active) { active._refCount -= 1 active._checkDelete() } if (object) { object._refCount += 1 } } this._activeRenderbuffer = object } bindTexture (target, texture) { target |= 0 if (!checkObject(texture)) { throw new TypeError('bindTexture(GLenum, WebGLTexture)') } if (!this._validTextureTarget(target)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } // Get texture id let textureId = 0 if (!texture) { texture = null } else if (texture instanceof WebGLTexture && texture._pendingDelete) { // Special case: error codes for deleted textures don't get set for some dumb reason return } else if (this._checkWrapper(texture, WebGLTexture)) { // Check binding mode of texture if (texture._binding && texture._binding !== target) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } texture._binding = target if (texture._complete) { textureId = texture._ | 0 } } else { return } this._saveError() super.bindTexture( target, textureId) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error !== gl.NO_ERROR) { return } const activeUnit = this._getActiveTextureUnit() const activeTex = this._getActiveTexture(target) // Update references if (activeTex !== texture) { if (activeTex) { activeTex._refCount -= 1 activeTex._checkDelete() } if (texture) { texture._refCount += 1 } } if (target === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { activeUnit._bind2D = texture } else if (target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { activeUnit._bindCube = texture } } blendColor (red, green, blue, alpha) { return super.blendColor(+red, +green, +blue, +alpha) } blendEquation (mode) { mode |= 0 if (this._validBlendMode(mode)) { return super.blendEquation(mode) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } blendEquationSeparate (modeRGB, modeAlpha) { modeRGB |= 0 modeAlpha |= 0 if (this._validBlendMode(modeRGB) && this._validBlendMode(modeAlpha)) { return super.blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } createBuffer () { const id = super.createBuffer() if (id <= 0) return null const webGLBuffer = new WebGLBuffer(id, this) this._buffers[id] = webGLBuffer return webGLBuffer } createFramebuffer () { const id = super.createFramebuffer() if (id <= 0) return null const webGLFramebuffer = new WebGLFramebuffer(id, this) this._framebuffers[id] = webGLFramebuffer return webGLFramebuffer } createProgram () { const id = super.createProgram() if (id <= 0) return null const webGLProgram = new WebGLProgram(id, this) this._programs[id] = webGLProgram return webGLProgram } createRenderbuffer () { const id = super.createRenderbuffer() if (id <= 0) return null const webGLRenderbuffer = new WebGLRenderbuffer(id, this) this._renderbuffers[id] = webGLRenderbuffer return webGLRenderbuffer } createTexture () { const id = super.createTexture() if (id <= 0) return null const webGlTexture = new WebGLTexture(id, this) this._textures[id] = webGlTexture return webGlTexture } getContextAttributes () { return this._contextAttributes } getExtension (name) { const str = name.toLowerCase() if (str in this._extensions) { return this._extensions[str] } const ext = availableExtensions[str] ? availableExtensions[str](this) : null if (ext) { this._extensions[str] = ext } return ext } getSupportedExtensions () { const exts = [ 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays', 'STACKGL_resize_drawingbuffer', 'STACKGL_destroy_context' ] const supportedExts = super.getSupportedExtensions() if (supportedExts.indexOf('GL_OES_element_index_uint') >= 0) { exts.push('OES_element_index_uint') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('GL_OES_standard_derivatives') >= 0) { exts.push('OES_standard_derivatives') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('GL_OES_texture_float') >= 0) { exts.push('OES_texture_float') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('GL_OES_texture_float_linear') >= 0) { exts.push('OES_texture_float_linear') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('EXT_draw_buffers') >= 0) { exts.push('WEBGL_draw_buffers') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('EXT_blend_minmax') >= 0) { exts.push('EXT_blend_minmax') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') >= 0) { exts.push('EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') } if (supportedExts.indexOf('GL_OES_vertex_array_object') >= 0) { exts.push('OES_vertex_array_object') } return exts } setError (error) {, error | 0) } blendFunc (sfactor, dfactor) { sfactor |= 0 dfactor |= 0 if (!this._validBlendFunc(sfactor) || !this._validBlendFunc(dfactor)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (this._isConstantBlendFunc(sfactor) && this._isConstantBlendFunc(dfactor)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } super.blendFunc(sfactor, dfactor) } blendFuncSeparate ( srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) { srcRGB |= 0 dstRGB |= 0 srcAlpha |= 0 dstAlpha |= 0 if (!(this._validBlendFunc(srcRGB) && this._validBlendFunc(dstRGB) && this._validBlendFunc(srcAlpha) && this._validBlendFunc(dstAlpha))) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if ((this._isConstantBlendFunc(srcRGB) && this._isConstantBlendFunc(dstRGB)) || (this._isConstantBlendFunc(srcAlpha) && this._isConstantBlendFunc(dstAlpha))) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } super.blendFuncSeparate( srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) } bufferData (target, data, usage) { target |= 0 usage |= 0 if (usage !== gl.STREAM_DRAW && usage !== gl.STATIC_DRAW && usage !== gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (target !== gl.ARRAY_BUFFER && target !== gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } const active = this._getActiveBuffer(target) if (!active) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (typeof data === 'object') { let u8Data = null if (isTypedArray(data) || data instanceof DataView) { u8Data = unpackTypedArray(data) } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { u8Data = new Uint8Array(data) } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } this._saveError() super.bufferData( target, u8Data, usage) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error !== gl.NO_ERROR) { return } active._size = u8Data.length if (target === gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { active._elements = new Uint8Array(u8Data) } } else if (typeof data === 'number') { const size = data | 0 if (size < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } this._saveError() super.bufferData( target, size, usage) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error !== gl.NO_ERROR) { return } active._size = size if (target === gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { active._elements = new Uint8Array(size) } } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } } bufferSubData (target, offset, data) { target |= 0 offset |= 0 if (target !== gl.ARRAY_BUFFER && target !== gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (data === null) { return } if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } const active = this._getActiveBuffer(target) if (!active) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (offset < 0 || offset >= active._size) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } let u8Data = null if (isTypedArray(data) || data instanceof DataView) { u8Data = unpackTypedArray(data) } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { u8Data = new Uint8Array(data) } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (offset + u8Data.length > active._size) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (target === gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { active._elements.set(u8Data, offset) } super.bufferSubData( target, offset, u8Data) } checkFramebufferStatus (target) { if (target !