import atexit import base64 from app.metrics.pennsieve import get_download_count from app.metrics.contentful import init_cf_cda_client, get_funded_projects_count, get_featured_datasets from scripts.update_contentful_entries import update_all_events_sort_order, update_event_sort_order from app.metrics.algolia import get_dataset_count, init_algolia_client, get_all_dataset_ids, get_associated_datasets from import init_ga_reporting, get_ga_1year_sessions from scripts.monthly_stats import MonthlyStats from scripts.update_featured_dataset_id import set_featured_dataset_id, get_featured_dataset_id_table_state from import OSparcServices import botocore import boto3 import hashlib import hmac import base64 import time import hubspot from hubspot.crm.contacts import ApiException import json import logging import re import requests import threading from urllib.parse import urlparse from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from apscheduler.triggers.combining import OrTrigger from import DateTrigger from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from datetime import datetime, timedelta from flask import Flask, abort, jsonify, request from flask_cors import CORS from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow from pennsieve import Pennsieve from pennsieve2 import Pennsieve as Pennsieve2 from import new_client from pennsieve.base import UnauthorizedException as PSUnauthorizedException from PIL import Image from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from flask_caching import Cache from app.scicrunch_requests import create_doi_query, create_filter_request, create_facet_query, create_doi_aggregate, create_title_query, \ create_identifier_query, create_pennsieve_identifier_query, create_field_query, create_request_body_for_curies, create_onto_term_query, \ create_multiple_doi_query, create_multiple_discoverId_query, create_anatomy_query, get_body_scaffold_dataset_id, \ create_multiple_mimetype_query from scripts.email_sender import EmailSender, feedback_email, general_interest_email, issue_reporting_email, creation_request_confirmation_email, service_interest_email from threading import Lock from xml.etree import ElementTree from app.config import Config from app.dbtable import MapTable, ScaffoldTable, FeaturedDatasetIdSelectorTable from app.scicrunch_process_results import process_results, process_get_first_scaffold_info, reform_aggregation_results, \ reform_curies_results, reform_dataset_results, reform_related_terms, reform_anatomy_results from app.serializer import ContactRequestSchema from app.utilities import img_to_base64_str, get_path_from_mangled_list from app.osparc.osparc import start_simulation as do_start_simulation from app.osparc.osparc import check_simulation as do_check_simulation from app.biolucida_process_results import process_results as process_biolucida_results, process_result as process_biolucida_result logging.basicConfig() app = Flask(__name__) log_level = Config.LOG_LEVEL.upper() app.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level, logging.WARNING)) # set environment variable app.config["ENV"] = Config.DEPLOY_ENV cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'SimpleCache', 'CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300}) CORS(app) ma = Marshmallow(app) email_sender = EmailSender() ps = None s3 = boto3.client( "s3", aws_access_key_id=Config.SPARC_PORTAL_AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=Config.SPARC_PORTAL_AWS_SECRET, region_name="us-east-1", ) biolucida_lock = Lock() try: maptable = MapTable(Config.DATABASE_URL) except AttributeError: maptable = None try: scaffoldtable = ScaffoldTable(Config.DATABASE_URL) except AttributeError: scaffoldtable = None try: featuredDatasetIdSelectorTable = FeaturedDatasetIdSelectorTable(Config.DATABASE_URL) except AttributeError: featuredDatasetIdSelectorTable = None class Biolucida(object): _token = '' _expiry_date = + timedelta(999999) _pending_authentication = False @staticmethod def set_token(value): Biolucida._token = value def token(self): return self._token @staticmethod def set_expiry_date(value): Biolucida._expiry_date = value def expiry_date(self): return self._expiry_date @staticmethod def set_pending_authentication(value): Biolucida._pending_authentication = value def pending_authentication(self): return self._pending_authentication @app.errorhandler(404) def resource_not_found(e): return jsonify(error=str(e)), 404 @app.before_first_request def connect_to_pennsieve(): global ps try: ps = Pennsieve( api_token=Config.PENNSIEVE_API_TOKEN, api_secret=Config.PENNSIEVE_API_SECRET, env_override=False, host=Config.PENNSIEVE_API_HOST ) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error("Unable to connect to Pennsieve host") logging.error(err) except PSUnauthorizedException as err: logging.error("Unable to authorise with Pennsieve Api") logging.error(err) except Exception as err: logging.error("Unknown Error") logging.error(err) @app.before_first_request def connect_to_pennsieve2(): global ps2 try: ps2 = new_client(api_key=Config.PENNSIEVE_API_TOKEN, api_secret=Config.PENNSIEVE_API_SECRET, api_host=Config.PENNSIEVE_API_HOST, api2_host=None) except Exception as err: logging.error(f"Error connecting to pennsieve 2 agent: {err}") viewers_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() metrics_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() services_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() featured_dataset_id_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() update_contentful_event_entries_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() if not featured_dataset_id_scheduler.running:'Starting scheduler for featured dataset id acquisition') featured_dataset_id_scheduler.start() # Run monthly stats email schedule on production if Config.DEPLOY_ENV == 'production': monthly_stats_email_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() ms = MonthlyStats() #Check when app starts in case the api server is down on the first #of the month ms.monthly_stats_required_check() monthly_stats_email_scheduler.start() #Check on the first of each month at 2am monthly_stats_email_scheduler.add_job(ms.monthly_stats_required_check, 'cron', \ year='*', month='*', day='1', hour='2', minute=0, second=0) # Only need to run the update contentful entries scheduler on one environment, so dev was chosen to keep prod more responsive if Config.DEPLOY_ENV == 'development' and Config.SPARC_API_DEBUGGING == 'FALSE': if not update_contentful_event_entries_scheduler.running:'Starting scheduler for updating contentful event entries') update_contentful_event_entries_scheduler.start() # Update the contentful entries daily at 2 AM EST update_contentful_event_entries_scheduler.add_job(update_all_events_sort_order, 'cron', hour=2, timezone='US/Eastern') osparc_data = {} @app.before_first_request def get_osparc_file_viewers():'Getting oSPARC viewers') # Gets a list of default viewers. try: req = requests.get(url=f'{Config.OSPARC_API_HOST}/viewers') if req.ok and 'application/json' in req.headers.get('content-type', ''): viewers = req.json() table = build_filetypes_table(viewers["data"]) osparc_data["file_viewers"] = table except Exception as e: logging.error('Could not retreive oSPARC viewers', e) if not viewers_scheduler.running:'Starting scheduler for oSPARC viewers acquisition') viewers_scheduler.start() usage_metrics = {} google_analytics = init_ga_reporting() algolia = init_algolia_client() contentful = init_cf_cda_client() @app.before_first_request def get_metrics():'Gathering metrics data') if google_analytics: ga_response = get_ga_1year_sessions(google_analytics) usage_metrics['1year_sessions_count'] = ga_response if algolia: algolia_response = get_dataset_count(algolia) usage_metrics['dataset_count'] = algolia_response if contentful: cf_response = get_funded_projects_count(contentful) usage_metrics['funded_projects_count'] = cf_response ps_response = get_download_count() usage_metrics['1year_download_count'] = ps_response if not metrics_scheduler.running:'Starting scheduler for metrics acquisition') metrics_scheduler.start() osparc_services = OSparcServices() @app.before_first_request def get_services():'Fetching oSPARC services') try: req = requests.get(url=f'{Config.OSPARC_API_HOST}/services') services_resp = req.json() osparc_services.set_services(services_resp['data']) except Exception as e: logging.error('Request to get oSPARC services failed', e) # Gets oSPARC services before the first request after startup and then once a day. services_scheduler.add_job(func=get_services, trigger="interval", days=1) # Gets oSPARC viewers before the first request after startup and then once a