import unittest import requests import json import urllib.parse import os import re from urllib.parse import urljoin from tests.config import Config from tests.slow_tests.manifest_name_to_discover_name import name_map, biolucida_name_map pennsieveCache = {} pennsieveMetadataCache = {} nameMapping = { 'Note': { 'Format': { "dataset_id": { "biolucida_id": { "scicrunch_file_path" : { "image_name_in_biolucida": "filename_in_scicrunch_file_path" } } } }, 'Message': 'Not all listed name mappings are required. Better to go through the mapping file and check before using in the sparc api.' } } pathMapping = {} doc_link = '' S3_BUCKET_NAME = "pennsieve-prod-discover-publish-use1" NOT_SPECIFIED = 'not-specified' BIOLUCIDA_2D = [ 'image/jp2', 'image/vnd.ome.xml+jp2' ] BIOLUCIDA_3D = [ 'image/jpx', 'image/vnd.ome.xml+jpx' ] # Set to True if you want to use the mapping implementation # This will requirer the mapping file to be present in the same directory # And make sure the mapping file is up-to-date. MAPPING_IMPLEMENTATION = False BIOLUCIDA_MAPPING_IMPLEMENTATION = False def get_dataset_info_pennsieve_identifier(dataset_id): headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} params = {'api_key': Config.SCICRUNCH_API_KEY} scicrunch_host = Config.SCICRUNCH_API_HOST + '/' scicrunch_request = { "query": { "term": { "pennsieve.identifier.aggregate": dataset_id } }, "_source": [ "objects.dataset" ] } return, '_search?preference=abiknowledgetesting'), json=scicrunch_request, params=params, headers=headers) def getDatasets(start, size): headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} params = {'api_key': Config.SCICRUNCH_API_KEY} scicrunch_host = Config.SCICRUNCH_API_HOST + '/' scicrunch_request = { "from": start, "size": size, "_source": [ "item.curie", "", "item.types", "objects.biolucida", "objects.additional_mimetype", "objects.mimetype", "objects.dataset", "pennsieve.version", "pennsieve.identifier", "pennsieve.uri" ] } return, '_search?preference=abiknowledgetesting'), json=scicrunch_request, params=params, headers=headers) def extract_bucket_name(original_name): return original_name.split('/')[2] def testBiolucidaAndScicrunch(imageName, localPath, dataset_id, biolucida_id, mimetype): global nameMapping filePath = localPath # When mapping not implemented, use the pathMapping cache to get the Pennsieve file path to compare with Biolucida if not MAPPING_IMPLEMENTATION and dataset_id in pathMapping and filePath in pathMapping[dataset_id]: filePath = pathMapping[dataset_id][filePath] if imageName != filePath.split("/")[-1]: error_response = { 'ScicrunchPath': localPath, 'BiolucidaId': biolucida_id, } if mimetype in BIOLUCIDA_2D: error_response.update({ 'Reason': 'Conflict between Pennsieve and Biolucida response.', 'Detail': 'FILE VIEWER: Biolucida filename does not match with the Pennsieve filename.', }) elif mimetype in BIOLUCIDA_3D: error_response.update({ 'Reason': 'Conflict between Scicrunch and Biolucida response.', 'Detail': 'BIOLUCIDA VIEWER: Biolucida filename does not match with the Scicrunch filename.', }) # Then generate the name mapping between Biolucida and Scicrunch if dataset_id not in nameMapping: nameMapping[dataset_id] = {} if biolucida_id not in nameMapping[dataset_id]: nameMapping[dataset_id][biolucida_id] = {} if filePath not in nameMapping[dataset_id][biolucida_id]: nameMapping[dataset_id][biolucida_id][filePath] = {} nameMapping[dataset_id][biolucida_id][filePath][imageName] = filePath.split("/")[-1] error_response['NameMappingRequired'] = 'Please check the name mapping file output for more information.' if imageName in biolucida_name_map: error_response['NameMappingSolved'] = 'This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api.' return error_response def compareWithMetadataFromPennsieve(dataset_id, version, fileName, filePath): global pennsieveMetadataCache global pathMapping files_metadata = [] key = f'{dataset_id}_{version}' if key in pennsieveMetadataCache: files_metadata = pennsieveMetadataCache[key] else: metadata_response = requests.get(f'{Config.PENNSIEVE_API_HOST}/datasets/{dataset_id}/versions/{version}/metadata') metadata_info = metadata_response.json() #print(metadata_info) if 'files' in metadata_info: files_metadata = metadata_info['files'] if