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return 0 } const framebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (!framebuffer) { return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE } return this._preCheckFramebufferStatus(framebuffer) } clear (mask) { if (!this._framebufferOk()) { return } return super.clear(mask | 0) } clearColor (red, green, blue, alpha) { return super.clearColor(+red, +green, +blue, +alpha) } clearDepth (depth) { return super.clearDepth(+depth) } clearStencil (s) { this._checkStencil = false return super.clearStencil(s | 0) } colorMask (red, green, blue, alpha) { return super.colorMask(!!red, !!green, !!blue, !!alpha) } compileShader (shader) { if (!checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('compileShader(WebGLShader)') } if (this._checkWrapper(shader, WebGLShader) && this._checkShaderSource(shader)) { const prevError = this.getError() super.compileShader(shader._ | 0) const error = this.getError() shader._compileStatus = !!super.getShaderParameter( shader._ | 0, gl.COMPILE_STATUS) shader._compileInfo = super.getShaderInfoLog(shader._ | 0) this.getError() this.setError(prevError || error) } } copyTexImage2D ( target, level, internalFormat, x, y, width, height, border) { target |= 0 level |= 0 internalFormat |= 0 x |= 0 y |= 0 width |= 0 height |= 0 border |= 0 const texture = this._getTexImage(target) if (!texture) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (internalFormat !== gl.RGBA && internalFormat !== gl.RGB && internalFormat !== gl.ALPHA && internalFormat !== gl.LUMINANCE && internalFormat !== gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (level < 0 || width < 0 || height < 0 || border !== 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (level > 0 && !(bits.isPow2(width) && bits.isPow2(height))) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } this._saveError() super.copyTexImage2D( target, level, internalFormat, x, y, width, height, border) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error === gl.NO_ERROR) { texture._levelWidth[level] = width texture._levelHeight[level] = height texture._format = gl.RGBA texture._type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE } } copyTexSubImage2D ( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height) { target |= 0 level |= 0 xoffset |= 0 yoffset |= 0 x |= 0 y |= 0 width |= 0 height |= 0 const texture = this._getTexImage(target) if (!texture) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (width < 0 || height < 0 || xoffset < 0 || yoffset < 0 || level < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } super.copyTexSubImage2D( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height) } cullFace (mode) { return super.cullFace(mode | 0) } createShader (type) { type |= 0 if (type !== gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER && type !== gl.VERTEX_SHADER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } const id = super.createShader(type) if (id < 0) { return null } const result = new WebGLShader(id, this, type) this._shaders[id] = result return result } deleteProgram (object) { return this._deleteLinkable('deleteProgram', object, WebGLProgram) } deleteShader (object) { return this._deleteLinkable('deleteShader', object, WebGLShader) } _deleteLinkable (name, object, Type) { if (!checkObject(object)) { throw new TypeError(name + '(' + + ')') } if (object instanceof Type && this._checkOwns(object)) { object._pendingDelete = true object._checkDelete() return } this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) } deleteBuffer (buffer) { if (!checkObject(buffer) || (buffer !== null && !(buffer instanceof WebGLBuffer))) { throw new TypeError('deleteBuffer(WebGLBuffer)') } if (!(buffer instanceof WebGLBuffer && this._checkOwns(buffer))) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding === buffer) { this.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null) } if (this._vertexObjectState._elementArrayBufferBinding === buffer) { this.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null) } if (this._vertexObjectState === this._defaultVertexObjectState) { // If no vertex array object is bound, release attrib bindings for the // array buffer. this._vertexObjectState.releaseArrayBuffer(buffer) } buffer._pendingDelete = true buffer._checkDelete() } deleteFramebuffer (framebuffer) { if (!checkObject(framebuffer)) { throw new TypeError('deleteFramebuffer(WebGLFramebuffer)') } if (!(framebuffer instanceof WebGLFramebuffer && this._checkOwns(framebuffer))) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (this._activeFramebuffer === framebuffer) { this.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null) } framebuffer._pendingDelete = true framebuffer._checkDelete() } // Need to handle textures and render buffers as a special case: // When a texture gets deleted, we need to do the following extra steps: // 1. Is it bound to the current texture unit? // If so, then unbind it // 2. Is it attached to the active fbo? // If so, then detach it // // For renderbuffers only need to do second step // // After this, proceed with the usual deletion algorithm // deleteRenderbuffer (renderbuffer) { if (!checkObject(renderbuffer)) { throw new TypeError('deleteRenderbuffer(WebGLRenderbuffer)') } if (!(renderbuffer instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer && this._checkOwns(renderbuffer))) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (this._activeRenderbuffer === renderbuffer) { this.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null) } const activeFramebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer this._tryDetachFramebuffer(activeFramebuffer, renderbuffer) renderbuffer._pendingDelete = true renderbuffer._checkDelete() } deleteTexture (texture) { if (!checkObject(texture)) { throw new TypeError('deleteTexture(WebGLTexture)') } if (texture instanceof WebGLTexture) { if (!this._checkOwns(texture)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } } else { return } // Unbind from all texture units const curActive = this._activeTextureUnit for (let i = 0; i < this._textureUnits.length; ++i) { const unit = this._textureUnits[i] if (unit._bind2D === texture) { this.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i) this.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null) } else if (unit._bindCube === texture) { this.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i) this.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null) } } this.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + curActive) // FIXME: Does the texture get unbound from *all* framebuffers, or just the // active FBO? const ctx = this const activeFramebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer function tryDetach (framebuffer) { if (framebuffer && framebuffer._linked(texture)) { const attachments = ctx._getAttachments() for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { const attachment = attachments[i] if (framebuffer._attachments[attachment] === texture) { ctx.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, gl.TEXTURE_2D, null) } } } } tryDetach(activeFramebuffer) // Mark texture for deletion texture._pendingDelete = true texture._checkDelete() } depthFunc (func) { func |= 0 switch (func) { case gl.NEVER: case gl.LESS: case gl.EQUAL: case gl.LEQUAL: case gl.GREATER: case gl.NOTEQUAL: case gl.GEQUAL: case gl.ALWAYS: return super.depthFunc(func) default: this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } } depthMask (flag) { return super.depthMask(!!flag) } depthRange (zNear, zFar) { zNear = +zNear zFar = +zFar if (zNear <= zFar) { return super.depthRange(zNear, zFar) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) } destroy () { super.destroy() } detachShader (program, shader) { if (!checkObject(program) || !checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('detachShader(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)') } if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram) && this._checkWrapper(shader, WebGLShader)) { if (program._linked(shader)) { super.detachShader(program._, shader._) program._unlink(shader) } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) } } } disable (cap) { cap |= 0 super.disable(cap) if (cap === gl.TEXTURE_2D || cap === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { const active = this._getActiveTextureUnit() if (active._mode === cap) { active._mode = 0 } } } disableVertexAttribArray (index) { index |= 0 if (index < 0 || index >= this._vertexObjectState._attribs.