day. viewers_scheduler.add_job(func=get_osparc_file_viewers, trigger="interval", days=1) # Gathers all the required metrics, once every three hours metrics_scheduler.add_job(func=get_metrics, trigger='interval', hours=3) # Update the featured dataset id on deploy and then every hour featured_dataset_id_trigger = OrTrigger([DateTrigger(), IntervalTrigger(hours=1)]) featured_dataset_id_scheduler.add_job(lambda: set_featured_dataset_id(featuredDatasetIdSelectorTable), featured_dataset_id_trigger) def shutdown_schedulers():'Stopping scheduler for oSPARC viewers acquisition') if viewers_scheduler.running: viewers_scheduler.shutdown()'Stopping scheduler for metrics acquisition') if metrics_scheduler.running: metrics_scheduler.shutdown()'Stopping scheduler for updating contentful entries') if update_contentful_event_entries_scheduler.running: update_contentful_event_entries_scheduler.shutdown()'Stopping scheduler for updating featured dataset id') if featured_dataset_id_scheduler.running: featured_dataset_id_scheduler.shutdown()'Stopping scheduler for oSPARC services') if services_scheduler.running: services_scheduler.shutdown() atexit.register(shutdown_schedulers) @app.route("/health") def health(): return json.dumps({"status": "healthy"}) @app.route("/contact", methods=["POST"]) def contact(): data = json.loads( contact_request = ContactRequestSchema().load(data) name = contact_request["name"] email = contact_request["email"] message = contact_request["message"] email_sender.send_email(name, email, message) email_sender.sendgrid_email(Config.SES_SENDER, email, 'Feedback submission', feedback_email.substitute({ 'message': message })) return json.dumps({"status": "sent"}) def create_s3_presigned_url(s3BucketName, key, content_type, expiration): response = s3.generate_presigned_url( "get_object", Params={"Bucket": s3BucketName, "Key": key, "RequestPayer": "requester", "ResponseContentType": content_type}, ExpiresIn=expiration, ) return response # Download a file from S3 @app.route("/download") def create_presigned_url(expiration=3600, bucket_name=Config.DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET_NAME): key = request.args.get("key") s3BucketName = request.args.get("s3BucketName", bucket_name) content_type = request.args.get("contentType", "application/octet-stream") return create_s3_presigned_url(s3BucketName, key, content_type, expiration) @app.route("/thumbnail/neurolucida") def thumbnail_from_neurolucida_file(): query_args = request.args if 'version' not in query_args or 'datasetId' not in query_args or 'path' not in query_args: return abort(400, description=f"Query arguments are not valid.") url = f"{Config.NEUROLUCIDA_HOST}/thumbnail" try: response = requests.get(url, params=query_args, timeout=5) response.raise_for_status() if response.status_code == 200: if response.headers.get('Content-Type', 'unknown') == 'image/png': return base64.b64encode(response.content) abort(400, 'Failed to retrieve thumbnail.') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return abort(400, description="Unable to make a connection to NEUROLUCIDA_HOST.") except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return abort(504, 'Request to NEUROLUCIDA_HOST timed out.') except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return abort(502, f"Error while requesting NEUROLUCIDA_HOST: {str(e)}") @app.route("/thumbnail/segmentation") def extract_thumbnail_from_xml_file(bucket_name=Config.DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET_NAME): """ Extract a thumbnail from a mbf xml file. First phase is to find the thumbnail element in the xml document. Second phase is to convert the xml to a base64 png. """ query_args = request.args if 'path' not in query_args: return abort(400, description=f"Query arguments are not valid.") s3BucketName = query_args.get("s3BucketName", bucket_name) path = query_args['path'] resource = None start_tag_found = False end_tag_found = False start_byte = 0 offset = 256000 end_byte = offset while not start_tag_found or not end_tag_found: try: response = s3.get_object( Bucket=s3BucketName, Key=path, Range=f"bytes={start_byte}-{end_byte}", RequestPayer="requester" ) except ClientError as ex: if ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchKey': return abort(404, description=f"Could not find file: '{path}'") else: return abort(404, description=f"Unknown error for file: '{path}'") resource = response["Body"].read().decode('UTF-8') start_tag_found = '')] + '' xml = ElementTree.fromstring(thumbnail_xml) size_info = xml.attrib im_data = '' for child in xml: im_data += child.text[2:] byte_im_data = bytes.fromhex(im_data) im = Image.frombytes("RGB", (int(size_info['rows']), int(size_info['cols'])), byte_im_data) base64_form = img_to_base64_str(im) return base64_form @app.route("/exists/") def url_exists(path, bucket_name=Config.DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET_NAME): query_args = request.args s3BucketName = query_args.get("s3BucketName", bucket_name) try: head_response = s3.head_object( Bucket=s3BucketName, Key=path, RequestPayer="requester" ) except ClientError: return {'exists': 'false'} content_length = head_response.get('ContentLength', 0) if content_length > 0: return {'exists': 'true'} return {'exists': 'false'} def fetch_discover_file_information(uri): # Fudge the URI from Sci-crunch uri = uri.replace('', '') uri = uri[:uri.rfind('/')] r = requests.get(uri) return r.json() @app.route("/s3-resource/discover_path") def get_discover_path(): uri = request.args.get('uri') try: json_response = fetch_discover_file_information(uri) if 'totalCount' in json_response and json_response['totalCount'] == 1: file_info = json_response['files'][0] return file_info['path'] except Exception as ex: logging.error('Failed to retrieve uri {uri}', ex) return abort(404, description=f'Failed to retrieve uri {uri}') def s3_header_check(path, bucket_name): try: head_response = s3.head_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=path, RequestPayer="requester" ) content_length = head_response.get('ContentLength', Config.DIRECT_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT) if content_length and not content_length < Config.DIRECT_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT : # 20 MB return abort(413, description= f"File too big to download: {content_length}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: # NOTE: This case is required because of if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404": return (404, f'Provided path was not found on the s3 resource') elif err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "403": return (403, f'There is a permission issue when accessing the file at specified path') else: return abort(err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"]) else: return (200, 'OK') # Reverse proxy for objects from S3, a simple get object # operation. This is used by scaffoldvuer and its # important to keep the relative for accessing # other required files. @app.route("/s3-resource/") def direct_download_url(path, bucket_name=Config.DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET_NAME): query_args = request.args s3BucketName = query_args.get("s3BucketName", bucket_name) s3_path = path # Will modify s3_path if we find name mangling # Check the header to see if too large or does not exist response = s3_header_check(path, s3BucketName) # If the file does not exist, check if the name was mangled if response[0] == 404 or response[0] == 403: s3_path_modified = get_path_from_mangled_list(path) if s3_path_modified == s3_path: abort(404, description=f'Provided path was not found on the s3 resource') # Abort if path did not change # Check the modified path response2 = s3_header_check(s3_path_modified, s3BucketName) if response2[0] == 200: s3_path = s3_path_modified # Modify the path if de-mangling was successful elif response2[0] == 404: abort(404, description=f'Provided path was not found on the s3 resource') elif response2[0] == 403: abort(403, description=f'There is a permission issue when accessing the file at specified path') response = s3.get_object( Bucket=s3BucketName, Key=s3_path, RequestPayer="requester" ) encode_base64 = request.args.get("encodeBase64") resource = response["Body"].read() if encode_base64 is not None: return base64.b64encode(resource) return resource @app.route("/scicrunch-dataset//") def sci_doi(doi1, doi2): doi = doi1.replace('DOI:', '') + '/' + doi2 data = create_doi_query(doi) try: response = f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}', json=data) return response.