len(files_metadata) > 0: pennsieveMetadataCache[key] = files_metadata # If the file path is exist in the metadata, add it to the mapping file if len(files_metadata) > 0: for file_metadata in files_metadata: modified_fileName = ' '.join(re.findall('[.a-zA-Z0-9]+', fileName)) modified_metadata_path = ' '.join(re.findall('[.a-zA-Z0-9]+', file_metadata['path'])) if fileName in file_metadata['path'] or modified_fileName in modified_metadata_path: if dataset_id not in pathMapping: pathMapping[dataset_id] = {} pathMapping[dataset_id][filePath] = file_metadata['path'] error_response = { 'PathMappingRequired': 'Please check the path mapping file output for more information.', 'Further': 'Correct file path is found through Pennsieve metadata.', } if filePath in name_map: error_response['PathMappingSolved'] = 'This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api.' return error_response def fetchFilesFromPennsieve(dataset_id, version, folderPath): global pennsieveCache files = [] if folderPath in pennsieveCache: files = pennsieveCache[folderPath] else: fileUrl = f'{Config.PENNSIEVE_API_HOST}/datasets/{dataset_id}/versions/{version}/files/browse?path={folderPath}' file_response = requests.get(fileUrl) files_info = file_response.json() #print(files_info) if 'files' in files_info: files = files_info['files'] if len(files) > 0: pennsieveCache[folderPath] = files return files def testScicrunchAndPennsieve(localPath, dataset_id, version, biolucida_id): error_response = { 'ScicrunchPath': localPath, 'BiolucidaId': biolucida_id, } # Check if the file path is consistent between Scicrunch and Pennsieve filePath = localPath folderPath = filePath.rsplit("/", 1)[0] fileName = filePath.rsplit("/", 1)[1] files = fetchFilesFromPennsieve(dataset_id, version, folderPath) if len(files) > 0: lPath = filePath.lower() foundFile = False for localFile in files: if lPath == localFile['path'].lower(): foundFile = True break elif 'uri' in localFile: uriFile = localFile['uri'].rsplit("/", 1)[0] if uriFile: uriFile = uriFile.lower() if uriFile in filePath: foundFile = True break if not foundFile: error_response['Reason'] = 'File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.' compare_response = compareWithMetadataFromPennsieve(dataset_id, version, fileName, filePath) if compare_response: error_response.update(compare_response) return error_response else: error_response['Reason'] = 'Folder path cannot be found on Pennsieve.' compare_response = compareWithMetadataFromPennsieve(dataset_id, version, fileName, filePath) if compare_response: error_response.update(compare_response) return error_response #Test object to check for any possible error def testBiolucida(dataset_id, version, biolucida_object, biolucida_id, bucket, mimetype): responses = [] localPath = None # scicrunch path imageName = None localPath = biolucida_object['dataset']['path'] if "files/" not in localPath: localPath = "files/" + localPath # Use the mapping file to get the correct file path if MAPPING_IMPLEMENTATION and localPath in name_map: localPath = name_map[localPath] try: biolucida_response = requests.get(f'{Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT}/image/info/{biolucida_id}') if not biolucida_response.status_code == 200: return [{ 'ScicrunchPath': localPath, 'BiolucidaId': biolucida_id, 'Reason': 'Cannot get a valid request from Biolucida.', }] image_info = biolucida_response.json() if image_info['status'] == "permission denied": return [{ 'ScicrunchPath': localPath, 'BiolucidaId': biolucida_id, 'Reason': 'Biolucida permission denied.', }] if 'name' in image_info: imageName = image_info['name'] # Use the mapping file to get the correct image name if BIOLUCIDA_MAPPING_IMPLEMENTATION and imageName in biolucida_name_map: imageName = biolucida_name_map[imageName] else: return [{ 'ScicrunchPath': localPath, 'BiolucidaId': biolucida_id, 'Reason': 'Image name cannot be found on Biolucida.', }] # File viewer page spError = testScicrunchAndPennsieve(localPath, dataset_id, version, biolucida_id) if spError: responses.append(spError) # Biolucida viewer page # the Scicrunch path here will use Pennsieve-mapped path during testing # If duplicate biolucida found in Scicrunch. # Following test will not be suitable for this case. # Need to think of a better way