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } super.disableVertexAttribArray(index) this._vertexObjectState._attribs[index]._isPointer = false } drawArrays (mode, first, count) { mode |= 0 first |= 0 count |= 0 if (first < 0 || count < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (!this._checkStencilState()) { return } const reducedCount = vertexCount(mode, count) if (reducedCount < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (!this._framebufferOk()) { return } if (count === 0) { return } let maxIndex = first if (count > 0) { maxIndex = (count + first - 1) >>> 0 } if (this._checkVertexAttribState(maxIndex)) { if ( this._vertexObjectState._attribs[0]._isPointer || ( this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers && this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers._buffersState && this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers._buffersState.length > 0 ) ) { return super.drawArrays(mode, first, reducedCount) } else { this._beginAttrib0Hack() super._drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, reducedCount, 1) this._endAttrib0Hack() } } } drawElements (mode, count, type, ioffset) { mode |= 0 count |= 0 type |= 0 ioffset |= 0 if (count < 0 || ioffset < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (!this._checkStencilState()) { return } const elementBuffer = this._vertexObjectState._elementArrayBufferBinding if (!elementBuffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } // Unpack element data let elementData = null let offset = ioffset if (type === gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT) { if (offset % 2) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } offset >>= 1 elementData = new Uint16Array(elementBuffer._elements.buffer) } else if (this._extensions.oes_element_index_uint && type === gl.UNSIGNED_INT) { if (offset % 4) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } offset >>= 2 elementData = new Uint32Array(elementBuffer._elements.buffer) } else if (type === gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE) { elementData = elementBuffer._elements } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } let reducedCount = count switch (mode) { case gl.TRIANGLES: if (count % 3) { reducedCount -= (count % 3) } break case gl.LINES: if (count % 2) { reducedCount -= (count % 2) } break case gl.POINTS: break case gl.LINE_LOOP: case gl.LINE_STRIP: if (count < 2) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } break case gl.TRIANGLE_FAN: case gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP: if (count < 3) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } break default: this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (!this._framebufferOk()) { return } if (count === 0) { this._checkVertexAttribState(0) return } if ((count + offset) >>> 0 > elementData.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } // Compute max index let maxIndex = -1 for (let i = offset; i < offset + count; ++i) { maxIndex = Math.max(maxIndex, elementData[i]) } if (maxIndex < 0) { this._checkVertexAttribState(0) return } if (this._checkVertexAttribState(maxIndex)) { if (reducedCount > 0) { if (this._vertexObjectState._attribs[0]._isPointer) { return super.drawElements(mode, reducedCount, type, ioffset) } else { this._beginAttrib0Hack() super._drawElementsInstanced(mode, reducedCount, type, ioffset, 1) this._endAttrib0Hack() } } } } enable (cap) { cap |= 0 super.enable(cap) } enableVertexAttribArray (index) { index |= 0 if (index < 0 || index >= this._vertexObjectState._attribs.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } super.enableVertexAttribArray(index) this._vertexObjectState._attribs[index]._isPointer = true } finish () { return super.finish() } flush () { return super.flush() } framebufferRenderbuffer ( target, attachment, renderbufferTarget, renderbuffer) { target = target | 0 attachment = attachment | 0 renderbufferTarget = renderbufferTarget | 0 if (!checkObject(renderbuffer)) { throw new TypeError('framebufferRenderbuffer(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, WebGLRenderbuffer)') } if (target !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER || !this._validFramebufferAttachment(attachment) || renderbufferTarget !== gl.RENDERBUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } const framebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (!framebuffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (renderbuffer && !this._checkWrapper(renderbuffer, WebGLRenderbuffer)) { return } framebuffer._setAttachment(renderbuffer, attachment) this._updateFramebufferAttachments(framebuffer) } framebufferTexture2D ( target, attachment, textarget, texture, level) { target |= 0 attachment |= 0 textarget |= 0 level |= 0 if (!checkObject(texture)) { throw new TypeError('framebufferTexture2D(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, WebGLTexture, GLint)') } // Check parameters are ok if (target !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER || !this._validFramebufferAttachment(attachment)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (level !== 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } // Check object ownership if (texture && !this._checkWrapper(texture, WebGLTexture)) { return } // Check texture target is ok if (textarget === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { if (texture && texture._binding !== gl.TEXTURE_2D) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } } else if (this._validCubeTarget(textarget)) { if (texture && texture._binding !== gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } // Check a framebuffer is actually bound const framebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (!framebuffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } framebuffer._attachmentLevel[attachment] = level framebuffer._attachmentFace[attachment] = textarget framebuffer._setAttachment(texture, attachment) this._updateFramebufferAttachments(framebuffer) } frontFace (mode) { return super.frontFace(mode | 0) } generateMipmap (target) { return super.generateMipmap(target | 0) | 0 } getActiveAttrib (program, index) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('getActiveAttrib(WebGLProgram)') } else if (!program) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { const info = super.getActiveAttrib(program._ | 0, index | 0) if (info) { return new WebGLActiveInfo(info) } } return null } getActiveUniform (program, index) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('getActiveUniform(WebGLProgram, GLint)') } else if (!program) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { const info = super.getActiveUniform(program._ | 0, index | 0) if (info) { return new WebGLActiveInfo(info) } } return null } getAttachedShaders (program) { if (!checkObject(program) || (typeof program === 'object' && program !== null && !(program instanceof WebGLProgram))) { throw new TypeError('getAttachedShaders(WebGLProgram)') } if (!program) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { const shaderArray = super.getAttachedShaders(program._ | 0) if (!shaderArray) { return null } const unboxedShaders = new Array(shaderArray.length) for (let i = 0; i < shaderArray.length; ++i) { unboxedShaders[i] = this._shaders[shaderArray[i]] } return unboxedShaders } return null } getAttribLocation (program, name) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('getAttribLocation(WebGLProgram, String)') } name += '' if (!isValidString(name) || name.length > MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { return super.getAttribLocation(program._ | 0, name + '') } return -1 } getParameter (pname) { pname |= 0 switch (pname) { case gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: return this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding case gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: return this._vertexObjectState._elementArrayBufferBinding case gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM: return this._activeProgram case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: return this._activeFramebuffer case gl.RENDERBUFFER_BINDING: return this._activeRenderbuffer case gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: return this._getActiveTextureUnit()._bind2D case gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP: return this._getActiveTextureUnit()._bindCube case gl.VERSION: return 'WebGL 1.0 stack-gl ' + HEADLESS_VERSION case gl.VENDOR: return 'stack-gl' case gl.RENDERER: return 'ANGLE' case gl.