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return json.dumps({'error': err}) # /pubmed/ Used as a proxy for making requests to pubmed @app.route("/pubmed/") @app.route("/pubmed//") def pubmed(id_): try: response = requests.get(f'{id_}/') return response.text except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return json.dumps({'error': err}) # /scicrunch-query-string/: Returns results for given organ curie. These can be processed by the sidebar @app.route("/scicrunch-query-string/") def sci_organ(): fields = request.args.getlist('field') curie = request.args.get('curie') size = request.args.get('size') from_ = request.args.get('from') data = create_field_query(fields, curie, size, from_) try: response = f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}', json=data) return process_results(response.json()) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return json.dumps({'error': err}) @app.route("/dataset_info/using_doi") def get_dataset_info_doi(): doi = request.args.get('doi') raw = request.args.get('raw_response') query = create_doi_query(doi) if raw is None: return reform_dataset_results(dataset_search(query)) return dataset_search(query) @app.route("/dataset_info/using_multiple_dois") @app.route("/dataset_info/using_multiple_dois/") def get_dataset_info_dois(): dois = request.args.getlist('dois') query = create_multiple_doi_query(dois) return process_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/multiple_dataset_info/using_multiple_mimetype") @app.route("/multiple_dataset_info/using_multiple_mimetype/") def get_file_info_from_mimetype(): # q here is a scicrunch query ie: "*jp2*+OR+*vnd.ome.xml*+OR+*jpx*" q = request.args.getlist('q') query = create_multiple_mimetype_query(q) return process_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/dataset_info/using_multiple_discoverIds") @app.route("/dataset_info/using_multiple_discoverIds/") def get_dataset_info_discoverIds(): discoverIds = request.args.getlist('discoverIds') query = create_multiple_discoverId_query(discoverIds) return process_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/dataset_info/using_title") def get_dataset_info_title(): title = request.args.get('title') query = create_title_query(title) return reform_dataset_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/dataset_info/using_object_identifier") def get_dataset_info_object_identifier(): identifier = request.args.get('identifier') query = create_identifier_query(identifier) return reform_dataset_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/dataset_info/anatomy") def get_dataset_info_anatomy(): identifier = request.args.get('identifier', -1) if identifier == -1: return abort(404, description=f'Identifier for API call not set.') query = create_anatomy_query(identifier) return reform_anatomy_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/dataset_info/using_pennsieve_identifier") def get_dataset_info_pennsieve_identifier(): identifier = request.args.get('identifier') query = create_pennsieve_identifier_query(identifier) return reform_dataset_results(dataset_search(query)) @app.route("/segmentation_info/") def get_segmentation_info_from_file(bucket_name=Config.DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET_NAME): query_args = request.args if 'dataset_path' not in query_args: return abort(400, description=f"Query arguments must include 'dataset_path'.") s3BucketName = query_args.get("s3BucketName", bucket_name) dataset_path = query_args.get('dataset_path') try: # Check the header to see if too large response = s3_header_check(dataset_path, s3BucketName) # Check if file exists if response[0] == 404: abort(404, description=f'Provided path was not found on the s3 resource') response = s3.get_object( Bucket=s3BucketName, Key=dataset_path, RequestPayer="requester" ) except ClientError as ex: if ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchKey': return abort(404, description=f"Could not find file: '{dataset_path}'") else: return abort(404, description=f"Unknown error for file: '{dataset_path}'") resource = response["Body"].read() xml = ElementTree.fromstring(resource) subject_element = xml.find('./{*}sparcdata/{*}subject') info = {} if subject_element is not None: info['subject'] = subject_element.attrib else: info['subject'] = {'age': '', 'sex': '', 'species': '', 'subjectid': ''} atlas_element = xml.find('./{*}sparcdata/{*}atlas') if atlas_element is not None: info['atlas'] = atlas_element.attrib else: info['atlas'] = {'organ': ''} return info @app.route("/current_doi_list") def get_all_doi(): query = create_doi_aggregate() results = reform_aggregation_results(dataset_search(query)) doi_results = [] for result in results['doi']['buckets']: doi_results.append(result['key']['curie']) return {'results': doi_results} def dataset_search(query): try: payload = query params = { "api_key": Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY } response ='{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search', json=payload, params=params) return response.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return jsonify({'error': err}) # /search/: Returns sci-crunch results for a given query @app.route("/search/", defaults={'query': '', 'limit': 10, 'start': 0}) @app.route("/search/") def kb_search(query, limit=10, start=0): try: if request.args.get('limit') is not None: limit = request.args.get('limit') if request.args.get('query') is not None: query = request.args.get('query') if request.args.get('start') is not None: start = request.args.get('start') # print(f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?q={query}&size={limit}&from={start}&api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}') response = requests.get(f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?q={query}&size={limit}&from={start}&api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}') return process_results(response.json()) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return json.dumps({'error': err}) # /filter-search/: Returns sci-crunch results with optional params for facet filtering, sizing, and pagination @app.route("/filter-search/", defaults={'query': ''}) @app.route("/filter-search//") def filter_search(query): terms = request.args.getlist('term') facets = request.args.getlist('facet') size = request.args.get('size') start = request.args.get('start') # Create request data = create_filter_request(query, terms, facets, size, start) # Send request to sci-crunch try: response = f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}', json=data) results = process_results(response.json()) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return jsonify({'error': str(err), 'message': 'SciCrunch is not currently reachable, please try again later'}), 502 except json.JSONDecodeError: return jsonify({'message': 'Could not parse SciCrunch output, please try again later', 'error': 'JSONDecodeError'}), 502 return results # /get-facets/: Returns available sci-crunch facets for filtering over given a ('species', 'gender' etc) @app.route("/get-facets/") def get_facets(type_): # Create facet query type_map, data = create_facet_query(type_) # Make a request for each sci-crunch parameter results = [] for path in type_map[type_]: data['aggregations'][f'{type_}']['terms']['field'] = path try: response = f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}', json=data) json_result = response.json() results.append(json_result) except json.JSONDecodeError: return jsonify({'message': 'Could not parse SciCrunch output, please try again later', 'error': 'JSONDecodeError'}), 502 except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not search SciCrunch for path {path}", ex) # Select terms from the results terms = [] for result in results: terms += result['aggregations'][f'{type_}']['buckets'] return jsonify(terms) def inject_markdown(resp): if "readme" in resp: mark_req = requests.get(resp.get("readme")) resp["markdown"] = mark_req.text def inject_template_data(resp): id_ = resp.get("id") uri = resp.get("uri") if id_ is None or uri is None: return parsed_uri = urlparse(uri) bucket = parsed_uri.netloc try: response = s3.get_object( Bucket=bucket, Key="{}/files/template.json".format(id_), RequestPayer="requester", ) except ClientError: # If the file is not under folder 'files', check under folder 'packages' debugging = Config.SPARC_API_DEBUGGING == "TRUE" if debugging: logging.warning( "Required file template.json was not found under /files folder, trying under /packages..." ) try: response = s3.get_object( Bucket=bucket, Key="{}/packages/template.json".format(id_), RequestPayer="requester", ) except ClientError as e: if debugging: logging.error(e) return template = response["Body"].read() try: template_json = json.loads(template) except ValueError as e: logging.error(e) return resp["study"] = { "uuid": template_json.get("uuid"), "name": template_json.get("name"), "description": template_json.get("description"), } # Constructs