

var THREE = require('three');
var JSONLoader = require('./loader').JSONLoader;

 * This is a container of {@link Zinc.Glyph} and their graphical properties 
 * including transformations, colors, number of time steps, duration of animations
 * and group name. Please note that all glyphs in the glyphset share the same geometry
 * however they may have different transformations.
 * @class
 * @author Alan Wu
 * @return {Zinc.Glyphset}
exports.Glyphset = function()  {
	var glyphList = [];
	var axis1s = undefined;
	var axis2s = undefined;
	var axis3s = undefined;
	var positions = undefined;
	var scales = undefined;
	var colors = undefined;
	var labels = undefined;
	var numberOfTimeSteps = 0;
	var numberOfVertices = 0;
	var baseSize = [0, 0, 0];
	var offset = [0, 0, 0];
	var scaleFactors = [ 0, 0, 0 ];
	var repeat_mode = "NONE";
	this.duration = 3000;
	var inbuildTime = 0;
	this.ready = false;
	var group = new THREE.Group();
	var _this = this;
	var morphColours = false;
	var morphVertices = false;
	var groupName = undefined;
	this.userData = [];
	 * Get the {@link Three.Group} containing all of the glyphs' meshes.
	 * @returns {Three.Group}
	this.getGroup = function() {
		return group;
	 * Set the visibility of this glyphset.
	 * @param {Boolean} flag - visibility to be set for this glyphset.
	this.setVisibility = function(flag) {
		group.visible = flag;
	 * Copy glyphset data into this glyphset then load the glyph's geoemtry 
	 * with the provided glyphURL. FinishCallback will be called once
	 * glyph is loaded.
	 * @param {Array} glyphsetData - contains the informations about the glyphs.
	 * @param {String} glyphURL - URL to the geometry which will be applied to all
	 * all the glyphs in the glyphset once loaded.
	 * @param {Function} finishCallback - User's function to be called once glyph's
	 * geometry is loaded.
	this.load = function(glyphsetData, glyphURL, finishCallback) {
		axis1s = glyphsetData.axis1;
		axis2s = glyphsetData.axis2;
		axis3s = glyphsetData.axis3;
		positions = glyphsetData.positions;
		scales = glyphsetData.scale;
		colors = glyphsetData.colors;
		labels = glyphsetData.label;
		morphColours = glyphsetData.metadata.MorphColours;
		morphVertices = glyphsetData.metadata.MorphVertices;
		numberOfTimeSteps = glyphsetData.metadata.number_of_time_steps;
		repeat_mode = glyphsetData.metadata.repeat_mode;
		numberOfVertices = glyphsetData.metadata.number_of_vertices;
		if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR")
			numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices * 2;
		else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_3D")
			numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices * 3;
		baseSize = glyphsetData.metadata.base_size;
		offset = glyphsetData.metadata.offset;
		scaleFactors = glyphsetData.metadata.scale_factors;
		var loader = new JSONLoader();
		loader.load( glyphURL, meshloader(finishCallback));
	 * Calculate the actual transformation value that can be applied 
	 * to the transformation matrix.