to handle this. bsError = testBiolucidaAndScicrunch(imageName, localPath, dataset_id, biolucida_id, mimetype) if bsError: responses.append(bsError) except Exception as e: responses.append({ 'ScicrunchPath': localPath, 'BiolucidaId': biolucida_id, 'Reason': str(e) }) return responses def get_mimietype_from_object(biolucida_object): # Check if the object is a biolucida object mime_type = biolucida_object.get('additional_mimetype', NOT_SPECIFIED) if mime_type != NOT_SPECIFIED: mime_type = mime_type.get('name') if not mime_type: mime_type = biolucida_object['mimetype'].get('name', NOT_SPECIFIED) return mime_type def test_biolucida_list(dataset_id, version, object_list, bucket): global pennsieveCache pennsieveCache = {} datasetWarnings = [] datasetErrors = [] objectErrors = [] biolucida_ids = [] # ids in Biolucida server only scicrunch_ids = [] # ids in both Scicrunch only bipresence_ids = [] # ids in both Scicrunch and Biolucida server duplicate_biolucida = [] # duplicate in Scicrunch biolucidaObjectFound = False # check if biolucida id is found in scicrunch biolucidaIDMatch = True # check if biolucida id is match with scicrunch biolucidaImageFound = False # check if biolucida information is found in biolucida server biolucidaFound = False duplicateFound = False biolucida_response = requests.get(f'{Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT}/imagemap/search_dataset/discover/{dataset_id}') if biolucida_response.status_code == 200: dataset_info = biolucida_response.json() if 'status' in dataset_info and dataset_info['status'] == "success": biolucidaImageFound = True # A list if ids of all images in the dataset biolucida_ids = [image.get('image_id', None) for image in dataset_info['dataset_images']] for biolucida_object in object_list: biolucida = biolucida_object.get('biolucida', NOT_SPECIFIED) if biolucida != NOT_SPECIFIED: biolucida_id = biolucida.get('identifier') if biolucida_id: biolucidaObjectFound = True if biolucida_id in biolucida_ids: mime_type = get_mimietype_from_object(biolucida_object) # Check if the object is a biolucida object if (mime_type in BIOLUCIDA_2D or mime_type in BIOLUCIDA_3D): # Check for duplicate biolucida if biolucida_id in bipresence_ids: duplicateFound = True duplicate_biolucida.append(biolucida_id) else: bipresence_ids.append(biolucida_id) elif biolucida_id not in biolucida_ids: biolucidaIDMatch = False scicrunch_ids.append(biolucida_id) duplicate_cache = {} # Check all the unique biolucida objects for biolucida_object in object_list: biolucida = biolucida_object.get('biolucida', NOT_SPECIFIED) if biolucida != NOT_SPECIFIED: biolucida_id = biolucida.get('identifier') if biolucida_id: if biolucida_id in bipresence_ids and biolucida_id not in duplicate_biolucida: # All the names/paths will based on Pennsieve # (3d) name (2d) path # biolucida -> scicrunch -> pennsieve # ^ | # | | # +-----------<------------+ # name error = testBiolucida(dataset_id, version, biolucida_object, biolucida_id, bucket, mime_type) if error: objectErrors.extend(error) elif biolucida_id in duplicate_biolucida: if biolucida_id not in duplicate_cache: duplicate_cache[biolucida_id] = [] duplicate_cache[biolucida_id].append(biolucida_object) # Check all the duplicate biolucida objects for biolucida_id in list(duplicate_cache.keys()): duplicateObjectErrors = [] duplicate_count = len(duplicate_cache[biolucida_id]) for biolucida_object in duplicate_cache[biolucida_id]: mime_type = get_mimietype_from_object(biolucida_object) # Check if the object is a biolucida object if (mime_type in BIOLUCIDA_2D or mime_type in BIOLUCIDA_3D): error = testBiolucida(dataset_id, version, biolucida_object, biolucida_id, bucket, mime_type) if error: duplicateObjectErrors.extend(error) if len(duplicateObjectErrors) > 0: duplicate_error_count = 0 # Count issues caused by Biolucida and Scicrunch name not match for error in duplicateObjectErrors: if 'NameMappingRequired' in error: duplicate_error_count += 1 for error in duplicateObjectErrors: if 'NameMappingRequired' in error and 'NameMappingSolved' not in error: # None of the duplicate objects testing are passed if duplicate_error_count == duplicate_count: error['MetadataRequired'] = 'None of the duplicate biolucida metadata is matched with Biolucida information.' # One