a table with where keys are the normalized (lowercased) file types # and the values an array of possible viewers def build_filetypes_table(osparc_viewers): table = {} for viewer in osparc_viewers: filetype = viewer["file_type"].lower() del viewer["file_type"] if not table.get(filetype, False): table[filetype] = [] table[filetype].append(viewer) return table @app.route("/sim/dataset/") def sim_dataset(id_): if request.method == "GET": try: req = requests.get("{}/datasets/{}".format(Config.DISCOVER_API_HOST, id_)) if req.ok: json_data = req.json() inject_markdown(json_data) inject_template_data(json_data) return jsonify(json_data) except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not fetch SIM dataset {id_}", ex) return abort(404, description="Resource not found") @app.route("/sim/dataset//versions/") def sim_dataset_versions(id_, version_): if request.method == "GET": try: req = requests.get("{}/datasets/{}/versions/{}".format(Config.DISCOVER_API_HOST, id_, version_)) if req.ok: json_data = req.json() inject_markdown(json_data) inject_template_data(json_data) return jsonify(json_data) except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not fetch SIM dataset {id_} version {version_}", ex) return abort(404, description="Resource not found") @app.route("/get_osparc_data") def get_osparc_data(): return jsonify(osparc_data) @app.route('/sim/service') def osparc_search(): if request.method == 'GET': search = request.args.get('search') limit = request.args.get('limit', default=5, type=int) skip = request.args.get('skip', default=0, type=int) results = osparc_services.search_services(search, limit, skip) return jsonify(results) @app.route('/sim/file') def osparc_extensions(): if request.method == 'GET': extensions = osparc_services.file_extensions return jsonify({ "file_viewers": extensions }) @app.route("/project/", methods=["GET"]) def datasets_by_project_id(project_id): datasets = get_associated_datasets(project_id) if len(datasets['hits']) > 0: return jsonify(datasets['hits']) else: abort(404, description="Resource not found") @app.route("/get_featured_datasets_identifiers", methods=["GET"]) def get_featured_datasets_identifiers(): return {'identifiers': get_featured_datasets()} @app.route("/get_featured_dataset", methods=["GET"]) @cache.cached(timeout=300) def get_featured_dataset(): featured_dataset_id = get_featured_dataset_id_table_state(featuredDatasetIdSelectorTable)["featured_dataset_id"] if featured_dataset_id == -1: # In case there was an error while setting the id, just return a default dataset so the homepage does not break. featured_dataset_id = 32 try: response = requests.get("{}/datasets?ids={}".format(Config.DISCOVER_API_HOST, featured_dataset_id)).json() # in case the dataset has been unpublished, just return default if response['datasets'] == []: response = requests.get("{}/datasets?ids={}".format(Config.DISCOVER_API_HOST, 32)).json() return response except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not get featured dataset {featured_dataset_id}", ex) abort(404, description="An error occured while fetching the resource") @app.route("/reva/subject-ids", methods=["GET"]) def getRevaSubjectIds(): try: primary_folder = ps2.get(f'/packages/{Config.REVA_3D_TRACING_PRIMARY_FOLDER_COLLECTION_ID}') primary_children = primary_folder['children'] subject_ids = [] for child in primary_children: if child['content']['packageType'] == 'Collection': subject_ids.append(child['content']['name']) return jsonify({"status": "success", "ids": subject_ids}), 200 except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while getting REVA subject id files: {e}") return jsonify({"status": "Error while getting REVA subject id files: ", "message": e}), 500 def getRevaTracingInSituFolderChildren(subject_id): try: coordinates_folder_name = 'Coordinates-Data' in_situ_folder_name = 'InSitu' primary_folder = ps2.get(f'/packages/{Config.REVA_3D_TRACING_PRIMARY_FOLDER_COLLECTION_ID}') primary_children = primary_folder['children'] subject_child = next((child for child in primary_children if child['content']['name'] == subject_id), None) if subject_child is None: logging.error(f"REVA tracing folder not found with subject id: {subject_id}") return abort(404, description=f"Folder not found with subject id: {subject_id}") subject_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{subject_child['content']['id']}") subject_children = subject_folder['children'] coordinates_child = next((child for child in subject_children if child['content']['name'] == coordinates_folder_name), None) if coordinates_child is None: logging.error(f"REVA tracing folder {coordinates_folder_name} not found for subject: {subject_id}") return abort(404, description=f"{coordinates_folder_name} folder not found with subject id: {subject_id}") coordinates_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{coordinates_child['content']['id']}") coordinates_children = coordinates_folder['children'] in_situ_child = next((child for child in coordinates_children if child['content']['name'] == in_situ_folder_name), None) if in_situ_child is None: logging.error(f"REVA tracing folder {in_situ_folder_name} not found for subject: {subject_id}") return abort(404, description=f"{in_situ_folder_name} folder not found with subject id: {subject_id}") in_situ_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{in_situ_child['content']['id']}") return in_situ_folder['children'] except Exception as e: return abort(500, description=f"Exception thrown when getting Reva InSitu Folder: {e}") @app.route("/reva/anatomical-landmarks-files/", methods=["GET"]) def getRevaAnatomicalLandmarksFiles(subject_id): try: anatomical_landmarks_folder_name = 'Anatomical-landmarks' in_situ_children = getRevaTracingInSituFolderChildren(subject_id) anatomical_landmarks_child = next((child for child in in_situ_children if child['content']['name'] == anatomical_landmarks_folder_name), None) if anatomical_landmarks_child is None: logging.error(f"REVA tracing folder {anatomical_landmarks_folder_name} not found for subject: {subject_id}") return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "message": f"{anatomical_landmarks_folder_name} folder not found for subject: {subject_id}"}), 404 anatomical_landmarks_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{anatomical_landmarks_child['content']['id']}") anatomical_landmarks_children = anatomical_landmarks_folder['children'] anatomical_landmarks_folders = [] for anatomical_landmark_child in anatomical_landmarks_children: landmark_folder_name = anatomical_landmark_child['content']['name'] landmark_folder_id = anatomical_landmark_child['content']['id'] anatomical_landmark_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{landmark_folder_id}") landmark_children = anatomical_landmark_folder['children'] landmark_files = [] for landmark_child in landmark_children: landmark_file_package_id = landmark_child['content']['id'] landmark_file = ps2.get(f"/packages/{landmark_file_package_id}/view") landmark_file_id = landmark_file[0]['content']['id'] landmark_file_presigned_url = ps2.get(f"/packages/{landmark_file_package_id}/files/{landmark_file_id}")['url'] landmark_files.append({'name':str(landmark_child['content']['name']), 's3Url':str(landmark_file_presigned_url)}) anatomical_landmarks_folders.append({'name':str(landmark_folder_name), 'files':landmark_files}) return jsonify({"status": "success", "folders": anatomical_landmarks_folders}), 200 except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while getting REVA anatomical landmarks files {e}") return jsonify({"status": "Error while getting anatomical landmarks files: ", "message": e}), 500 @app.route("/reva/tracing-files/", methods=["GET"]) def getRevaTracingFiles(subject_id): try: vagus_nerve_folder_name = 'Vagus-nerve' in_situ_children = getRevaTracingInSituFolderChildren(subject_id) vagus_nerve_child = next((child for child in in_situ_children if child['content']['name'] == vagus_nerve_folder_name), None) if vagus_nerve_child is None: logging.error(f"REVA tracing folder {vagus_nerve_folder_name} not found for subject: {subject_id}") return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "message": f"{vagus_nerve_folder_name} folder not found for subject: {subject_id}"}), 404 vagus_nerve_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{vagus_nerve_child['content']['id']}") vagus_nerve_children = vagus_nerve_folder['children'] vagus_tracing_files = [] for vagus_region_child in vagus_nerve_children: vagus_region_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{vagus_region_child['content']['id']}") # get file and use id and package id for getting the