"use strict"; function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } const COLLAPSERS = [require("./object-collapser"), require("./array-collapser"), require("./array-property-collapser"), require("./set-collapser")].map(Collapser => { return new Collapser(); }); function getFunctionParent(path, scopeParent) { const parent = path.findParent(p => p.isFunction()); // don"t traverse higher than the function the var is defined in. return parent === scopeParent ? null : parent; } function getFunctionReferences(path, scopeParent, references = new Set()) { for (let func = getFunctionParent(path, scopeParent); func; func = getFunctionParent(func, scopeParent)) { const id = func.node.id; const binding = id && func.scope.getBinding(id.name); if (!binding) { continue; } binding.referencePaths.forEach(path => { if (!references.has(path)) { references.add(path); getFunctionReferences(path, scopeParent, references); } }); } return references; } function getIdAndFunctionReferences(name, parent) { // Returns false if there's an error. Otherwise returns a list of references. const binding = parent.scope.getBinding(name); if (!binding) { return false; } const references = binding.referencePaths.reduce((references, ref) => { references.add(ref); getFunctionReferences(ref, parent, references); return references; }, new Set()); return Array.from(references); } function validateTopLevel(path) { // Ensures the structure is of the form (roughly): // { // ... // var foo = expr; // ... // } // returns null if not of this form // otherwise returns [foo as string, ?rval, index of the variable declaration] const declarations = path.get("declarations"); if (declarations.length !== 1) { return; } const declaration = declarations[0]; const id = declaration.get("id"), init = declaration.get("init"); if (!id.isIdentifier()) { return; } const parent = path.parentPath; if (!parent.isBlockParent() || !parent.isScopable()) { return; } const body = parent.get("body"); if (!Array.isArray(body)) { return; } const startIndex = body.indexOf(path); if (startIndex === -1) { return; } return [id.node.name, init, startIndex]; } function collectExpressions(path, isExprTypeValid) { // input: ExprStatement => 'a | SequenceExpression // SequenceExpression => 'a list // Validates 'a is of the right type // returns null if found inconsistency, else returns Array<"a> if (path.isExpressionStatement()) { const exprs = collectExpressions(path.get("expression"), isExprTypeValid); return exprs !== null ? exprs : null; } if (path.isSequenceExpression()) { const exprs = path.get("expressions").map(p => collectExpressions(p, isExprTypeValid)); if (exprs.some(e => e === null)) { return null; } else { return exprs.reduce((s, n) => s.concat(n), []); // === Array.flatten } } if (isExprTypeValid(path)) { return [path]; } return null; } function getContiguousStatementsAndExpressions(body, start, end, isExprTypeValid, checkExpr) { const statements = []; let allExprs = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { const exprs = collectExpressions(body[i], isExprTypeValid); if (exprs === null || !exprs.every(e => checkExpr(e))) { break; } statements.push(body[i]); allExprs = allExprs.concat(exprs); } return [statements, allExprs]; } function getReferenceChecker(references) { // returns a function s.t. given an expr, returns true iff expr is an ancestor of a reference return expr => references.some(r => r === expr || r.isDescendant(expr)); } function tryUseCollapser(t, collapser, varDecl, topLevel, checkReference) { // Returns true iff successfully used the collapser. Otherwise returns undefined. const _topLevel = _slicedToArray(topLevel, 3), name = _topLevel[0], init = _topLevel[1], startIndex = _topLevel[2]; if (!collapser.isInitTypeValid(init)) { return; } const body = varDecl.parentPath.get("body"); const _getContiguousStateme = getContiguousStatementsAndExpressions(body, startIndex + 1, body.length, collapser.isExpressionTypeValid, collapser.getExpressionChecker(name, checkReference)), _getContiguousStateme2 = _slicedToArray(_getContiguousStateme, 2), statements = _getContiguousStateme2[0], exprs = _getContiguousStateme2[1]; if (statements.length === 0) { return; } const assignments = exprs.map(e => collapser.extractAssignment(e)); const oldInit = init.node; const newInit = t.cloneDeep(oldInit); if (!assignments.every(assignment => collapser.addSuccessfully(t, assignment, newInit))) { return; } // some collapses may increase the size if (!collapser.isSizeSmaller({ newInit, oldInit, varDecl, assignments, statements })) { return; } init.replaceWith(newInit); statements.forEach(s => s.remove()); return true; } module.exports = function ({ types: t }) { return { name: "transform-inline-consecutive-adds", visitor: { VariableDeclaration(varDecl) { const topLevel = validateTopLevel(varDecl); if (!topLevel) { return; } const _topLevel2 = _slicedToArray(topLevel, 1), name = _topLevel2[0]; const references = getIdAndFunctionReferences(name, varDecl.parentPath); if (references === false) { return; } const checkReference = getReferenceChecker(references); if (COLLAPSERS.some(c => tryUseCollapser(t, c, varDecl, topLevel, checkReference))) { return; } } } }; };