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: return 'WebGL GLSL ES 1.0 stack-gl' case gl.COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: return new Uint32Array(0) // Int arrays case gl.MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: case gl.SCISSOR_BOX: case gl.VIEWPORT: return new Int32Array(super.getParameter(pname)) // Float arrays case gl.ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE: case gl.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE: case gl.DEPTH_RANGE: case gl.BLEND_COLOR: case gl.COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: return new Float32Array(super.getParameter(pname)) case gl.COLOR_WRITEMASK: return super.getParameter(pname) case gl.DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: case gl.LINE_WIDTH: case gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR: case gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS: case gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE: return +super.getParameter(pname) case gl.BLEND: case gl.CULL_FACE: case gl.DEPTH_TEST: case gl.DEPTH_WRITEMASK: case gl.DITHER: case gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: case gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: case gl.SCISSOR_TEST: case gl.STENCIL_TEST: case gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL: case gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL: return !!super.getParameter(pname) case gl.ACTIVE_TEXTURE: case gl.ALPHA_BITS: case gl.BLEND_DST_ALPHA: case gl.BLEND_DST_RGB: case gl.BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: case gl.BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: case gl.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: case gl.BLEND_SRC_RGB: case gl.BLUE_BITS: case gl.CULL_FACE_MODE: case gl.DEPTH_BITS: case gl.DEPTH_FUNC: case gl.FRONT_FACE: case gl.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT: case gl.GREEN_BITS: case gl.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: case gl.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE: case gl.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS: case gl.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: case gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: case gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: case gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS: case gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: case gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: case gl.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: case gl.PACK_ALIGNMENT: case gl.RED_BITS: case gl.SAMPLE_BUFFERS: case gl.SAMPLES: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_FUNC: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_REF: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK: case gl.STENCIL_BITS: case gl.STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: case gl.STENCIL_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_FUNC: case gl.STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: case gl.STENCIL_REF: case gl.STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: case gl.STENCIL_WRITEMASK: case gl.SUBPIXEL_BITS: case gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: case gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL: return super.getParameter(pname) | 0 case gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: case gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: return super.getParameter(pname) default: if (this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers) { const ext = this._extensions.webgl_draw_buffers switch (pname) { case ext.DRAW_BUFFER0_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER1_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER2_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER3_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER4_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER5_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER6_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER7_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER8_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER9_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER10_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER11_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER12_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER13_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER14_WEBGL: case ext.DRAW_BUFFER15_WEBGL: if (ext._buffersState.length === 1 && ext._buffersState[0] === gl.BACK) { return gl.BACK } return super.getParameter(pname) case ext.MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_WEBGL: case ext.MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_WEBGL: return super.getParameter(pname) } } if (this._extensions.oes_standard_derivatives && pname === this._extensions.oes_standard_derivatives.FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_OES) { return super.getParameter(pname) } if (this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic && pname === this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { return super.getParameter(pname) } if (this._extensions.oes_vertex_array_object && pname === this._extensions.oes_vertex_array_object.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES) { return this._extensions.oes_vertex_array_object._activeVertexArrayObject } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } } getShaderPrecisionFormat ( shaderType, precisionType) { shaderType |= 0 precisionType |= 0 if (!(shaderType === gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER || shaderType === gl.VERTEX_SHADER) || !(precisionType === gl.LOW_FLOAT || precisionType === gl.MEDIUM_FLOAT || precisionType === gl.HIGH_FLOAT || precisionType === gl.LOW_INT || precisionType === gl.MEDIUM_INT || precisionType === gl.HIGH_INT)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } const format = super.getShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType) if (!format) { return null } return new WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat(format) } getBufferParameter (target, pname) { target |= 0 pname |= 0 if (target !== gl.ARRAY_BUFFER && target !== gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } switch (pname) { case gl.BUFFER_SIZE: case gl.BUFFER_USAGE: return super.getBufferParameter(target | 0, pname | 0) default: this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } } getError () { return super.getError() } getFramebufferAttachmentParameter (target, attachment, pname) { target |= 0 attachment |= 0 pname |= 0 if (target !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER || !this._validFramebufferAttachment(attachment)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } const framebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (!framebuffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return null } const object = framebuffer._attachments[attachment] if (object === null) { if (pname === gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE) { return gl.NONE } } else if (object instanceof WebGLTexture) { switch (pname) { case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME: return object case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE: return gl.TEXTURE case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL: return framebuffer._attachmentLevel[attachment] case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE: { const face = framebuffer._attachmentFace[attachment] if (face === gl.TEXTURE_2D) { return 0 } return face } } } else if (object instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer) { switch (pname) { case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME: return object case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE: return gl.RENDERBUFFER } } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } getProgramParameter (program, pname) { pname |= 0 if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('getProgramParameter(WebGLProgram, GLenum)') } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { switch (pname) { case gl.DELETE_STATUS: return program._pendingDelete case gl.LINK_STATUS: return program._linkStatus case gl.VALIDATE_STATUS: return !!super.getProgramParameter(program._, pname) case gl.ATTACHED_SHADERS: case gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES: case gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: return super.getProgramParameter(program._, pname) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } return null } getProgramInfoLog (program) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('getProgramInfoLog(WebGLProgram)') } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { return program._linkInfoLog } return null } getRenderbufferParameter (target, pname) { target |= 0 pname |= 0 if (target !