Slug: 10.36903/physiome.19070171 DOI: 10.36903/physiome.19070171 SubmissionID: b987ddcf-0015-4027-8fbf-e04a8e291c0c ManuscriptID: S000014 Title: Spindle Model Responsive to Mixed Fusimotor Inputs: an updated version of the Maltenfort and Burke (2003) model Date: 2022-01-27 SubmissionDate: 2022-01-11 PublishDate: 2022-01-27 LastPublishDate: 2022-01-27 Curator: Shelley Fong Kind: Retrospective Article PubAuthors: Schmid, L. Klotz, T. Yavuz, U. Ş. Maltenfort, M. Röhrle, O. PubAuthorsORCID: 0000-0002-1781-8429 0000-0002-0503-9815 0000-0002-6968-8064 0000-0002-0141-1720 0000-0002-1934-6525 PMRURL: None PrimaryPaperName: Spindle Model Responsive to Mixed Fusimotor Inputs and Testable Predictions of β Feedback Effects. 2003, M.G. Maltenfort, R.E. Burke PrimaryPaperURL: FulltextURL: ArchiveURL: Abstract: The muscle spindle model presented in Maltenfort and Burke (2003) calculates muscle spindle primary afferent feedback depending on the muscle fibre stretch and fusimotor drive. 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