or more duplicate objects testing are passed else: error['CleanUpRequired'] = 'Please clean up the unmatched duplicate biolucida metadata on Scicrunch.' objectErrors.append(error) # Remove mapping if one of duplicate object testing is passed if dataset_id in nameMapping and biolucida_id in nameMapping[dataset_id]: del nameMapping[dataset_id][biolucida_id] if len(nameMapping[dataset_id]) == 0: del nameMapping[dataset_id] if biolucidaObjectFound or biolucidaImageFound: biolucidaFound = True if biolucidaObjectFound and not biolucidaImageFound: datasetWarnings.append({ 'Reason': 'One or more Biolucida ID found on SciCrunch but no image information is found on Biolucida server.', 'Detail': 'No Biolucida images will be displayed. Biolucida server data update may required.' }) if biolucidaObjectFound and biolucidaImageFound and not biolucidaIDMatch: datasetWarnings.append({ 'Reason': 'Specific Biolucida ID found on SciCrunch but no image information is found on Biolucida server.', 'Detail': 'No Biolucida images will be displayed. Biolucida server data update may required.' }) if not biolucidaObjectFound and biolucidaImageFound: datasetWarnings.append({ 'Reason': 'Image information is found on Biolucida server but no Biolucida ID is found on SciCrunch.', 'Detail': 'No Biolucida images will be displayed. Scicrunch metadata update may required.' }) if duplicateFound: datasetErrors.append({ 'Reason': 'Duplicate image ids are found on Scicrunch.', 'Detail': 'Redundant images are found on {ids}.'.format(ids=', '.join(set(duplicate_biolucida))), 'Total': len(duplicate_biolucida), 'Further': 'Issues may occur on thumbnail or viewer. More detail will be shown in object errors.' }) numberOfErrors = len(objectErrors) fileReports = { 'Total': numberOfErrors, 'Objects': objectErrors } numberOfInconsistency = 0 numberOfNameInconsistency = 0 numberOfPathInconsistency = 0 numberOfNameMapped = 0 numberOfPathMapped = 0 for error in objectErrors: if 'NameMappingRequired' in error: numberOfNameInconsistency += 1 if 'PathMappingRequired' in error: numberOfPathInconsistency += 1 if 'NameMappingSolved' in error: numberOfNameMapped += 1 if 'PathMappingSolved' in error: numberOfPathMapped += 1 numberOfInconsistency = numberOfNameInconsistency + numberOfPathInconsistency if numberOfInconsistency > 0: fileReports['Inconsistency'] = { 'Total': numberOfInconsistency, } if numberOfNameInconsistency > 0: fileReports['Inconsistency']['Name'] = { 'Total': numberOfNameInconsistency, 'NameMapped': numberOfNameMapped, 'NameUnMapped': numberOfNameInconsistency - numberOfNameMapped, } if numberOfPathInconsistency > 0: fileReports['Inconsistency']['Path'] = { 'Total': numberOfPathInconsistency, 'NameMapped': numberOfPathMapped, 'NameUnMapped': numberOfPathInconsistency - numberOfPathMapped, } return {"FileReports": fileReports, "DatasetWarnings": datasetWarnings, "DatasetErrors": datasetErrors, "BiolucidaFound": biolucidaFound} #Test the dataset def test_datasets_information(dataset): report = { 'Id': 'none', 'DOI': 'none', '_id': dataset['_id'], 'Warnings': [], 'Errors': [], 'ObjectErrors': {'Total': 0, 'Objects':[]} } if '_source' in dataset : source = dataset['_source'] if 'item' in source: report['Name'] = source['item'].get('name', 'none') report['DOI'] = source['item'].get('curie', 'none') if 'pennsieve' in source and 'version' in source['pennsieve'] and 'identifier' in source['pennsieve']: dataset_id = source['pennsieve']['identifier'] version = source['pennsieve']['version']['identifier'] report['Id'] = dataset_id report['Version'] = version bucket = S3_BUCKET_NAME if 'uri' in source['pennsieve']: bucket = extract_bucket_name(source['pennsieve']['uri']) if version: object_list = source['objects'] if 'objects' in source else [] object_reports = test_biolucida_list(dataset_id, version, object_list, bucket) report['Warnings'].extend(object_reports["DatasetWarnings"]) report['Errors'].extend(object_reports["DatasetErrors"]) report['ObjectErrors'] = object_reports['FileReports'] report['Biolucida'] = object_reports['BiolucidaFound'] else: report['Errors'].append('Missing version') return report class BiolucidaDatasetFilesTest(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) def test_files_information(self): start = 0 size = 20 keepGoing = True totalSize = 0 reportOutput = 'reports/biolucida_reports.json' nameMappingOutput = 'reports/biolucida_name_mapping.json' # replace Biolucida name with Scicrunch filename pathMappingOutput = 'reports/biolucida_path_mapping.json' # replace Scicrunch file path with Pennsieve file path reports = {'Tested': 0, 'Warned': 0, 'Failed': 0, 'WarnedIds':[], 'FailedIds':[], 'WarnedDatasets':[], 'FailedDatasets':[]} testSize = 2000 totalBiolucida = 0 # ''' # Test selected datasets # To use this, need to generate scicrunch_datasets json file first # {dataset_id: {<scicrunch_response>}} # ''' # scicrunch_datasets = open('reports/scicrunch_datasets.json') # datasets = json.load(scicrunch_datasets) # scicrunch_datasets.close() # # dataset_list = list(datasets.keys()) # dataset_list = [ # # warning # "22", # "296", # "64", # "109", # "90", # "304", # "137", # "175", # "43", # "82", # "332", # "77", # "187", # "37", # "61", # "290", # "16", # "348", # "366", # "383", # "230", # "125", # "75", # "73", # "36", # "54", # "60", # "234", # "240", # "56", # "21", # "97", # "32", # "85", # "89", # "369", # "29", # "367", # "388", # "386", # "161", # "293", # "88", # "382", # "385", # "287", # # fail # "107", # "389", # "221", # "205", # "65", # "204", # "108", # "178", # # duplicate # "345", # "158", # "321", # "265", # "381", # "373" # ] # ''' # Add datasets to the queue # ''' # data = {'hits': {'hits': []}} # for dataset_id in dataset_list: # data['hits']['hits'].append(datasets[dataset_id]) # for dataset in data['hits']['hits']: # report = test_datasets_information(dataset) # if 'Biolucida' in report and report['Biolucida']: # totalBiolucida = totalBiolucida + 1 # print(f"Reports generated for {report['Id']}") # if len(report['Errors']) > 0 or report['ObjectErrors']['Total'] > 0: # reports['FailedIds'].append(report['Id']) # reports['FailedDatasets'].append(report) # else: # if len(report['Warnings']) > 0: # reports['WarnedIds'].append(report['Id']) # reports['WarnedDatasets'].append(report) # totalSize = totalSize + len(data['hits']['hits']) # if totalSize >= testSize: # keepGoing = False ''' Test all the datasets ''' while keepGoing : scicrunch_response = getDatasets(start, size) self.assertEqual(200, scicrunch_response.status_code) data = scicrunch_response.json() #No more result, stop if size > len(data['hits']['hits']): keepGoing = False #keepGoing= False start = start + size for dataset in data['hits']['hits']: report = test_datasets_information(dataset) if 'Biolucida' in report and report['Biolucida']: totalBiolucida = totalBiolucida + 1 print(f"Reports generated for {report['Id']}") if len(report['Errors']) > 0 or report['ObjectErrors']['Total'] > 0: reports['FailedIds'].append(report['Id']) reports['FailedDatasets'].append(report) else: if len(report['Warnings']) > 0: reports['WarnedIds'].append(report['Id']) reports['WarnedDatasets'].append(report) totalSize = totalSize + len(data['hits']['hits']) if totalSize >= testSize: keepGoing = False # Generate the report reports['Tested'] = totalSize reports['Tested Datasets with Biolucida'] = totalBiolucida print(f"Number of datasets tested: {reports['Tested']}") reports['Warned'] = len(reports['WarnedIds']) reports['Failed'] = len(reports['FailedIds']) print(f"Number of dataset with warning: {reports['Warned']}") print(f"Number of dataset with errors: {reports['Failed']}") if reports['Warned'] > 0: print(f"Warned Datasets: {reports['WarnedIds']}") if reports['Failed'] > 0: print(f"Failed Datasets: {reports['FailedIds']}") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(reportOutput), exist_ok=True) with open(reportOutput, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(reports, outfile, indent=4) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(nameMappingOutput), exist_ok=True) with open(nameMappingOutput, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(nameMapping, outfile, indent=4) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pathMappingOutput), exist_ok=True) with open(pathMappingOutput, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(pathMapping, outfile, indent=4) print(f"Full report has been generated at {reportOutput}") self.assertEqual(0, len(reports['FailedIds'])) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()