== gl.RENDERBUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } const renderbuffer = this._activeRenderbuffer if (!renderbuffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return null } switch (pname) { case gl.RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT: return renderbuffer._format case gl.RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH: return renderbuffer._width case gl.RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT: return renderbuffer._height case gl.RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: case gl.RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE: case gl.RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE: case gl.RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE: case gl.RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE: case gl.RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE: case gl.RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE: return super.getRenderbufferParameter(target, pname) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } getShaderParameter (shader, pname) { pname |= 0 if (!checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('getShaderParameter(WebGLShader, GLenum)') } else if (this._checkWrapper(shader, WebGLShader)) { switch (pname) { case gl.DELETE_STATUS: return shader._pendingDelete case gl.COMPILE_STATUS: return shader._compileStatus case gl.SHADER_TYPE: return shader._type } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } return null } getShaderInfoLog (shader) { if (!checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('getShaderInfoLog(WebGLShader)') } else if (this._checkWrapper(shader, WebGLShader)) { return shader._compileInfo } return null } getShaderSource (shader) { if (!checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('Input to getShaderSource must be an object') } else if (this._checkWrapper(shader, WebGLShader)) { return shader._source } return null } getTexParameter (target, pname) { target |= 0 pname |= 0 if (!this._checkTextureTarget(target)) { return null } const unit = this._getActiveTextureUnit() if ((target === gl.TEXTURE_2D && !unit._bind2D) || (target === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP && !unit._bindCube)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return null } switch (pname) { case gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: case gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: case gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S: case gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T: return super.getTexParameter(target, pname) } if (this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic && pname === this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { return super.getTexParameter(target, pname) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } getUniform (program, location) { if (!checkObject(program) || !checkObject(location)) { throw new TypeError('getUniform(WebGLProgram, WebGLUniformLocation)') } else if (!program) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return null } else if (!location) { return null } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { if (!checkUniform(program, location)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return null } const data = super.getUniform(program._ | 0, location._ | 0) if (!data) { return null } switch (location._activeInfo.type) { case gl.FLOAT: return data[0] case gl.FLOAT_VEC2: return new Float32Array(data.slice(0, 2)) case gl.FLOAT_VEC3: return new Float32Array(data.slice(0, 3)) case gl.FLOAT_VEC4: return new Float32Array(data.slice(0, 4)) case gl.INT: return data[0] | 0 case gl.INT_VEC2: return new Int32Array(data.slice(0, 2)) case gl.INT_VEC3: return new Int32Array(data.slice(0, 3)) case gl.INT_VEC4: return new Int32Array(data.slice(0, 4)) case gl.BOOL: return !!data[0] case gl.BOOL_VEC2: return [!!data[0], !!data[1]] case gl.BOOL_VEC3: return [!!data[0], !!data[1], !!data[2]] case gl.BOOL_VEC4: return [!!data[0], !!data[1], !!data[2], !!data[3]] case gl.FLOAT_MAT2: return new Float32Array(data.slice(0, 4)) case gl.FLOAT_MAT3: return new Float32Array(data.slice(0, 9)) case gl.FLOAT_MAT4: return new Float32Array(data.slice(0, 16)) case gl.SAMPLER_2D: case gl.SAMPLER_CUBE: return data[0] | 0 default: return null } } return null } getUniformLocation (program, name) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('getUniformLocation(WebGLProgram, String)') } name += '' if (!isValidString(name)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { const loc = super.getUniformLocation(program._ | 0, name) if (loc >= 0) { let searchName = name if (/\[\d+\]$/.test(name)) { searchName = name.replace(/\[\d+\]$/, '[0]') } let info = null for (let i = 0; i < program._uniforms.length; ++i) { const infoItem = program._uniforms[i] if ( === searchName) { info = { size: infoItem.size, type: infoItem.type, name: } } } if (!info) { return null } const result = new WebGLUniformLocation( loc, program, info) // handle array case if (/\[0\]$/.test(name)) { const baseName = name.replace(/\[0\]$/, '') const arrayLocs = [] // if (offset < 0 || offset >= info.size) { // return null // } this._saveError() for (let i = 0; this.getError() === gl.NO_ERROR; ++i) { const xloc = super.getUniformLocation( program._ | 0, baseName + '[' + i + ']') if (this.getError() !== gl.NO_ERROR || xloc < 0) { break } arrayLocs.push(xloc) } this._restoreError(gl.NO_ERROR) result._array = arrayLocs } else if (/\[(\d+)\]$/.test(name)) { const offset = +(/\[(\d+)\]$/.exec(name))[1] if (offset < 0 || offset >= info.size) { return null } } return result } } return null } getVertexAttrib (index, pname) { index |= 0 pname |= 0 if (index < 0 || index >= this._vertexObjectState._attribs.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return null } const attrib = this._vertexObjectState._attribs[index] const vertexAttribValue = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data const extInstancing = this._extensions.angle_instanced_arrays if (extInstancing) { if (pname === extInstancing.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ANGLE) { return attrib._divisor } } switch (pname) { case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: return attrib._pointerBuffer case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED: return attrib._isPointer case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE: return attrib._inputSize case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE: return attrib._inputStride case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE: return attrib._pointerType case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED: return attrib._pointerNormal case gl.CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB: return new Float32Array(vertexAttribValue) default: this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } } getVertexAttribOffset (index, pname) { index |= 0 pname |= 0 if (index < 0 || index >= this._vertexObjectState._attribs.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return null } if (pname === gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER) { return this._vertexObjectState._attribs[index]._pointerOffset } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return null } } hint (target, mode) { target |= 0 mode |= 0 if (!( target === gl.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT || ( this._extensions.oes_standard_derivatives && target === this._extensions.oes_standard_derivatives.FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_OES ) )) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (mode !