presigned url{id}/view vagus_region_children = vagus_region_folder['children'] for vagus_file_child in vagus_region_children: file_package_id = vagus_file_child['content']['id'] vagus_file = ps2.get(f"/packages/{file_package_id}/view") vagus_file_id = vagus_file[0]['content']['id'] vagus_file_presigned_url = ps2.get(f"/packages/{file_package_id}/files/{vagus_file_id}")['url'] vagus_tracing_files.append({'name':str(vagus_file_child['content']['name']), 's3Url':str(vagus_file_presigned_url)}) return jsonify({"status": "success", "files": vagus_tracing_files}), 200 except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while getting REVA tracing files {e}") return jsonify({"status": "Error while getting tracing files: ", "message": e}), 500 @app.route("/reva/micro-ct-files/", methods=["GET"]) def getRevaMicroCtFiles(subject_id): micro_ct_visualization_folder_name = f'{subject_id}-MicroCTVisualization' try: primary_folder = ps2.get(f'/packages/{Config.REVA_MICRO_CT_PRIMARY_FOLDER_COLLECTION_ID}') primary_children = primary_folder['children'] subject_child = next((child for child in primary_children if child['content']['name'] == subject_id), None) if subject_child is None: logging.error(f'REVA microCT folder not found with subject id: {subject_id}') return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "message": f"MicroCT folder not found with subject id: {subject_id}"}), 404 subject_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{subject_child['content']['id']}") subject_children = subject_folder['children'] micro_ct_child = next((child for child in subject_children if child['content']['name'] == micro_ct_visualization_folder_name), None) if micro_ct_child is None: logging.error(f'REVA microCT {micro_ct_visualization_folder_name} folder not found for subject: {subject_id}') return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "message": f"{micro_ct_visualization_folder_name} folder not found for subject: {subject_id}"}), 404 micro_ct_visualization_folder = ps2.get(f"/packages/{micro_ct_child['content']['id']}") micro_ct_children = micro_ct_visualization_folder['children'] micro_ct_files = [] for micro_child in micro_ct_children: file_package_id = micro_child['content']['id'] micro_child_file = ps2.get(f"/packages/{file_package_id}/view") micro_child_file_id = micro_child_file[0]['content']['id'] micro_file_presigned_url = ps2.get(f"/packages/{file_package_id}/files/{micro_child_file_id}")['url'] file_name = micro_child['content']['name'] file_size = micro_child['storage'] package_type = micro_child['content']['packageType'] file_type = micro_child_file[0]['content']['fileType'] micro_ct_files.append({'name':str(file_name), 's3Url':str(micro_file_presigned_url), 'type':str(file_type), 'packageType':str(package_type), 'size':str(file_size)}) return jsonify({"status": "success", "files": micro_ct_files}), 200 except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while getting REVA microCT files {e}") return jsonify({"status": "Error while getting microCT files: ", "message": e}), 500 @app.route("/get_owner_email/", methods=["GET"]) def get_owner_email(owner_id): # Filter to find user based on provided int id org = ps._api._organization members = ps._api.organizations.get_members(org) res = [x for x in members if x.int_id == owner_id] if not res: abort(404, description="Owner not found") else: return jsonify({"email": res[0].email}) # Get information of the latest body scaffold for species. # This endpoint returns the metadata file path, bucket, # dataset id and version which can be used to construct the url @app.route("/get_body_scaffold_info/", methods=["GET"]) def get_body_scaffold_info(species): id = get_body_scaffold_dataset_id(species) if id: query = create_pennsieve_identifier_query(id) result = process_get_first_scaffold_info(dataset_search(query)) if result: return result return abort(404, description=f"Whole body info not found for {species}") @app.route("/thumbnail/", methods=["GET"]) def thumbnail_by_image_id(image_id, recursive_call=False): bl = Biolucida() try: with biolucida_lock: if not bl.token(): authenticate_biolucida() url = Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT + "/thumbnail/{0}".format(image_id) headers = { 'token': bl.token(), } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) encoded_content = base64.b64encode(response.content) # Response from this endpoint is binary on success so the easiest thing to do is # check for an error response in encoded form. if encoded_content == b'eyJzdGF0dXMiOiJBZG1pbiB1c2VyIGF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uIHJlcXVpcmVkIHRvIHZpZXcvZWRpdCB1c2VyIGluZm8uIFlvdSBtYXkgbmVlZCB0byBsb2cgb3V0IGFuZCBsb2cgYmFjayBpbiB0byByZXZlcmlmeSB5b3VyIGNyZWRlbnRpYWxzLiJ9' \ and not recursive_call: # Authentication failure, try again after resetting token. with biolucida_lock: bl.set_token('') encoded_content = thumbnail_by_image_id(image_id, True) return encoded_content except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not get the thumbnail for {image_id}", ex) return abort(404, "An error occured while fetching the thumbnail") @app.route("/image/", methods=["GET"]) def image_info_by_image_id(image_id): url = Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT + "/image/info/{0}".format(image_id) try: response = requests.request("GET", url) return process_biolucida_result(response.json()) except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not get image info for {image_id}", ex) return abort(404, "An error occured while getting the image's info") @app.route("/image_search/", methods=["GET"]) def image_search_by_dataset_id(dataset_id): url = Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT + "/imagemap/search_dataset/discover/{0}".format(dataset_id) try: response = requests.request("GET", url) return response.json() except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not search images for dataset {dataset_id}", ex) return {"error": "An error occured while searching images for dataset"}, 404 @app.route("/image_xmp_info/", methods=["GET"]) def image_xmp_info(image_id): url = Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT + "/image/xmpmetadata/{0}".format(image_id) try: result = requests.request("GET", url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return abort(400, description="Unable to make a connection to Biolucida.") response = result.json() if response['status'] == 'success': return process_biolucida_results(response['data']) return abort(400, description=f"XMP info not found for {image_id}") @app.route("/image_blv_link/", methods=["GET"]) def image_blv_link(image_id): url = Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT + "/image/blv_link/{0}".format(image_id) try: result = requests.request("GET", url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return abort(400, description="Unable to make a connection to Biolucida.") response = result.json() if response['status'] == 'success': return jsonify({'link': response['link']}) return abort(400, description=f"BLV link not found for {image_id}") def authenticate_biolucida(): bl = Biolucida() url = Config.BIOLUCIDA_ENDPOINT + "/authenticate" payload = {'username': Config.BIOLUCIDA_USERNAME, 'password': Config.BIOLUCIDA_PASSWORD, 'token': ''} files = [ ] headers = {} response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files) if response.status_code == content = response.json() bl.set_token(content['token']) def get_share_link(table): # Do not commit to database when testing commit = True if app.config["TESTING"]: commit = False if table: json_data = request.get_json() if json_data and 'state' in json_data: state = json_data['state'] uuid = table.pushState(state, commit) return jsonify({"uuid": uuid}) abort(400, description="State not specified") else: abort(404, description="Database not available") def get_saved_state(table): if table: json_data = request.get_json() if json_data and 'uuid' in json_data: uuid = json_data['uuid'] state = table.pullState(uuid) if state: return jsonify({"state": table.pullState(uuid)}) abort(400, description="Key missing or did not find a match") else: abort(404, description="Database not available") # Get the share link for the current map content. @app.route("/map/getshareid", methods=["POST"]) def get_map_share_link(): return get_share_link(maptable) # Get the map state using the share link id. @app.route("/map/getstate", methods=["POST"]) def get_map_state(): return get_saved_state(maptable) # Get the share link for the current map content. @app.route("/scaffold/getshareid", methods=["POST"]) def get_scaffold_share_link(): return get_share_link(scaffoldtable) # Get the map state using the share link id. @app.route("/scaffold/getstate", methods=["POST"]) def