	 * @returns {Array}
	var resolve_glyph_axes = function(point, axis1, axis2, axis3, scale)
		var return_arrays = [];
		if (repeat_mode == "NONE" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR")
			var axis_scale = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var final_axis1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var final_axis2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var final_axis3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var final_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var mirrored_axis1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var mirrored_axis2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var mirrored_axis3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var mirrored_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				var sign = (scale[j] < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
				axis_scale[j] = sign*baseSize[j] + scale[j]*scaleFactors[j];
			for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				final_axis1[j] = axis1[j]*axis_scale[0];
				final_axis2[j] = axis2[j]*axis_scale[1];
				final_axis3[j] = axis3[j]*axis_scale[2];
				final_point[j] = point[j]
					+ offset[0]*final_axis1[j]
					+ offset[1]*final_axis2[j]
					+ offset[2]*final_axis3[j];
				if (repeat_mode == "MIRROR")
					mirrored_axis1[j] = -final_axis1[j];
					mirrored_axis2[j] = -final_axis2[j];
					mirrored_axis3[j] = -final_axis3[j];
					mirrored_point[j] = final_point[j];
					if (scale[0] < 0.0)
						// shift glyph origin to end of axis1 
						final_point[j] -= final_axis1[j];
						mirrored_point[j] -= mirrored_axis1[j];
			/* if required, reverse axis3 to maintain right-handed coordinate system */
			if (0.0 > (
				final_axis3[0]*(final_axis1[1]*final_axis2[2] -
					final_axis1[2]*final_axis2[1]) +
				final_axis3[1]*(final_axis1[2]*final_axis2[0] -
					final_axis1[0]*final_axis2[2]) +
				final_axis3[2]*(final_axis1[0]*final_axis2[1] -
				final_axis3[0] = -final_axis3[0];
				final_axis3[1] = -final_axis3[1];
				final_axis3[2] = -final_axis3[2];
			return_arrays.push([final_point, final_axis1, final_axis2, final_axis3]);
			if (repeat_mode == "MIRROR")
				if (0.0 > (
					mirrored_axis3[0]*(mirrored_axis1[1]*mirrored_axis2[2] -
						mirrored_axis1[2]*mirrored_axis2[1]) +
					mirrored_axis3[1]*(mirrored_axis1[2]*mirrored_axis2[0] -
						mirrored_axis1[0]*mirrored_axis2[2]) +
					mirrored_axis3[2]*(mirrored_axis1[0]*mirrored_axis2[1] -
					mirrored_axis3[0] = -mirrored_axis3[0];
					mirrored_axis3[1] = -mirrored_axis3[1];
					mirrored_axis3[2] = -mirrored_axis3[2];
				return_arrays.push([mirrored_point, mirrored_axis1, mirrored_axis2, mirrored_axis3]);
		else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "AXES_3D")
			var axis_scale = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			var final_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				var sign = (scale[j] < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
				axis_scale[j] = sign*baseSize[0] + scale[j]*scaleFactors[0];
			for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				final_point[j] = point[j]
					+ offset[0]*axis_scale[0]*axis1[j]
					+ offset[1]*axis_scale[1]*axis2[j]
					+ offset[2]*axis_scale[2]*axis3[j];
			var number_of_glyphs = (glyph_repeat_mode == "AXES_2D") ? 2 : 3;
			for (var k = 0; k < number_of_glyphs; k++)
				var use_axis1, use_axis2;
				var use_scale = scale[k];
				var final_axis1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
				var final_axis2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
				var final_axis3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
				if (k == 0)
					use_axis1 = axis1;
					use_axis2 = axis2;
				else if (k == 1)
					use_axis1 = axis2;
					use_axis2 = (glyph_repeat_mode == "AXES_2D") ? axis1 : axis3;
				else // if (k == 2)
					use_axis1 = axis3;
					use_axis2 = axis1;
				var final_scale1 = baseSize[0] + use_scale*scaleFactors[0];
				final_axis1[0] = use_axis1[0]*final_scale1;
				final_axis1[1] = use_axis1[1]*final_scale1;
				final_axis1[2] = use_axis1[2]*final_scale1;
				final_axis3[0] = final_axis1[1]*use_axis2[2] - use_axis2[1]*final_axis1[2];
				final_axis3[1] = final_axis1[2]*use_axis2[0] - use_axis2[2]*final_axis1[0];
				final_axis3[2] = final_axis1[0]*use_axis2[1] - final_axis1[1]*use_axis2[0];
				var magnitude = Math.sqrt(final_axis3[0]*final_axis3[0] + final_axis3[1]*final_axis3[1] + final_axis3[2]*final_axis3[2]);
				if (0.0 < magnitude)
					var scaling = (baseSize[2] + use_scale*scaleFactors[2]) / magnitude;
					if ((repeat_mode =="AXES_2D") && (k > 0))
						scaling *= -1.0;
					final_axis3[0] *= scaling;
					final_axis3[1] *= scaling;
					final_axis3[2] *= scaling;
				final_axis2[0] = final_axis3[1]*final_axis1[2] - final_axis1[1]*final_axis3[2];
				final_axis2[1] = final_axis3[2]*final_axis1[0] - final_axis1[2]*final_axis3[0];
				final_axis2[2] = final_axis3[0]*final_axis1[1] - final_axis3[1]*final_axis1[0];
				magnitude = Math.sqrt(final_axis2[0]*final_axis2[0] + final_axis2[1]*final_axis2[1] + final_axis2[2]*final_axis2[2]);
				if (0.0 < magnitude)
					var scaling = (baseSize[1] + use_scale*scaleFactors[1]) / magnitude;
					final_axis2[0] *= scaling;
					final_axis2[1] *= scaling;
					final_axis2[2] *= scaling;
				return_arrays.push([final_point, final_axis1, final_axis2, final_axis3])
		return return_arrays;
	 * Update transformation for each of the glyph in this glyphset.