== gl.FASTEST && mode !== gl.NICEST && mode !== gl.DONT_CARE) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } return super.hint(target, mode) } isBuffer (object) { if (!this._isObject(object, 'isBuffer', WebGLBuffer)) return false return super.isBuffer(object._ | 0) } isFramebuffer (object) { if (!this._isObject(object, 'isFramebuffer', WebGLFramebuffer)) return false return super.isFramebuffer(object._ | 0) } isProgram (object) { if (!this._isObject(object, 'isProgram', WebGLProgram)) return false return super.isProgram(object._ | 0) } isRenderbuffer (object) { if (!this._isObject(object, 'isRenderbuffer', WebGLRenderbuffer)) return false return super.isRenderbuffer(object._ | 0) } isShader (object) { if (!this._isObject(object, 'isShader', WebGLShader)) return false return super.isShader(object._ | 0) } isTexture (object) { if (!this._isObject(object, 'isTexture', WebGLTexture)) return false return super.isTexture(object._ | 0) } isEnabled (cap) { return super.isEnabled(cap | 0) } lineWidth (width) { if (isNaN(width)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } return super.lineWidth(+width) } linkProgram (program) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('linkProgram(WebGLProgram)') } if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { program._linkCount += 1 program._attributes = [] const prevError = this.getError() super.linkProgram(program._ | 0) const error = this.getError() if (error === gl.NO_ERROR) { program._linkStatus = this._fixupLink(program) } this.getError() this.setError(prevError || error) } } pixelStorei (pname, param) { pname |= 0 param |= 0 if (pname === gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT) { if (param === 1 || param === 2 || param === 4 || param === 8) { this._unpackAlignment = param } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } } else if (pname === gl.PACK_ALIGNMENT) { if (param === 1 || param === 2 || param === 4 || param === 8) { this._packAlignment = param } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } } else if (pname === gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL) { if (!(param === gl.NONE || param === gl.BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } } return super.pixelStorei(pname, param) } polygonOffset (factor, units) { return super.polygonOffset(+factor, +units) } readPixels (x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels) { x |= 0 y |= 0 width |= 0 height |= 0 if (!(this._extensions.oes_texture_float && type === gl.FLOAT && format === gl.RGBA)) { if (format === gl.RGB || format === gl.ALPHA || type !== gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } else if (format !== gl.RGBA) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } else if ( width < 0 || height < 0 || !(pixels instanceof Uint8Array)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } } if (!this._framebufferOk()) { return } let rowStride = width * 4 if (rowStride % this._packAlignment !== 0) { rowStride += this._packAlignment - (rowStride % this._packAlignment) } const imageSize = rowStride * (height - 1) + width * 4 if (imageSize <= 0) { return } if (pixels.length < imageSize) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } // Handle reading outside the window let viewWidth = this.drawingBufferWidth let viewHeight = this.drawingBufferHeight if (this._activeFramebuffer) { viewWidth = this._activeFramebuffer._width viewHeight = this._activeFramebuffer._height } const pixelData = unpackTypedArray(pixels) if (x >= viewWidth || x + width <= 0 || y >= viewHeight || y + height <= 0) { for (let i = 0; i < pixelData.length; ++i) { pixelData[i] = 0 } } else if (x < 0 || x + width > viewWidth || y < 0 || y + height > viewHeight) { for (let i = 0; i < pixelData.length; ++i) { pixelData[i] = 0 } let nx = x let nWidth = width if (x < 0) { nWidth += x nx = 0 } if (nx + width > viewWidth) { nWidth = viewWidth - nx } let ny = y let nHeight = height if (y < 0) { nHeight += y ny = 0 } if (ny + height > viewHeight) { nHeight = viewHeight - ny } let nRowStride = nWidth * 4 if (nRowStride % this._packAlignment !== 0) { nRowStride += this._packAlignment - (nRowStride % this._packAlignment) } if (nWidth > 0 && nHeight > 0) { const subPixels = new Uint8Array(nRowStride * nHeight) super.readPixels( nx, ny, nWidth, nHeight, format, type, subPixels) const offset = 4 * (nx - x) + (ny - y) * rowStride for (let j = 0; j < nHeight; ++j) { for (let i = 0; i < nWidth; ++i) { for (let k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { pixelData[offset + j * rowStride + 4 * i + k] = subPixels[j * nRowStride + 4 * i + k] } } } } } else { super.readPixels( x, y, width, height, format, type, pixelData) } } renderbufferStorage ( target, internalFormat, width, height) { target |= 0 internalFormat |= 0 width |= 0 height |= 0 if (target !== gl.RENDERBUFFER) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } const renderbuffer = this._activeRenderbuffer if (!renderbuffer) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (internalFormat !== gl.RGBA4 && internalFormat !== gl.RGB565 && internalFormat !== gl.RGB5_A1 && internalFormat !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 && internalFormat !== gl.STENCIL_INDEX && internalFormat !== gl.STENCIL_INDEX8 && internalFormat !== gl.DEPTH_STENCIL) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } this._saveError() super.renderbufferStorage( target, internalFormat, width, height) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error !== gl.NO_ERROR) { return } renderbuffer._width = width renderbuffer._height = height renderbuffer._format = internalFormat const activeFramebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (activeFramebuffer) { let needsUpdate = false const attachments = this._getAttachments() for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { if (activeFramebuffer._attachments[attachments[i]] === renderbuffer) { needsUpdate = true break } } if (needsUpdate) { this._updateFramebufferAttachments(this._activeFramebuffer) } } } resize (width, height) { width = width | 0 height = height | 0 if (!(width > 0 && height > 0)) { throw new Error('Invalid surface dimensions') } else if (width !== this.drawingBufferWidth || height !== this.drawingBufferHeight) { this._resizeDrawingBuffer(width, height) this.drawingBufferWidth = width this.drawingBufferHeight = height } } sampleCoverage (value, invert) { return super.sampleCoverage(+value, !!invert) } scissor (x, y, width, height) { return super.scissor(x | 0, y | 0, width | 0, height | 0) } shaderSource (shader, source) { if (!checkObject(shader)) { throw new TypeError('shaderSource(WebGLShader, String)') } if (!shader || (!source && typeof source !== 'string')) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } source += '' if (!isValidString(source)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) } else if (this._checkWrapper(shader, WebGLShader)) { super.shaderSource(shader._ | 0, this._wrapShader(shader._type, source)) // eslint-disable-line shader._source = source } } stencilFunc (func, ref, mask) { this._checkStencil = true return super.stencilFunc(func | 0, ref | 0, mask | 0) } stencilFuncSeparate (face, func, ref, mask) { this._checkStencil = true return super.stencilFuncSeparate(face | 0, func | 0, ref | 0, mask | 0) } stencilMask (mask) { this._checkStencil = true return super.stencilMask(mask | 0) } stencilMaskSeparate (face, mask) { this._checkStencil = true return super.stencilMaskSeparate(face | 0, mask | 0) } stencilOp (fail, zfail, zpass) { this._checkStencil = true return super.stencilOp(fail | 0, zfail | 0, zpass | 0) } stencilOpSeparate (face, fail, zfail, zpass) { this._checkStencil = true return super.stencilOpSeparate(face | 0, fail | 0, zfail | 0, zpass | 0) } texImage2D ( target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels) { if (arguments.length === 6) { pixels = border type = height format = width pixels = extractImageData(pixels) if (pixels == null) { throw new TypeError('texImage2D(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, ImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement)') } width = pixels.width height = pixels.height pixels = } target |= 0 level |= 0 internalFormat |= 0 width |= 0 height |= 0 border |= 0 format |= 0 type |= 0 if (typeof pixels !