get_scaffold_state(): return get_saved_state(scaffoldtable) @app.route("/tasks", methods=["POST"]) def create_wrike_task(): form = request.form if "captcha_token" in form: try: captchaReq = url=Config.TURNSTILE_URL, json={ "secret": Config.NUXT_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY, "response": form["captcha_token"] } ) captchaResp = captchaReq.json() if "success" not in captchaResp or not captchaResp["success"]: return { "error": "Failed Captcha Validation" }, 409 except Exception as ex: logging.error("Could not validate captcha, bypassing validation", ex) elif not app.config['TESTING']: return { "error": "Failed Captcha Validation" }, 409 # captcha all good if form and 'title' in form and 'description' in form: title = form["title"] description = form["description"] newTaskDescription = form["description"] hed = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Config.WRIKE_TOKEN } ## Updated Wrike Space info based off type of task. We default to drc_feedback folder if type is not present. url = '' + Config.DRC_FEEDBACK_FOLDER_ID + '/tasks' followers = [Config.CCB_HEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.DAT_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.MAP_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.K_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.SIM_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.MODERATOR_WRIKE_ID] responsibles = [Config.CCB_HEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.DAT_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.MAP_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.K_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.SIM_CORE_TECH_LEAD_WRIKE_ID, Config.MODERATOR_WRIKE_ID] customStatus = Config.DRC_WRIKE_CUSTOM_STATUS_ID taskType = "" templateTaskId = "" templateSubTaskIds = [] if form and 'type' in form: taskType = form["type"] if (taskType == "news"): url = '' + Config.NEWS_AND_EVENTS_FOLDER_ID + '/tasks' followers = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] responsibles = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] customStatus = Config.COMMS_WRIKE_CUSTOM_STATUS_ID templateTaskId = Config.NEWS_TEMPLATE_TASK_ID if (taskType == "event"): url = '' + Config.NEWS_AND_EVENTS_FOLDER_ID + '/tasks' followers = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] responsibles = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] customStatus = Config.COMMS_WRIKE_CUSTOM_STATUS_ID templateTaskId = Config.EVENT_TEMPLATE_TASK_ID elif (taskType == "toolsAndResources"): url = '' + Config.TOOLS_AND_RESOURCES_FOLDER_ID + '/tasks' followers = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] responsibles = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] customStatus = Config.COMMS_WRIKE_CUSTOM_STATUS_ID templateTaskId = Config.TOOLS_AND_RESOURCES_TEMPLATE_TASK_ID elif (taskType == "communitySpotlight"): url = '' + Config.COMMUNITY_SPOTLIGHT_FOLDER_ID + '/tasks' followers = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] responsibles = [Config.COMMS_LEAD_1_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_2_WRIKE_ID, Config.COMMS_LEAD_3_WRIKE_ID] customStatus = Config.COMMS_WRIKE_CUSTOM_STATUS_ID templateTaskId = Config.COMMUNITY_SPOTLIGHT_TEMPLATE_TASK_ID elif (taskType == "research"): followers.extend([Config.SUE_WRIKE_ID, Config.JYL_WRIKE_ID]) responsibles.extend([Config.SUE_WRIKE_ID, Config.JYL_WRIKE_ID]) if (templateTaskId != ""): templateUrl = '' + templateTaskId templateResp = requests.get( url=templateUrl, headers=hed ) if 'data' in templateResp.json() and templateResp.json()["data"] != []: newTaskDescription = templateResp.json()["data"][0]["description"] + description templateSubTaskIds = templateResp.json()["data"][0]["subTaskIds"] data = { "title": title, "description": newTaskDescription, "customStatus": customStatus, "followers": followers, "responsibles": responsibles, "follow": False, "dates": {"type": "Backlog"} } resp = url=url, json=data, headers=hed ) # add the file as an attachment to the newly created ticket files = request.files if 'data' in resp.json() and resp.json()["data"] != []: new_task_id = resp.json()["data"][0]["id"] if files and 'attachment' in files: attachment = files['attachment'] file_data = file_name = attachment.filename content_type = attachment.content_type headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Config.WRIKE_TOKEN, 'X-File-Name': file_name, 'content-type': content_type, 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' } attachment_url = "" + new_task_id + "/attachments" try: url=attachment_url, data=file_data, headers=headers ) except Exception as e: print(e) # create copies of all the templates subtasks and add them to the newly created ticket for subTaskId in templateSubTaskIds: subTaskTemplateUrl = '' + subTaskId subTaskTemplateResp = requests.get( url = subTaskTemplateUrl, headers=hed ) if 'data' in subTaskTemplateResp.json() and subTaskTemplateResp.json()["data"] != []: subTaskData = { "title": subTaskTemplateResp.json()["data"][0]["title"], "description": subTaskTemplateResp.json()["data"][0]["description"], "customStatus": subTaskTemplateResp.json()["data"][0]["customStatusId"], "followers": subTaskTemplateResp.json()["data"][0]["followerIds"], "responsibles": subTaskTemplateResp.json()["data"][0]["responsibleIds"], "follow": False, "superTasks": [new_task_id], "dates": {"type": "Backlog"} } url=url, json=subTaskData, headers=hed ) if (resp.status_code == 200): if 'userEmail' in form and form['userEmail'] and 'sendCopy' in form and form['sendCopy'] == 'true': # default to bug form if task type not specified subject = 'SPARC Reported Error/Issue Submission' body = issue_reporting_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) if (taskType == "feedback"): subject = 'SPARC Feedback Submission' body = feedback_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "interest"): subject = 'SPARC Service Interest Submission' body = service_interest_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "general"): subject = 'SPARC Question or Inquiry Submission' body = general_interest_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "research"): subject = 'SPARC Research Submission' body = creation_request_confirmation_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "news"): subject = 'SPARC News Submission' body = creation_request_confirmation_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "event"): subject = 'SPARC Event Submission' body = creation_request_confirmation_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "toolsAndResources"): subject = 'SPARC Tool/Resource Submission' body = creation_request_confirmation_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) elif (taskType == "communitySpotlight"): subject = 'SPARC Story Submission' body = creation_request_confirmation_email.substitute({ 'message': description }) userEmail = form['userEmail'] if len(userEmail) > 0: email_sender.sendgrid_email(Config.SES_SENDER, form['userEmail'], subject, body) return jsonify( title=title, description=description, task_id=resp.json()["data"][0]["id"] ) else: return resp.json() else: abort(400, description="Missing title or description") @app.route("/hubspot_contact_properties/", methods=["GET"]) def get_hubspot_contact_properties(email): url = f"{email}?archived=false&idProperty=email&properties=firstname,lastname,email,newsletter,event_name" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + Config.HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN } try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Handle successful responses (2xx) if response.status_code == 200: return jsonify(response.json()) # Handle not found (404) elif response.status_code == 404: return jsonify({ "error": "Contact not found", "message": f"No contact with the email '{email}' was found in HubSpot." }), 404 # Handle other non-success status codes else: return jsonify({ "error": "Failed to fetch contact", "message": f"HubSpot API responded with status code {response.status_code}.", "details": response.json() if response.headers.get("Content-Type") == "application/json" else response.text }), response.status_code except requests.RequestException as ex: # Handle exceptions raised by the requests library return jsonify({ "error": "RequestException", "message": f"Could not get contact with email '{email}' due to a request error.", "details": str(ex) }), 500 except Exception as ex: # Handle other unexpected exceptions return jsonify({ "error": "Internal Server Error", "message": f"An unexpected error occurred while fetching the contact with email '{email}'.", "details": str(ex) }), 500 @app.route("/subscribe_to_newsletter", methods=["POST"]) def