/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const asyncLib = require("neo-async"); const { SyncHook, MultiHook } = require("tapable"); const ConcurrentCompilationError = require("./ConcurrentCompilationError"); const MultiStats = require("./MultiStats"); const MultiWatching = require("./MultiWatching"); const ArrayQueue = require("./util/ArrayQueue"); /** @template T @typedef {import("tapable").AsyncSeriesHook} AsyncSeriesHook */ /** @template T @template R @typedef {import("tapable").SyncBailHook} SyncBailHook */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WatchOptions} WatchOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./Stats")} Stats */ /** @typedef {import("./Watching")} Watching */ /** @typedef {import("./logging/Logger").Logger} Logger */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").IntermediateFileSystem} IntermediateFileSystem */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").OutputFileSystem} OutputFileSystem */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").WatchFileSystem} WatchFileSystem */ /** * @template T * @callback Callback * @param {(Error | null)=} err * @param {T=} result */ /** * @callback RunWithDependenciesHandler * @param {Compiler} compiler * @param {Callback} callback */ /** * @typedef {Object} MultiCompilerOptions * @property {number=} parallelism how many Compilers are allows to run at the same time in parallel */ module.exports = class MultiCompiler { /** * @param {Compiler[] | Record} compilers child compilers * @param {MultiCompilerOptions} options options */ constructor(compilers, options) { if (!Array.isArray(compilers)) { compilers = Object.keys(compilers).map(name => { compilers[name].name = name; return compilers[name]; }); } this.hooks = Object.freeze({ /** @type {SyncHook<[MultiStats]>} */ done: new SyncHook(["stats"]), /** @type {MultiHook>} */ invalid: new MultiHook(compilers.map(c => c.hooks.invalid)), /** @type {MultiHook>} */ run: new MultiHook(compilers.map(c => c.hooks.run)), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ watchClose: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {MultiHook>} */ watchRun: new MultiHook(compilers.map(c => c.hooks.watchRun)), /** @type {MultiHook>} */ infrastructureLog: new MultiHook( compilers.map(c => c.hooks.infrastructureLog) ) }); this.compilers = compilers; /** @type {MultiCompilerOptions} */ this._options = { parallelism: options.parallelism || Infinity }; /** @type {WeakMap} */ this.dependencies = new WeakMap(); this.running = false; /** @type {(Stats | null)[]} */ const compilerStats = this.compilers.map(() => null); let doneCompilers = 0; for (let index = 0; index < this.compilers.length; index++) { const compiler = this.compilers[index]; const compilerIndex = index; let compilerDone = false; compiler.hooks.done.tap("MultiCompiler", stats => { if (!compilerDone) { compilerDone = true; doneCompilers++; } compilerStats[compilerIndex] = stats; if (doneCompilers === this.compilers.length) { this.hooks.done.call( new MultiStats(/** @type {Stats[]} */ (compilerStats)) ); } }); compiler.hooks.invalid.tap("MultiCompiler", () => { if (compilerDone) { compilerDone = false; doneCompilers--; } }); } } get options() { return Object.assign( this.compilers.map(c => c.options), this._options ); } get outputPath() { let commonPath = this.compilers[0].outputPath; for (const compiler of this.compilers) { while ( compiler.outputPath.indexOf(commonPath) !== 0 && /[/\\]/.test(commonPath) ) { commonPath = commonPath.replace(/[/\\][^/\\]*$/, ""); } } if (!commonPath && this.compilers[0].outputPath[0] === "/") return "/"; return commonPath; } get inputFileSystem() { throw new Error("Cannot read inputFileSystem of a MultiCompiler"); } get outputFileSystem() { throw new Error("Cannot read outputFileSystem of a MultiCompiler"); } get watchFileSystem() { throw new Error("Cannot read watchFileSystem of a MultiCompiler"); } get intermediateFileSystem() { throw new Error("Cannot read outputFileSystem of a MultiCompiler"); } /** * @param {InputFileSystem} value the new input file system */ set inputFileSystem(value) { for (const compiler of this.compilers) { compiler.inputFileSystem = value; } } /** * @param {OutputFileSystem} value the new output file system */ set outputFileSystem(value) { for (const compiler of this.compilers) { compiler.outputFileSystem = value; } } /** * @param {WatchFileSystem} value the new watch file system */ set watchFileSystem(value) { for (const compiler of this.compilers) { compiler.watchFileSystem = value; } } /** * @param {IntermediateFileSystem} value the new intermediate file system */ set intermediateFileSystem(value) { for (const compiler of this.compilers) { compiler.intermediateFileSystem = value; } } /** * @param {string | (function(): string)} name name of the logger, or function called once to get the logger name * @returns {Logger} a logger with that name */ getInfrastructureLogger(name) { return