const JSONLoader = require('./JSONLoader').JSONLoader; const THREE = require('three'); const FileLoader = THREE.FileLoader; const mergeGeometries = (geometries) => { const merge = (geometry1, geometry2) => { geometry1.merge(geometry2); } if (geometries && geometries.length > 0) { while (geometries.length > 1) { const geometry2 = geometries.splice(1,1); merge(geometries[0], geometry2[0]); } return geometries[0]; } return undefined; } const IndexedSourcesHandler = function(urlIn, crossOrigin, onDownloadedCallback) { const loader = new FileLoader(); const jsonLoader = new JSONLoader(); loader.crossOrigin = crossOrigin; const url = urlIn; const onDownloaded = onDownloadedCallback; let data = undefined; let downloading = false; let finished = false; let error = undefined; const items = []; const processItemDownloaded = (item) => { const modelData = data[item.index]; if (modelData) { let obj = jsonLoader.parse( modelData ); item.onLoad(obj.geometry, obj.materials); } else { processItemError(item, {responseURL: url}); } } const processItemError = (item) => { if (item.onError) { if (!error) { error = {responseURL: url}; } item.onError(error); } } this.downloadCompleted = (args) => { try { data = JSON.parse(args[0]); downloading = false; finished = true; if (Array.isArray(data)) { items.forEach(item => processItemDownloaded(item)); } else { items.forEach(item => processItemError(item)); } } catch { items.forEach(item => processItemError(item)); } } const errorHandling = () => { return xhr => { error = xhr; finished = true; downloading = false; items.forEach((item) => { processItemError(item); }); } } const progressHandling = () => { return xhr => { items.forEach((item) => { if (item.onProgress) { item.onProgress(xhr); } }); } } this.load = (index, onLoad, onProgress, onError) => { const item = { index, onLoad, onProgress, onError, }; if (finished) { if (data) { processItemDownloaded(item); } else { processItemError(error); } } else if (downloading) { //quene it up items.push(item); } else { items.push(item); downloading = true; loader.load(url, onDownloaded, progressHandling, errorHandling); } } } const MultiSourcesHandler = function(numberIn, onLoadCallback) { const allData = []; const number = numberIn; const onLoad = onLoadCallback; let totalDownloaded = 0; this.itemDownloaded = (order, args) => { allData[order]= args; totalDownloaded++; if (totalDownloaded == number) { const materials = allData[0][1]; const geometries = => data[0]); //All geometries will be merged into the first one const geometry = mergeGeometries(geometries); for (let i = 1; i < number; i++) { allData[order][0].dispose(); allData[order][1].forEach((material) => material.dispose()); } onLoad(geometry, materials); } } } exports.PrimitivesLoader = function () { let concurrentDownloads = 0; const MAX_DOWNLOAD = 20; this.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; const loader = new JSONLoader(); const waitingList = []; //URL to loader pair const indexedLoaders = {}; //Load the first file then the rest will be handled separately const loadFromMultipleSources = (urls, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options) => { const number = urls.length; const msHandler = new MultiSourcesHandler(number, onLoad); //The order here will give us hint on the sequence on merging the primitives let order = 0; urls.forEach((url) => { const newOptions = options ? {...options} : {}; newOptions.msHandler = msHandler; newOptions.order = order; order++; loadFromSingleSource(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, newOptions); }); } const handleIndexedSource = (url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options) => { const newOptions = options ? {...options} : {}; let indexedLoader = indexedLoaders[url]; if (!indexedLoader) { if (MAX_DOWNLOAD > concurrentDownloads) { const onLoadCallback = new onFinally(undefined, this, newOptions); ++concurrentDownloads; indexedLoader = new IndexedSourcesHandler(url, this.crossOrigin, onLoadCallback); indexedLoaders[url] = indexedLoader; } else { waitingList.push({ url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options, }); } } if (indexedLoader) { newOptions.isHandler = indexedLoader; indexedLoader.load(options.index, onLoad, onProgress, onError); } } const loadFromSingleSource = (url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options) => { if (options && (options.index !== undefined) ) { handleIndexedSource(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options); } else { //Standard loading if (MAX_DOWNLOAD > concurrentDownloads) { ++concurrentDownloads; const onLoadCallback = new onFinally(onLoad, this, options); const onErrorCallback = new onFinally(onError, this, options); loader.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin; loader.load(url, onLoadCallback, onProgress, onErrorCallback); } else { waitingList.push({ url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options, }); } } } this.load = (url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options) => { if (Array.isArray(url)) { loadFromMultipleSources(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options); } else { loadFromSingleSource(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, options); } } this.loadFromWaitingList = () => { while (MAX_DOWNLOAD > concurrentDownloads) { const item = waitingList.shift(); if (item) { this.load(item.url, item.onLoad, item.onProgress, item.onError, item.options); } else { return; } } } this.itemRemainingCheck = () => { if (waitingList.length === 0 && concurrentDownloads === 0) { for (let key in indexedLoaders) { if (indexedLoaders.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete indexedLoaders[key]; } } } } const onFinally = function(callback, loader, options) { return (...args) => { --concurrentDownloads; if (options?.msHandler) { options.msHandler.itemDownloaded(options.order, args); } else if (options?.isHandler) { options.isHandler.downloadCompleted(args); } else { if (callback) { callback(...args); } } loader.loadFromWaitingList(); loader.itemRemainingCheck(); } } this.parse = data => { return loader.parse(data); } }