subscribe_to_newsletter(): data = request.json email = data.get('email_address') first_name = data.get('first_name') last_name = data.get('last_name') # Ensure the required `email` field is present if not email: return jsonify({'error': 'Email is required'}), 400 newsletter_property = '' try: contact_properties, status_code = get_hubspot_contact_properties(email) if status_code == 200: newsletter_property = contact_properties['properties'].get('newsletter', None) else: logging.error(f"Unexpected response from HubSpot: {contact_properties}") raise Exception(f"Unexpected error: {contact_properties}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while retrieving contact properties for email {email}: {e}") if isinstance(newsletter_property, str): current_newsletter_values = newsletter_property.split(';') # remove possible empty string current_newsletter_values = list(filter(None, current_newsletter_values)) # Append the Newsletter value if it's not already in the array if 'Newsletter' not in current_newsletter_values: current_newsletter_values.append('Newsletter') payload = { "inputs": [ { "properties": { "email": email, "firstname": first_name, "lastname": last_name, "newsletter": ';'.join(current_newsletter_values) }, "id": email, "idProperty": "email" } ] } url = "" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Config.HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN } # Send request to HubSpot API try: response =, json=payload, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() # Raise an HTTPError for bad responses (4xx or 5xx) return jsonify(response.json()), 200 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return jsonify({'error': str(e)}), 500 def get_contact_properties(object_id): client = hubspot.Client.create(access_token=Config.HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN) try: contact_data = client.crm.contacts.basic_api.get_by_id(contact_id=str(object_id), properties_with_history=["firstname", "lastname", "email", "newsletter", "event_name"], archived=False) except ApiException as e: return abort(400, description=f"Exception thrown when getting contact properties: {e}") if not contact_data: return abort(400, description="Failed to retrieve contact data from HubSpot.") if not contact_data.properties_with_history: return abort(400, description="Contact properties not found") if not contact_data.properties_with_history.get("email"): return abort(400, description="Contact Email property not found") email = contact_data.properties_with_history.get("email")[0].value firstname_data = contact_data.properties_with_history.get("firstname", [{}])[0] firstname = firstname_data.value if firstname_data else "" lastname_data = contact_data.properties_with_history.get("lastname", [{}])[0] lastname = lastname_data.value if lastname_data else "" # The newsletter array contains tags where each one corresponds to a mailing list in EmailOctopus that a user can opt-in/out of newsletter_tags_data = contact_data.properties_with_history.get("newsletter") if len(newsletter_tags_data) > 0: newsletter_tags_data = newsletter_tags_data[0] newsletter_tags = newsletter_tags_data.value.split(";") if newsletter_tags_data else [] # The events array contains tags where each one corresponds to a mailing list in EmailOctopus that a user cannot opt-in/out of events_tags_data = contact_data.properties_with_history.get("event_name") if len(events_tags_data) > 0: events_tags_data = events_tags_data[0] events_tags = events_tags_data.value.split(";") if events_tags_data else [] # Filter out empty strings from the combined list tags = [tag for tag in (newsletter_tags + events_tags) if tag] return { 'email': email, 'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname, 'tags': tags } def add_or_update_emailoctopus_contact(list_id, email, firstname, lastname, tags, status): url = f"{list_id}/contacts" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Config.EMAIL_OCTOPUS_API_KEY } payload = { "email_address": email, "fields": {"FirstName": firstname, "LastName": lastname}, "status": status, "tags": tags } try: response = requests.put(url, json=payload, headers=headers) if str(response.status_code) != '200': logging.error(f'Emailoctopus contact did not get added/updated for email: {email}. Returned a response of {response.status_code}: {response.text}') return response.json() except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Could not add or update contact with email address: {email} in emailoctopus list: {list_id}", ex) return abort(500, description=f"Could not add/update contact with email address: {email} from emailoctopus list with ID: {list_id} due to the following error: {ex}") @app.route("/hubspot_webhook", methods=["POST"]) def hubspot_webhook(): body = request.get_json() if isinstance(body, str): # Check if body is still a string try: body = json.loads(body) # Convert string to JSON except json.JSONDecodeError as e: logging.error(f'Webhook request body has invalid JSON format: {body}') return jsonify({"error": "Invalid JSON format"}), 400 if not body: logging.error('Webhook request does not contain a body') return jsonify({"error": "Invalid payload"}), 400'Received Hubspot webhook request: {request}')'Hubspot webhook request body: {body}') if 'subscriptionType' not in body[0] or 'objectId' not in body[0]: logging.error(f'Required keys missing in the following body payload: {body}') return jsonify({"error": "Required keys missing in payload"}), 400 if 'X-HubSpot-Request-Timestamp' not in request.headers or 'X-HubSpot-Signature-V3' not in request.headers: logging.error(f'Required signature header(s) not present in the following request headers: {request.headers}') return jsonify({"error": f"Required signature header(s) not present in the following request headers: {request.headers}"}), 400 signature_header = request.headers.get("X-HubSpot-Signature-V3") timestamp_header = request.headers["X-HubSpot-Request-Timestamp"] try: signature_timestamp = int(timestamp_header) except ValueError: logging.error(f'Invalid signature timestamp format: {timestamp_header}') return jsonify({"error": "Invalid signature timestamp format"}), 400 try: current_time = int(time.time()) if current_time - signature_timestamp > 300: logging.error(f'Signature timestamp is older than 5 minutes: current time = {current-time}, signature time = {signature_timestamp}') return jsonify({'Signature timestamp is older than 5 minutes'}), 400 # Concatenate request method, URI, body, and header timestamp url = request.url method = 'POST' stringified_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(",", ":")) raw_string = f"{method}{url}{stringified_body}{timestamp_header}" # Create HMAC SHA-256 hash from the raw string, then base64-encode it hashed_signature = Config.HUBSPOT_CLIENT_SECRET.encode('utf-8'), raw_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256 ).digest() base64_hashed_signature = base64.b64encode(hashed_signature).decode('utf-8') # Validate the signature if not hmac.compare_digest(base64_hashed_signature, signature_header): logging.error(f'Signature is invalid') return jsonify({"error": "Signature is invalid"}), 404 except Exception as ex: logging.error(f'Internal error when validating Hubspot webhook request signature: {ex}') return jsonify({"error": f"Internal error when validating Hubspot webhook request signature: {ex}"}), 500 # We needed to maintain the array structure in order to validate the signature, but now we can drop it body = body[0] subscription_type = body["subscriptionType"] object_id = body["objectId"] # HubSpot only provides the contact id so we have to request the contact details seperately contact_data = None # execute this in a seperate thread so that we can send the acknowledgement response to HubSpot asap and do not block the api server def execute_webhook(): with app.app_context(): try: contact_data = get_contact_properties(object_id) except Exception as ex: logging.error(f'Could not retrieve contact information for ID: {object_id} due to the following error: {ex}') return firstname = contact_data["firstname"] lastname = contact_data["lastname"] email = contact_data["email"] emailoctopus_contact = add_or_update_emailoctopus_contact(Config.EMAIL_OCTOPUS_MASTER_LIST_ID, email, firstname, lastname, [], 'subscribed') if subscription_type == "contact.propertyChange": tags_to_add = [] for tag in contact_data["tags"]: if tag not in emailoctopus_contact["tags"]: tags_to_add.append(tag) # Now we must cycle through all the tags in order to see if any must be removed since we don't know what tags were added or removed in hubspot tags_to_remove = [] for tag in emailoctopus_contact["tags"]: if tag not in contact_data["tags"]: tags_to_remove.append(tag) updated_contact_tags = {tag: True for tag in tags_to_add} updated_contact_tags.update({tag: False for tag in tags_to_remove}) add_or_update_emailoctopus_contact(Config.EMAIL_OCTOPUS_MASTER_LIST_ID, email, firstname, lastname, updated_contact_tags, 'subscribed') else: logging.error(f'Unsupported subscription type: {subscription_type}') return return jsonify({"status": "success", "message": "Webhook processed successfully"}), 200 threading.Thread(target=execute_webhook).start() return jsonify({"status": "success", "message": "Webhook request received and signature verified"}), 204 @app.route("/mailchimp_subscribe", methods=["POST"]) def subscribe_to_mailchimp(): json_data = request.get_json() if json_data and 'email_address' in json_data and 'first_name' in json_data and 'last_name' in json_data: email_address = json_data["email_address"] first_name = json_data['first_name'] last_name = json_data['last_name'] auth = HTTPBasicAuth('AnyUser', Config.