this.compilers[0].getInfrastructureLogger(name); } /** * @param {Compiler} compiler the child compiler * @param {string[]} dependencies its dependencies * @returns {void} */ setDependencies(compiler, dependencies) { this.dependencies.set(compiler, dependencies); } /** * @param {Callback} callback signals when the validation is complete * @returns {boolean} true if the dependencies are valid */ validateDependencies(callback) { /** @type {Set<{source: Compiler, target: Compiler}>} */ const edges = new Set(); /** @type {string[]} */ const missing = []; /** * @param {Compiler} compiler compiler * @returns {boolean} target was found */ const targetFound = compiler => { for (const edge of edges) { if (edge.target === compiler) { return true; } } return false; }; const sortEdges = (e1, e2) => { return ( e1.source.name.localeCompare(e2.source.name) || e1.target.name.localeCompare(e2.target.name) ); }; for (const source of this.compilers) { const dependencies = this.dependencies.get(source); if (dependencies) { for (const dep of dependencies) { const target = this.compilers.find(c => c.name === dep); if (!target) { missing.push(dep); } else { edges.add({ source, target }); } } } } /** @type {string[]} */ const errors = missing.map(m => `Compiler dependency \`${m}\` not found.`); const stack = this.compilers.filter(c => !targetFound(c)); while (stack.length > 0) { const current = stack.pop(); for (const edge of edges) { if (edge.source === current) { edges.delete(edge); const target = edge.target; if (!targetFound(target)) { stack.push(target); } } } } if (edges.size > 0) { /** @type {string[]} */ const lines = Array.from(edges) .sort(sortEdges) .map(edge => `${edge.source.name} -> ${edge.target.name}`); lines.unshift("Circular dependency found in compiler dependencies."); errors.unshift(lines.join("\n")); } if (errors.length > 0) { const message = errors.join("\n"); callback(new Error(message)); return false; } return true; } // TODO webpack 6 remove /** * @deprecated This method should have been private * @param {Compiler[]} compilers the child compilers * @param {RunWithDependenciesHandler} fn a handler to run for each compiler * @param {Callback} callback the compiler's handler * @returns {void} */ runWithDependencies(compilers, fn, callback) { const fulfilledNames = new Set(); let remainingCompilers = compilers; /** * @param {string} d dependency * @returns {boolean} when dependency was fulfilled */ const isDependencyFulfilled = d => fulfilledNames.has(d); const getReadyCompilers = () => { let readyCompilers = []; let list = remainingCompilers; remainingCompilers = []; for (const c of list) { const dependencies = this.dependencies.get(c); const ready = !dependencies || dependencies.every(isDependencyFulfilled); if (ready) { readyCompilers.push(c); } else { remainingCompilers.push(c); } } return readyCompilers; }; /** * @param {Callback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ const runCompilers = callback => { if (remainingCompilers.length === 0) return callback(); asyncLib.map( getReadyCompilers(), (compiler, callback) => { fn(compiler, err => { if (err) return callback(err); fulfilledNames.add(compiler.name); runCompilers(callback); }); }, /** @type {Callback} */ (callback) ); }; runCompilers(callback); } /** * @template SetupResult * @param {function(Compiler, number, Callback, function(): boolean, function(): void, function(): void): SetupResult} setup setup a single compiler * @param {function(Compiler, SetupResult, Callback): void} run run/continue a single compiler * @param {Callback} callback callback when all compilers are done, result includes Stats of all changed compilers * @returns {SetupResult[]} result of setup */ _runGraph(setup, run, callback) { /** @typedef {{ compiler: Compiler, setupResult: undefined | SetupResult, result: undefined | Stats, state: "pending" | "blocked" | "queued" | "starting" | "running" | "running-outdated" | "done", children: Node[], parents: Node[] }} Node */ // State transitions for nodes: // -> blocked (initial) // blocked -> starting [running++] (when all parents done) // queued -> starting [running++] (when processing the queue) // starting -> running (when run has been called) // running -> done [running--] (when compilation is done) // done -> pending (when invalidated from file change) // pending -> blocked [add to queue] (when invalidated from aggregated changes) // done -> blocked [add to queue] (when invalidated, from parent invalidation) // running -> running-outdated (when invalidated, either from change or parent invalidation) // running-outdated -> blocked [running--] (when compilation is done) /** @type {Node[]} */ const nodes = this.compilers.map(compiler => ({ compiler, setupResult: undefined, result: undefined, state: "blocked", children: [], parents: [] })); /** @type {Map} */ const compilerToNode = new Map(); for (const node of nodes) { compilerToNode.set(/** @type {string} */ (node.compiler.name), node); } for (const node of nodes) { const dependencies = this.dependencies.get(node.compiler); if (!dependencies) continue; for (const dep of dependencies) { const parent = /** @type {Node} */ (compilerToNode.get(dep)); node.parents.push(parent); parent.children.push(node); } } /** @type {ArrayQueue} */ const queue = new ArrayQueue(); for (const node of nodes) { if (node.parents.length === 0) { node.state = "queued"; queue.enqueue(node); } } let errored = false; let running = 0; const parallelism = /** @type {number} */ (this._options.parallelism); /** * @param {Node} node node * @param {(Error | null)=} err error * @param {Stats=} stats result * @returns {void} */ const nodeDone = (node, err, stats) => { if (errored) return; if (err) { errored = true; return asyncLib.each( nodes, (node, callback) => { if (node.compiler.watching) { node.compiler.watching.close(callback); } else { callback(); } }, () => callback(err) ); } node.result = stats; running--; if (node.state === "running") { node.state = "done"; for (const child of node.children) { if (child.state === "blocked") queue.enqueue(child); } } else if (node.state === "running-outdated") { node.state = "blocked"; queue.enqueue(node); } processQueue(); }; /** * @param {Node} node node * @returns {void} */ const nodeInvalidFromParent = node => { if (node.state === "done") { node.state = "blocked"; } else if (node.state === "running") { node.state = "running-outdated"; } for (const child of node.children) { nodeInvalidFromParent(child); } }; /** * @param {Node} node node * @returns {void} */ const nodeInvalid = node => { if (node.state === "done") { node.state = "pending"; } else if (node.state === "running") { node.state = "running-outdated"; } for (const child of node.children) { nodeInvalidFromParent(child); } }; /** * @param {Node} node node * @returns {void} */ const nodeChange = node => { nodeInvalid(node); if (node.state === "pending") { node.state = "blocked"; } if (node.state === "blocked") { queue.enqueue(node); processQueue(); } }; /** @type {SetupResult[]} */ const setupResults = []; nodes.forEach((node, i) => { setupResults.push( (node.setupResult = setup( node.compiler, i, nodeDone.bind(null, node), () => node.state !== "starting" && node.state !== "running", () => nodeChange(node), () => nodeInvalid(node) )) ); }); let processing = true; const processQueue = () => { if (processing) return; processing = true; process.nextTick(processQueueWorker); }; const processQueueWorker = () => { while (running < parallelism && queue.length > 0 && !errored) { const node = /** @type {Node} */ (queue.dequeue()); if ( node.state === "queued" || (node.state === "blocked" && node.parents.every(p => p.state === "done")) ) { running++; node.state = "starting"; run( node.compiler, /** @type {SetupResult} */ (node.setupResult), nodeDone.bind(null, node) ); node.state = "running"; } } processing = false; if ( !errored && running === 0 && nodes.every(node => node.state === "done") ) { const stats = []; for (const node of nodes) { const result = node.result; if (result) { node.result = undefined; stats.push(result); } } if (stats.length > 0) { callback(null, new MultiStats(stats)); } } }; processQueueWorker(); return setupResults; } /** * @param {WatchOptions|WatchOptions[]} watchOptions the watcher's options * @param {Callback} handler signals when the call finishes * @returns {MultiWatching} a compiler watcher */ watch(watchOptions, handler) { if (this.running) { return handler(new ConcurrentCompilationError()); } this.running = true; if (this.validateDependencies(handler)) { const watchings = this._runGraph( (compiler, idx, callback, isBlocked, setChanged, setInvalid) => { const watching = compiler.watch( Array.isArray(watchOptions) ? watchOptions[idx] : watchOptions, callback ); if (watching) { watching._onInvalid = setInvalid; watching._onChange = setChanged; watching._isBlocked = isBlocked; } return watching; }, (compiler, watching, callback) => { if (compiler.watching !== watching) return; if (!watching.running) watching.invalidate(); }, handler ); return new MultiWatching(watchings, this); } return new MultiWatching([], this); } /** * @param {Callback} callback signals when the call finishes * @returns {void} */ run(callback) { if (this.running) { return callback(new ConcurrentCompilationError()); } this.running = true; if (this.validateDependencies(callback)) { this._runGraph( () => {}, (compiler, setupResult, callback) => compiler.run(callback), (err, stats) => { this.running = false; if (callback !== undefined) { return callback(err, stats); } } ); } } purgeInputFileSystem() { for (const compiler of this.compilers) { if (compiler.inputFileSystem && compiler.inputFileSystem.purge) { compiler.inputFileSystem.purge(); } } } /** * @param {Callback} callback signals when the compiler closes * @returns {void} */ close(callback) { asyncLib.each( this.compilers, (compiler, callback) => { compiler.close(callback); }, callback ); } };