	var updateGlyphsetTransformation = function(current_positions, current_axis1s, current_axis2s, current_axis3s,
			current_scales) {
		var numberOfGlyphs = 1;
		if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR")
			numberOfGlyphs =  2;
		else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_3D")
			numberOfGlyphs = 3;
		var numberOfPositions = current_positions.length / 3;
		var current_glyph_index = 0 ;
		for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPositions; i++) {
			var current_index = i * 3;
			var current_position = [current_positions[current_index], current_positions[current_index+1],
			var current_axis1 = [current_axis1s[current_index], current_axis1s[current_index+1],
			var current_axis2 = [current_axis2s[current_index], current_axis2s[current_index+1],
			var current_axis3 = [current_axis3s[current_index], current_axis3s[current_index+1],
			var current_scale = [current_scales[current_index], current_scales[current_index+1],
			var arrays = resolve_glyph_axes(current_position, current_axis1, current_axis2,
					current_axis3, current_scale);
			if (arrays.length == numberOfGlyphs)
				for (var j = 0; j < numberOfGlyphs; j++)
					var glyph = glyphList[current_glyph_index];
						glyph.setTransformation(arrays[j][0], arrays[j][1], arrays[j][2], arrays[j][3]);
	 * Update colour for each of the glyph in this glyphset.
	var updateGlyphsetHexColors = function(current_colors) {
		var numberOfGlyphs = 1;
		if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR")
			numberOfGlyphs =  2;
		else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_3D")
			numberOfGlyphs = 3;
		var numberOfColours = current_colors.length;
		var current_glyph_index = 0 ;
		for (var i = 0; i < numberOfColours; i++) {
			var hex_values = current_colors[i];

			for (var j = 0; j < numberOfGlyphs; j++)
				var glyph = glyphList[current_glyph_index];
				if (glyph) {
					var mycolor = new THREE.Color(hex_values);
	 * Update the current states of the glyphs in this glyphset, this includes transformation and
	 * colour for each of them. This is called when glyphset and glyphs are initialised and whenever
	 * the internal time has been updated.
	var updateMorphGlyphsets = function() {
		var current_positions = [];
		var current_axis1s = [];
		var current_axis2s = [];
		var current_axis3s = [];
		var current_scales = [];
		var current_colors = [];
		var current_time = inbuildTime/_this.duration * (numberOfTimeSteps - 1);
		var bottom_frame =  Math.floor(current_time);
		var proportion = 1 - (current_time - bottom_frame);
		var top_frame =  Math.ceil(current_time);
		if (morphVertices) {
			var bottom_positions = positions[bottom_frame.toString()];
			var top_positions = positions[top_frame.toString()];
			var bottom_axis1 = axis1s[bottom_frame.toString()];
			var top_axis1 = axis1s[top_frame.toString()];
			var bottom_axis2 = axis2s[bottom_frame.toString()];
			var top_axis2 = axis2s[top_frame.toString()];
			var bottom_axis3 = axis3s[bottom_frame.toString()];
			var top_axis3 = axis3s[top_frame.toString()];
			var bottom_scale = scales[bottom_frame.toString()];
			var top_scale = scales[top_frame.toString()];
			for (var i = 0; i < bottom_positions.length; i++) {
				current_positions.push(proportion * bottom_positions[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_positions[i]);
				current_axis1s.push(proportion * bottom_axis1[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_axis1[i]);
				current_axis2s.push(proportion * bottom_axis2[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_axis2[i]);
				current_axis3s.push(proportion * bottom_axis3[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_axis3[i]);
				current_scales.push(proportion * bottom_scale[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_scale[i]);
		} else {
			current_positions = positions["0"];
			current_axis1s = axis1s["0"];