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY) url = '' + email_address data = { "email_address": email_address, "status": "subscribed", "merge_fields": { "FNAME": first_name, "LNAME": last_name } } try: resp = requests.put( url=url, json=data, auth=auth ) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: return "Failed to subscribe user with response: " + resp.json() except Exception as ex: logging.error("Could not subscribe to newsletter", ex) return {"error": "An error occured while trying to subscribe to the newsletter"}, 500 else: abort(400, description="Missing email_address, first_name or last_name") @app.route("/mailchimp_unsubscribe", methods=["POST"]) def unsubscribe_to_mailchimp(): json_data = request.get_json() if json_data and "email_address" in json_data: email_address = json_data["email_address"] auth = HTTPBasicAuth('AnyUser', Config.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY) url = "" + email_address data = { "status": "unsubscribed", } try: resp = requests.put( url=url, json=data, auth=auth ) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: return "Failed to unsubscribe user with response: " + resp.json() except Exception as ex: logging.error("Could not unsubscribe to newsletter", ex) return {"error": "An error occured while trying to unsubscribe to the newsletter"}, 500 else: abort(400, description="Missing email_address") @app.route("/mailchimp_member_info/", methods=["GET"]) def get_mailchimp_member_info(email_address): if email_address: auth = HTTPBasicAuth('AnyUser', Config.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY) url = '' + email_address try: resp = requests.get( url=url, auth=auth ) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: return "Failed to get member info with response: " + resp.json() except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"Failed to get member info for {email_address}", ex) return {"error": "Could not get member info from MailChimp"}, 500 else: abort(400, description="Missing email_address") # Get list of available name / curie pair @app.route("/get-organ-curies/") def get_available_uberonids(): species = request.args.getlist('species') requestBody = create_request_body_for_curies(species) result = {} try: response = f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_HOST}/_search?api_key={Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY}', json=requestBody) result = reform_curies_results(response.json()) except BaseException as ex: logging.error("Failed getting Uberon IDs", ex) return { "message": "Could not parse SciCrunch output, please try again later", "error": "BaseException" }, 502 return jsonify(result) # Get list of terms a level up/down from @app.route("/get-related-terms/") def get_related_terms(query): payload = { 'direction': request.args.get('direction', default='OUTGOING'), 'relationshipType': request.args.get('relationshipType', default='BFO:0000050'), 'entail': request.args.get('entail', default='true'), 'api_key': Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY } result = {} try: response = requests.get( f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_SCIGRAPH_HOST}/graph/neighbors/{query}', params=payload) result = reform_related_terms(response.json()) except BaseException as ex: logging.error(f"Failed getting related terms with payload {payload}", ex) return { "message": "Could not parse SciCrunch output, please try again later", "error": "BaseException" }, 502 return jsonify(result) @app.route("/simulation_ui_file/") def simulation_ui_file(identifier): results = process_results(dataset_search(create_pennsieve_identifier_query(identifier))) results_json = json.loads( try: item = results_json["results"][0] uri = item["s3uri"] path = item["abi-simulation-file"][0]["dataset"]["path"] key = re.sub(r"s3://[^/]*/", "", f"{uri}files/{path}") s3_bucket_name = re.sub(r"s3://|/.*", "", uri) return jsonify(json.loads(direct_download_url(key, s3_bucket_name))) except Exception: abort(404, description="no simulation UI file could be found") @app.route("/pmr_file", methods=["POST"]) def pmr_file(): data = request.get_json() if data and "path" in data: try: resp ="{Config.PMR_HOST}/{data['path']}") if resp.status_code == 200: return base64.b64encode(resp.content) else: return resp.json() except: abort(400, description="invalid path") else: abort(400, description="missing path") @app.route("/start_simulation", methods=["POST"]) def start_simulation(): data = request.get_json() if data and "solver" in data and "name" in data["solver"] and "version" in data["solver"]: return json.dumps(do_start_simulation(data)) else: abort(400, description="Missing solver name and/or solver version") @app.route("/check_simulation", methods=["POST"]) def check_simulation(): data = request.get_json() if data and "job_id" in data and "solver" in data and "name" in data["solver"] and "version" in data["solver"]: return json.dumps(do_check_simulation(data)) else: abort(400, description="Missing solver name, solver version and/or job id") @app.route("/pmr_latest_exposure", methods=["POST"]) def pmr_latest_exposure(): data = request.get_json() if data and "workspace_url" in data: try: resp = requests.get(data["workspace_url"], headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.physiome.pmr2.json.1"}) if resp.status_code == 200: try: # Return the latest exposure for the given workspace. url = resp.json()["collection"]["items"][0]["links"][0]["href"] except: # There is no latest exposure for the given workspace. url = "" return jsonify( url=url ) else: return resp.json() except: abort(400, description="Invalid workspace URL") else: abort(400, description="Missing workspace URL") @app.route("/onto_term_lookup") def find_by_onto_term(): term = request.args.get('term') headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', } params = { "api_key": Config.KNOWLEDGEBASE_KEY } query = create_onto_term_query(term) try: response = requests.get(f'{Config.SCI_CRUNCH_INTERLEX_HOST}/_search', headers=headers, params=params, json=query) results = response.json() hits = results['hits']['hits'] total = results['hits']['total'] if total == 1: result = hits[0] json_data = result['_source'] else: json_data = {'label': 'not found'} return json_data except Exception as ex: logging.error("An error occured while fetching from SciCrunch", ex) return abort(500) @app.route("/search-readme/", methods=["GET"]) def search_readme(query): url = '' + query headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Config.README_API_KEY } try: response = url = url, headers = headers ) return response.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logging.error(err) return { "error": str(err), "message": "Readme is not currently reachable, please try again later" }, 502 @app.route("/metrics", methods=["GET"]) def metrics(): return usage_metrics # Callback endpoint for contentful event updated webhook that gets triggered when an event is updated in Contentful @app.route("/event_updated", methods=["POST"]) def event_updated(): # the webhook secret key is configured with the same value as the cda access token. If the cda access token is updated then we must update this as well. secret_key = request.headers.get('event_updated_secret_key') if secret_key != Config.CTF_CDA_ACCESS_TOKEN: abort(403, description=f'Invalid secret key: {secret_key}') else: event = request.get_json() if event: try: return update_event_sort_order(event) except: abort(400, description=f'Invalid event data: {event}') else: abort(400, description="Missing event data") @app.route("/all_dataset_ids", methods=["GET"]) def all_dataset_ids(): list = get_all_dataset_ids() string_list = [str(element) for element in list] delimiter = ", " return delimiter.join(string_list)