{ "Tested": 331, "Failed": 11, "FailedIds": [ "31", "64", "43", "314", "120", "125", "230", "347", "225", "226", "221" ], "Datasets": [ { "Id": "31", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/sip4-ioyz", "_id": "31", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 1, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-20171129P/sam-20171129P-pC/20171129P-pC-1.2_ISP_ PGP9.5_10x.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 1, "Mapped": 1, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "CLARITY and three-dimensional (3D) imaging of the mouse and porcine colonic innervation", "Version": "4", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "64", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/maq2-eii4", "_id": "64", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 5, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-13/sam-1/sub-13_sam-1_P13-1MergeMask.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-12/sam-1/sub-12_sam-1_P12-1MergeMask.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-14/sam-3/sub-14_sam-3_P14-3MergeMask.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-14/sam-2/sub-14_sam-2_P14-2MergeMask.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-15/sam-2/sub-15_sam-2_P15-2MergeMask.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 5, "Mapped": 5, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Quantified morphology of the pig vagus nerve ", "Version": "4", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "43", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/fcrd-lbid", "_id": "43", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 1, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-6384/sam-28_sub-6384_islet3/sub-6384_20x_MsGcg_RbCol4_SMACy3_islet3.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 1, "Mapped": 1, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Human islet microvasculature analysis", "Version": "5", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "314", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/wh9h-tbew", "_id": "314", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 4, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-20/sam-20Ventricle/20 mouse left ventricle TH.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-208/sam-208Atria/208 mice atria TH tracing.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-23/sam-23Ventricle/23 mouse right ventricle TH.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-23/sam-23Septum/23 Septum TH.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 4, "Mapped": 4, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Topographical mapping of sympathetic postganglionic innervation of the mouse heart", "Version": "1", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "120", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/wcwr-hmch", "_id": "120", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 2, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-cat9/perf-3-cat9/Cat 9.3.2_20ml rename.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-cat9/perf-3-cat9/Cat 9.3.1_10ml rename.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 2, "Mapped": 2, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Chronic wireless Urological Monitor of Conscious Activity (UroMOCA) implantation in feline bladder", "Version": "2", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "125", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/y4kn-gzok", "_id": "125", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 18, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2115/sam-H2115/SPARC_H2115A_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2100/sam-H2100/SPARC_H2100A_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2150/sam-H2150/SPARC_H2150c_LM (Taeniae)_DiI ChAT%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2102/sam-H2102/SPARC_H2102B_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2101/sam-H2101/SPARC_H2101D_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2162/sam-H2162/SPARC_H2162a_LM (Taeniae)_DiI ChAT%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2139/sam-H2139/SPARC_H2139c_LM (Taeniae)_DiI VIP%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2146/sam-H2146/SPARC_H2146b_LM (Taeniae)_DiI VIP%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2111/sam-H2111/SPARC_H2111A_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2104/sam-H2104/SPARC_H2104B_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2109/sam-H2109/SPARC_H2109B_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2151/sam-H2151C/SPARC_H2151c_LM (Taeniae)_DiI ChAT%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2151/sam-H2151/SPARC_H2151b_LM (Taeniae)_DiI ChAT%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2149/sam-H2149/SPARC_H2149c_LM (Taeniae)_DiI ChAT%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2149/sam-H2149B/SPARC_H2149b_LM (Taeniae)_DiI VIP%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2107/sam-H2107/SPARC_H2107C_LM_NOS%26ChAT_DiI.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2145/sam-H2145/SPARC_H2145c_LM (Taeniae)_DiI ChAT%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-H2145/sam-H2145B/SPARC_H2145b_LM (Taeniae)_DiI VIP%26NOS.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 18, "Mapped": 18, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Characterization of projections of longitudinal muscle motor neurons in human colon", "Version": "6", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "230", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/cljd-yjqy", "_id": "230", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 7, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-dorsal-1/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Dorsal-1/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Dorsal-1.