== 'object' && pixels !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('texImage2D(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, Uint8Array)') } if (!checkFormat(format) || !checkFormat(internalFormat)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (type === gl.FLOAT && !this._extensions.oes_texture_float) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } const texture = this._getTexImage(target) if (!texture || format !== internalFormat) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } const pixelSize = this._computePixelSize(type, format) if (pixelSize === 0) { return } if (!this._checkDimensions( target, width, height, level)) { return } const data = convertPixels(pixels) const rowStride = this._computeRowStride(width, pixelSize) const imageSize = rowStride * height if (data && data.length < imageSize) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (border !== 0 || (validCubeTarget(target) && width !== height)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } // Need to check for out of memory error this._saveError() super.texImage2D( target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, data) const error = this.getError() this._restoreError(error) if (error !== gl.NO_ERROR) { return } // Save width and height at level texture._levelWidth[level] = width texture._levelHeight[level] = height texture._format = format texture._type = type const activeFramebuffer = this._activeFramebuffer if (activeFramebuffer) { let needsUpdate = false const attachments = this._getAttachments() for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; ++i) { if (activeFramebuffer._attachments[attachments[i]] === texture) { needsUpdate = true break } } if (needsUpdate) { this._updateFramebufferAttachments(this._activeFramebuffer) } } } texSubImage2D ( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels) { if (arguments.length === 7) { pixels = format type = height format = width pixels = extractImageData(pixels) if (pixels == null) { throw new TypeError('texSubImage2D(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, ImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement)') } width = pixels.width height = pixels.height pixels = } if (typeof pixels !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('texSubImage2D(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, Uint8Array)') } target |= 0 level |= 0 xoffset |= 0 yoffset |= 0 width |= 0 height |= 0 format |= 0 type |= 0 const texture = this._getTexImage(target) if (!texture) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (type === gl.FLOAT && !this._extensions.oes_texture_float) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } const pixelSize = this._computePixelSize(type, format) if (pixelSize === 0) { return } if (!this._checkDimensions( target, width, height, level)) { return } if (xoffset < 0 || yoffset < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } const data = convertPixels(pixels) const rowStride = this._computeRowStride(width, pixelSize) const imageSize = rowStride * height if (!data || data.length < imageSize) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } super.texSubImage2D( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, data) } texParameterf (target, pname, param) { target |= 0 pname |= 0 param = +param if (this._checkTextureTarget(target)) { this._verifyTextureCompleteness(target, pname, param) switch (pname) { case gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: case gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: case gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S: case gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T: return super.texParameterf(target, pname, param) } if (this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic && pname === this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { return super.texParameterf(target, pname, param) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } } texParameteri (target, pname, param) { target |= 0 pname |= 0 param |= 0 if (this._checkTextureTarget(target)) { this._verifyTextureCompleteness(target, pname, param) switch (pname) { case gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: case gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: case gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S: case gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T: return super.texParameteri(target, pname, param) } if (this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic && pname === this._extensions.ext_texture_filter_anisotropic.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { return super.texParameteri(target, pname, param) } this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) } } useProgram (program) { if (!checkObject(program)) { throw new TypeError('useProgram(WebGLProgram)') } else if (!program) { this._switchActiveProgram(this._activeProgram) this._activeProgram = null return super.useProgram(0) } else if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { if (this._activeProgram !== program) { this._switchActiveProgram(this._activeProgram) this._activeProgram = program program._refCount += 1 } return super.useProgram(program._ | 0) } } validateProgram (program) { if (this._checkWrapper(program, WebGLProgram)) { super.validateProgram(program._ | 0) const error = this.getError() if (error === gl.NO_ERROR) { program._linkInfoLog = super.getProgramInfoLog(program._ | 0) } this.getError() this.setError(error) } } vertexAttribPointer ( index, size, type, normalized, stride, offset) { if (stride < 0 || offset < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } index |= 0 size |= 0 type |= 0 normalized = !!normalized stride |= 0 offset |= 0 if (stride < 0 || offset < 0 || index < 0 || index >= this._vertexObjectState._attribs.length || !(size === 1 || size === 2 || size === 3 || size === 4)) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding === null) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } // fixed, int and unsigned int aren't allowed in WebGL const byteSize = typeSize(type) if (byteSize === 0 || type === gl.INT || type === gl.UNSIGNED_INT) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_ENUM) return } if (stride > 255 || stride < 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } // stride and offset must be multiples of size if ((stride % byteSize) !== 0 || (offset % byteSize) !== 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } // Call vertex attrib pointer super.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, offset) // Update the vertex state object and references. this._vertexObjectState.setVertexAttribPointer( /* buffer */ this._vertexGlobalState._arrayBufferBinding, /* index */ index, /* pointerSize */ size * byteSize, /* pointerOffset */ offset, /* pointerStride */ stride || (size * byteSize), /* pointerType */ type, /* pointerNormal */ normalized, /* inputStride */ stride, /* inputSize */ size ) } viewport (x, y, width, height) { return super.viewport(x | 0, y | 0, width | 0, height | 0) } _allocateDrawingBuffer (width, height) { this._drawingBuffer = new WebGLDrawingBufferWrapper( super.createFramebuffer(), super.createTexture(), super.createRenderbuffer()) this._resizeDrawingBuffer(width, height) } isContextLost () { return false } compressedTexImage2D () { // TODO not yet implemented } compressedTexSubImage2D () { // TODO not yet implemented } _checkUniformValid (location, v0, name, count, type) { if (!checkObject(location)) { throw new TypeError(`${name}(WebGLUniformLocation, ...)`) } else if (!location) { return false } else if (this._checkLocationActive(location)) { const utype = location._activeInfo.type if (utype === gl.SAMPLER_2D || utype === gl.SAMPLER_CUBE) { if (count !== 1) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return } if (type !== 'i') { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } if (v0 < 0 || v0 >= this._textureUnits.length) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } } if (uniformTypeSize(utype) > count) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } return true } return false } _checkUniformValueValid (location, value, name, count, type) { if (!checkObject(location) || !checkObject(value)) { throw new TypeError(`${name}v(WebGLUniformLocation, Array)`) } else if (!location) { return false } else if (!this._checkLocationActive(location)) { return false } else if (typeof value !