const THREE = require('three'); const GLTFLoader = require('three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader').GLTFLoader; const GLTFToZincJSLoader = function () { const _this = this; this.parseGLTFObjects = (object, region, depth, finishCallback) => { let childRegion = region; if (depth !== 0) { if (object.type === "Object3D") { if ( !== "") { if (region) childRegion = region.findOrCreateChildFromPath(; if (childRegion) { const group = childRegion.getGroup(); group.position.copy(object.position); group.rotation.copy(object.rotation); group.quaternion.copy(object.quaternion); group.matrixAutoUpdate = true; } } } else { let zincGeometry = undefined; if (object.type === "Mesh") { zincGeometry = new (require('../primitives/geometry').Geometry)(); } else if (object.type === "LineSegments") { zincGeometry = new (require('../primitives/lines').Lines)(); } else if (object.type === "Points") { zincGeometry = new (require('../primitives/pointset').Pointset)(); } if (zincGeometry) { let localTimeEnabled = false; let localMorphColour = false; if (object.geometry && object.geometry.morphAttributes) { localTimeEnabled = object.geometry.morphAttributes.position ? true : false; localMorphColour = object.geometry.morphAttributes.color ? true : false; } zincGeometry.setMesh(object.clone(), localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour); const morph = zincGeometry.getMorph(); zincGeometry.groupName =; morph.matrixAutoUpdate = true; region.addZincObject(zincGeometry); if (finishCallback != undefined && (typeof finishCallback == 'function')) finishCallback(zincGeometry); } } } depth++; object.children.forEach( child => { _this.parseGLTFObjects(child, childRegion, depth, finishCallback); }); } this.setCamera = scene => { scene.viewAll(); const cameraControls = scene.getZincCameraControls(); const viewport = cameraControls.getCurrentViewport(); cameraControls.addViewport('default', viewport); cameraControls.setDefaultViewport('default'); } /** * Load GLTF into this scene object. * * @param {String} url - URL to the GLTF file * @param {Function} finishCallback - Callback function which will be called * once the glyphset is succssfully load in. */ this.load = (scene, region, url, finishCallback, allCompletedCallback, options) => { const path = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); const filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, url.length); const loader = new GLTFLoader().setPath(path); loader.load( filename, function ( gltf ) { console.log(gltf) _this.parseGLTFObjects(gltf.scene, region, 0, finishCallback); _this.setCamera(scene); if (allCompletedCallback != undefined && (typeof allCompletedCallback == 'function')) allCompletedCallback(); }); } } exports.GLTFToZincJSLoader = GLTFToZincJSLoader;