			current_axis2s = axis2s["0"];
			current_axis3s = axis3s["0"];
			current_scales = scales["0"];
		updateGlyphsetTransformation(current_positions, current_axis1s, current_axis2s, current_axis3s,
		if (colors != undefined) {
			if (morphColours) {
				var bottom_colors = colors[bottom_frame.toString()];
				var top_colors = colors[top_frame.toString()];
				for (var i = 0; i < bottom_colors.length; i++) {
					var bot = new THREE.Color(bottom_colors[i]);
					var top = new THREE.Color(top_colors[i]);
					var resulting_color = new THREE.Color(bot.r * proportion + top.r * (1 - proportion),
					                       bot.g * proportion + top.g * (1 - proportion),
					                       bot.b * proportion + top.b * (1 - proportion));
				for (var i = 0; i < bottom_colors.length; i++) {
					current_colors.push(proportion * bottom_colors[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_colors[i]);
			} else {
				current_colors = colors["0"];
		current_positions = null;
		current_axis1s = null;
		current_axis2s = null;
		current_axis3s = null;
		current_scales = null;
		current_colors = null;
	var createGlyphs = function(geometry, material) {
		for (var i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i ++) {
			var glyph = new (require('./glyph').Glyph)(geometry, material, i + 1, _this);
			if (labels != undefined && labels[i] != undefined) {
			glyphList[i] = glyph;
		//Update the transformation of the glyphs.
		updateGlyphsetTransformation(positions["0"], axis1s["0"],
				axis2s["0"], axis3s["0"], scales["0"]);
		//Update the color of the glyphs.
		if (colors != undefined) {
		_this.ready = true;
	 * A function which iterates through the list of glyphs and call the callback
	 * function with the glyph as the argument.
	 * @param {Function} callbackFunction - Callback function with the glyph
	 * as an argument.
	this.forEachGlyph = function(callbackFunction) {
		for ( var i = 0; i < glyphList.length; i ++ ) {
	var meshloader = function(finishCallback) {
	    return function(geometry, materials){
	    	var material = undefined;
	    	if (materials && materials[0]) {
	    		material = materials[0];
	    	createGlyphs(geometry, material);
	    	if (finishCallback != undefined && (typeof finishCallback == 'function'))
	 * Get the bounding box for the whole set of glyphs.
	 * @return {Three.Box3};
	this.getBoundingBox = function() {
		var boundingBox1 = undefined, boundingBox2 = undefined;
		for ( var i = 0; i < glyphList.length; i ++ ) {
			boundingBox2 = glyphList[i].getBoundingBox();
			if (boundingBox1 == undefined) {
				boundingBox1 = boundingBox2;
			} else {
		return boundingBox1;
	 * Set the local time of this glyphset.
	 * @param {Number} time - Can be any value between 0 to duration.
	this.setMorphTime = function (time) {
		if (time > _this.duration)
			inbuildTime = _this.duration;
		else if (0 > time)
			inbuildTime = 0;
			inbuildTime = time;
		if (morphColours || morphVertices) {
   * Check if the glyphset is time varying.
   * @return {Boolean}
  this.isTimeVarying = function () {
    if ((numberOfTimeSteps > 0) && (morphColours || morphVertices))
      return true;
    return false;
	 * Clear this glyphset and its list of glyphs which will release them from the memory.
	this.dispose = function() {
		for( var i = glyphList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		axis1s = undefined;
		axis2s = undefined;
		axis3s = undefined;
		positions = undefined;
		scales = undefined;
		colors = undefined;
		_this.ready = false;
		groupName = undefined;
	//Update the geometry and colours depending on the morph.
	this.render = function(delta, playAnimation) {
		if (playAnimation == true) 
			var targetTime = inbuildTime + delta;
			if (targetTime > _this.duration)
				targetTime = targetTime - _this.duration
			inbuildTime = targetTime;
			if (morphColours || morphVertices) {