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-dorsal-4/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Dorsal-4/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Dorsal-4.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-ventral-3/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Ventral-3/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Ventral-3.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-dorsal-3/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Dorsal-3/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Dorsal-3.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-ventral-1/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Ventral-1/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Ventral-1.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-ventral-2/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Ventral-2/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Ventral-2.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-dorsal-2/sam-CGRP-Mouse-Dorsal-2/3D scaffold - CGRP-Mice-Dorsal-2.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 7, "Mapped": 7, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Calcitonin gene-related peptide - immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) axon innervation of mouse stomach", "Version": "2", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "347", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/rmcz-jfoq", "_id": "347", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 6, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-111/sam-DB-rat-ventral-111/3D scaffold_sub111VM.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-115/sam-DB-rat-ventral-115/3D scaffold_sub115VM.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-123/sam-DB-rat-ventral-123/3D scaffold_sub123VM.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-124/sam-DB-rat-ventral-124/3D scaffold_sub124VM.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-116/sam-DB-rat-ventral-116/3D scaffold_sub116VM.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-112/sam-DB-rat-ventral-112/3D scaffold_sub112VM.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 6, "Mapped": 6, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Anterograde tracing of spinal afferent innervation in flat-mounts of the rat stomach", "Version": "1", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "225", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/rt8g-gu2v", "_id": "225", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 1, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-VNS-025/sam-025-2/025-2.xml", "Reason": "Cannot get a valid request from NeuroLucida", "Detail": "Possibly incorrect file path is used." } ] }, "Name": "Ultrastructural analysis of human vagus nerve", "Version": "1", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "226", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/eefp-azay", "_id": "226", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 1, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/primary/sub-131/sam-12/131L_F7_metadata.xml", "Reason": "Cannot get a valid request from NeuroLucida", "Detail": "Possibly incorrect file path is used." } ] }, "Name": "High-throughput segmentation of rat unmyelinated axons by deep learning", "Version": "2", "Segmentation": true }, { "Id": "221", "DOI": "DOI:10.26275/1uno-tynt", "_id": "221", "Errors": [], "ObjectErrors": { "Total": 16, "Objects": [ { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M134/sam-pCm134/digital-traces/pC XFP M134 20XZ 190806_191012_200130D_lx_F O.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M134/sam-pCm134/digital-traces/pC XFP M134 20XZ 190806_191012_200130D_lx_F G.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M134/sam-pCm134/digital-traces/pC XFP M134 20XZ 190806_191012_200130D_lx.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_N4.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_N5 connex.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_IGNE.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_N5.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_N1,2,3.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_20.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M11/sam-pCm11/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M11 20XZ 180425_180713_2_NL_N8,9,10.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M163/sam-pCm163/digital-traces/pCm163_AAV_Z_20x_20200206_S3_N12 connex.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M163/sam-pCm163/digital-traces/pCm163_AAV_Z_20x_20200206_S3_F peach.png.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M16/sam-pCm16/digital-traces/pC PHPS XFP M16 20XZ 180425_180524.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M168/digital-traces/pCm168_AAV_Z_20x_191211_S3B_lx_IG connex.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M168/digital-traces/pCm168_AAV_Z_20x_191211_S3B_lx_F beige.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." }, { "ScicrunchPath": "files/derivative/sub-M168/digital-traces/pCm168_AAV_Z_20x_191211_S3B_lx_F G.xml", "Reason": "File path cannot be found on Pennsieve.", "MappingRequired": "Please check the path mapping file output for more information.", "MappingSolved": "This is a known inconsistency issue which has been manually mapped in the sparc api." } ], "Inconsistency": { "Total": 16, "Mapped": 16, "Unmapped": 0 } }, "Name": "Multicolor adeno-associated virus sparse labeling and 3D digital tracing of enteric plexus in mouse proximal colon", "Version": "3", "Segmentation": true } ], "Tested Datasets with Segmentation": 18 }