== 'object' || !value || typeof value.length !== 'number') { throw new TypeError(`Second argument to ${name} must be array`) } else if (uniformTypeSize(location._activeInfo.type) > count) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } else if (value.length >= count && value.length % count === 0) { if (location._array) { return true } else if (value.length === count) { return true } else { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return false } } this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } uniform1f (location, v0) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform1f', 1, 'f')) return super.uniform1f(location._ | 0, v0) } uniform1fv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform1fv', 1, 'f')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform1f(loc, value[i]) } return } super.uniform1f(location._ | 0, value[0]) } uniform1i (location, v0) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform1i', 1, 'i')) return super.uniform1i(location._ | 0, v0) } uniform1iv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform1iv', 1, 'i')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform1i(loc, value[i]) } return } this.uniform1i(location, value[0]) } uniform2f (location, v0, v1) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform2f', 2, 'f')) return super.uniform2f(location._ | 0, v0, v1) } uniform2fv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform2fv', 2, 'f')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && 2 * i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform2f(loc, value[2 * i], value[(2 * i) + 1]) } return } super.uniform2f(location._ | 0, value[0], value[1]) } uniform2i (location, v0, v1) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform2i', 2, 'i')) return super.uniform2i(location._ | 0, v0, v1) } uniform2iv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform2iv', 2, 'i')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && 2 * i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform2i(loc, value[2 * i], value[2 * i + 1]) } return } this.uniform2i(location, value[0], value[1]) } uniform3f (location, v0, v1, v2) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform3f', 3, 'f')) return super.uniform3f(location._ | 0, v0, v1, v2) } uniform3fv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform3fv', 3, 'f')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && 3 * i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform3f(loc, value[3 * i], value[3 * i + 1], value[3 * i + 2]) } return } super.uniform3f(location._ | 0, value[0], value[1], value[2]) } uniform3i (location, v0, v1, v2) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform3i', 3, 'i')) return super.uniform3i(location._ | 0, v0, v1, v2) } uniform3iv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform3iv', 3, 'i')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && 3 * i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform3i(loc, value[3 * i], value[3 * i + 1], value[3 * i + 2]) } return } this.uniform3i(location, value[0], value[1], value[2]) } uniform4f (location, v0, v1, v2, v3) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform4f', 4, 'f')) return super.uniform4f(location._ | 0, v0, v1, v2, v3) } uniform4fv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform4fv', 4, 'f')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && 4 * i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform4f(loc, value[4 * i], value[4 * i + 1], value[4 * i + 2], value[4 * i + 3]) } return } super.uniform4f(location._ | 0, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) } uniform4i (location, v0, v1, v2, v3) { if (!this._checkUniformValid(location, v0, 'uniform4i', 4, 'i')) return super.uniform4i(location._ | 0, v0, v1, v2, v3) } uniform4iv (location, value) { if (!this._checkUniformValueValid(location, value, 'uniform4iv', 4, 'i')) return if (location._array) { const locs = location._array for (let i = 0; i < locs.length && 4 * i < value.length; ++i) { const loc = locs[i] super.uniform4i(loc, value[4 * i], value[4 * i + 1], value[4 * i + 2], value[4 * i + 3]) } return } this.uniform4i(location, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) } _checkUniformMatrix (location, transpose, value, name, count) { if (!checkObject(location) || typeof value !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(name + '(WebGLUniformLocation, Boolean, Array)') } else if (!!transpose || typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || !value.length || value.length % count * count !== 0) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } if (!location) { return false } if (!this._checkLocationActive(location)) { return false } if (value.length === count * count) { return true } else if (location._array) { return true } this.setError(gl.INVALID_VALUE) return false } uniformMatrix2fv (location, transpose, value) { if (!this._checkUniformMatrix(location, transpose, value, 'uniformMatrix2fv', 2)) return const data = new Float32Array(value) super.uniformMatrix2fv( location._ | 0, !!transpose, data) } uniformMatrix3fv (location, transpose, value) { if (!this._checkUniformMatrix(location, transpose, value, 'uniformMatrix3fv', 3)) return const data = new Float32Array(value) super.uniformMatrix3fv( location._ | 0, !!transpose, data) } uniformMatrix4fv (location, transpose, value) { if (!this._checkUniformMatrix(location, transpose, value, 'uniformMatrix4fv', 4)) return const data = new Float32Array(value) super.uniformMatrix4fv( location._ | 0, !!transpose, data) } vertexAttrib1f (index, v0) { index |= 0 if (!this._checkVertexIndex(index)) return const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = 1 data[1] = data[2] = 0 data[0] = v0 return super.vertexAttrib1f(index | 0, +v0) } vertexAttrib2f (index, v0, v1) { index |= 0 if (!this._checkVertexIndex(index)) return const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = 1 data[2] = 0 data[1] = v1 data[0] = v0 return super.vertexAttrib2f(index | 0, +v0, +v1) } vertexAttrib3f (index, v0, v1, v2) { index |= 0 if (!this._checkVertexIndex(index)) return const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = 1 data[2] = v2 data[1] = v1 data[0] = v0 return super.vertexAttrib3f(index | 0, +v0, +v1, +v2) } vertexAttrib4f (index, v0, v1, v2, v3) { index |= 0 if (!this._checkVertexIndex(index)) return const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = v3 data[2] = v2 data[1] = v1 data[0] = v0 return super.vertexAttrib4f(index | 0, +v0, +v1, +v2, +v3) } vertexAttrib1fv (index, value) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || value.length < 1) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = 1 data[2] = 0 data[1] = 0 data[0] = value[0] return super.vertexAttrib1f(index | 0, +value[0]) } vertexAttrib2fv (index, value) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || value.length < 2) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = 1 data[2] = 0 data[1] = value[1] data[0] = value[0] return super.vertexAttrib2f(index | 0, +value[0], +value[1]) } vertexAttrib3fv (index, value) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || value.length < 3) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = 1 data[2] = value[2] data[1] = value[1] data[0] = value[0] return super.vertexAttrib3f(index | 0, +value[0], +value[1], +value[2]) } vertexAttrib4fv (index, value) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || value.length < 4) { this.setError(gl.INVALID_OPERATION) return } const data = this._vertexGlobalState._attribs[index]._data data[3] = value[3] data[2] = value[2] data[1] = value[1] data[0] = value[0] return super.vertexAttrib4f(index | 0, +value[0], +value[1], +value[2], +value[3]) } } // Make the gl consts available as static properties for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(gl)) { if (typeof value !== 'number') { continue } Object.assign(WebGLRenderingContext, { [key]: value }) } module.exports = { WebGLRenderingContext, wrapContext }