var Zinc = { REVISION: '23' }; Zinc.Glyph = function(geometry, materialIn, idIn) { var material = materialIn.clone(); material.vertexColors = THREE.FaceColors; var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); = idIn; var _this = this; this.getMesh = function () { return mesh; } this.getBoundingBox = function() { if (mesh) return new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh); return undefined; } this.setColor = function (colorIn) { mesh.material.color = colorIn mesh.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } this.setTransformation = function(position, axis1, axis2, axis3) { mesh.matrix.elements[0] = axis1[0]; mesh.matrix.elements[1] = axis1[1]; mesh.matrix.elements[2] = axis1[2]; mesh.matrix.elements[3] = 0.0; mesh.matrix.elements[4] = axis2[0]; mesh.matrix.elements[5] = axis2[1]; mesh.matrix.elements[6] = axis2[2]; mesh.matrix.elements[7] = 0.0; mesh.matrix.elements[8] = axis3[0]; mesh.matrix.elements[9] = axis3[1]; mesh.matrix.elements[10] = axis3[2]; mesh.matrix.elements[11] = 0.0; mesh.matrix.elements[12] = position[0]; mesh.matrix.elements[13] = position[1]; mesh.matrix.elements[14] = position[2]; mesh.matrix.elements[15] = 1.0; mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false; } } Zinc.Glyphset = function() { var glyphList = []; var axis1s = undefined; var axis2s = undefined; var axis3s = undefined; var positions = undefined; var scales = undefined; var colors = undefined; var numberOfTimeSteps = 0; var numberOfVertices = 0; var baseSize = [0, 0, 0]; var offset = [0, 0, 0]; var scaleFactors = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; var repeat_mode = "NONE"; this.duration = 3000; var inbuildTime = 0; this.ready = false; var group = new THREE.Group(); var _this = this; var morphColours = false; var morphVertices = false; var groupName = undefined; this.getGroup = function() { return group; } this.setVisibility = function(flag) { group.visible = flag; } this.load = function(glyphsetData, glyphURL, finishCallback) { axis1s = glyphsetData.axis1; axis2s = glyphsetData.axis2; axis3s = glyphsetData.axis3; positions = glyphsetData.positions; scales = glyphsetData.scale; colors = glyphsetData.colors; morphColours = glyphsetData.metadata.MorphColours; morphVertices = glyphsetData.metadata.MorphVertices; numberOfTimeSteps = glyphsetData.metadata.number_of_time_steps; repeat_mode = glyphsetData.metadata.repeat_mode; numberOfVertices = glyphsetData.metadata.number_of_vertices; if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR") numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices * 2; else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_3D") numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices * 3; baseSize = glyphsetData.metadata.base_size; offset = glyphsetData.metadata.offset; scaleFactors = glyphsetData.metadata.scale_factors; var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader( true ); loader.load( glyphURL, meshloader(finishCallback)); } var resolve_glyph_axes = function(point, axis1, axis2, axis3, scale) { var return_arrays = []; if (repeat_mode == "NONE" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR") { var axis_scale = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_axis1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_axis2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_axis3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var mirrored_axis1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var mirrored_axis2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var mirrored_axis3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var mirrored_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var sign = (scale[j] < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; axis_scale[j] = sign*baseSize[j] + scale[j]*scaleFactors[j]; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { final_axis1[j] = axis1[j]*axis_scale[0]; final_axis2[j] = axis2[j]*axis_scale[1]; final_axis3[j] = axis3[j]*axis_scale[2]; final_point[j] = point[j] + offset[0]*final_axis1[j] + offset[1]*final_axis2[j] + offset[2]*final_axis3[j]; if (repeat_mode == "MIRROR") { mirrored_axis1[j] = -final_axis1[j]; mirrored_axis2[j] = -final_axis2[j]; mirrored_axis3[j] = -final_axis3[j]; mirrored_point[j] = final_point[j]; if (scale[0] < 0.0) { // shift glyph origin to end of axis1 final_point[j] -= final_axis1[j]; mirrored_point[j] -= mirrored_axis1[j]; } } } /* if required, reverse axis3 to maintain right-handed coordinate system */ if (0.0 > ( final_axis3[0]*(final_axis1[1]*final_axis2[2] - final_axis1[2]*final_axis2[1]) + final_axis3[1]*(final_axis1[2]*final_axis2[0] - final_axis1[0]*final_axis2[2]) + final_axis3[2]*(final_axis1[0]*final_axis2[1] - final_axis1[1]*final_axis2[0]))) { final_axis3[0] = -final_axis3[0]; final_axis3[1] = -final_axis3[1]; final_axis3[2] = -final_axis3[2]; } return_arrays.push([final_point, final_axis1, final_axis2, final_axis3]); if (repeat_mode == "MIRROR") { if (0.0 > ( mirrored_axis3[0]*(mirrored_axis1[1]*mirrored_axis2[2] - mirrored_axis1[2]*mirrored_axis2[1]) + mirrored_axis3[1]*(mirrored_axis1[2]*mirrored_axis2[0] - mirrored_axis1[0]*mirrored_axis2[2]) + mirrored_axis3[2]*(mirrored_axis1[0]*mirrored_axis2[1] - mirrored_axis1[1]*mirrored_axis2[0]))) { mirrored_axis3[0] = -mirrored_axis3[0]; mirrored_axis3[1] = -mirrored_axis3[1]; mirrored_axis3[2] = -mirrored_axis3[2]; } return_arrays.push([mirrored_point, mirrored_axis1, mirrored_axis2, mirrored_axis3]); } } else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "AXES_3D") { var axis_scale = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var sign = (scale[j] < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; axis_scale[j] = sign*baseSize[0] + scale[j]*scaleFactors[0]; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { final_point[j] = point[j] + offset[0]*axis_scale[0]*axis1[j] + offset[1]*axis_scale[1]*axis2[j] + offset[2]*axis_scale[2]*axis3[j]; } var number_of_glyphs = (glyph_repeat_mode == "AXES_2D") ? 2 : 3; for (var k = 0; k < number_of_glyphs; k++) { var use_axis1, use_axis2; var use_scale = scale[k]; var final_axis1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_axis2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var final_axis3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; if (k == 0) { use_axis1 = axis1; use_axis2 = axis2; } else if (k == 1) { use_axis1 = axis2; use_axis2 = (glyph_repeat_mode == "AXES_2D") ? axis1 : axis3; } else // if (k == 2) { use_axis1 = axis3; use_axis2 = axis1; } var final_scale1 = baseSize[0] + use_scale*scaleFactors[0]; final_axis1[0] = use_axis1[0]*final_scale1; final_axis1[1] = use_axis1[1]*final_scale1; final_axis1[2] = use_axis1[2]*final_scale1; final_axis3[0] = final_axis1[1]*use_axis2[2] - use_axis2[1]*final_axis1[2]; final_axis3[1] = final_axis1[2]*use_axis2[0] - use_axis2[2]*final_axis1[0]; final_axis3[2] = final_axis1[0]*use_axis2[1] - final_axis1[1]*use_axis2[0]; var magnitude = Math.sqrt(final_axis3[0]*final_axis3[0] + final_axis3[1]*final_axis3[1] + final_axis3[2]*final_axis3[2]); if (0.0 < magnitude) { var scaling = (baseSize[2] + use_scale*scaleFactors[2]) / magnitude; if ((repeat_mode =="AXES_2D") && (k > 0)) { scaling *= -1.0; } final_axis3[0] *= scaling; final_axis3[1] *= scaling; final_axis3[2] *= scaling; } final_axis2[0] = final_axis3[1]*final_axis1[2] - final_axis1[1]*final_axis3[2]; final_axis2[1] = final_axis3[2]*final_axis1[0] - final_axis1[2]*final_axis3[0]; final_axis2[2] = final_axis3[0]*final_axis1[1] - final_axis3[1]*final_axis1[0]; magnitude = Math.sqrt(final_axis2[0]*final_axis2[0] + final_axis2[1]*final_axis2[1] + final_axis2[2]*final_axis2[2]); if (0.0 < magnitude) { var scaling = (baseSize[1] + use_scale*scaleFactors[1]) / magnitude; final_axis2[0] *= scaling; final_axis2[1] *= scaling; final_axis2[2] *= scaling; } return_arrays.push([final_point, final_axis1, final_axis2, final_axis3]) } } return return_arrays; } var updateGlyphsetTransformation = function(current_positions, current_axis1s, current_axis2s, current_axis3s, current_scales) { var numberOfGlyphs = 1; if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR") numberOfGlyphs = 2; else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_3D") numberOfGlyphs = 3; var numberOfPositions = current_positions.length / 3; var current_glyph_index = 0 ; for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPositions; i++) { var current_index = i * 3; var current_position = [current_positions[current_index], current_positions[current_index+1], current_positions[current_index+2]]; var current_axis1 = [current_axis1s[current_index], current_axis1s[current_index+1], current_axis1s[current_index+2]]; var current_axis2 = [current_axis2s[current_index], current_axis2s[current_index+1], current_axis2s[current_index+2]]; var current_axis3 = [current_axis3s[current_index], current_axis3s[current_index+1], current_axis3s[current_index+2]]; var current_scale = [current_scales[current_index], current_scales[current_index+1], current_scales[current_index+2]]; var arrays = resolve_glyph_axes(current_position, current_axis1, current_axis2, current_axis3, current_scale); if (arrays.length == numberOfGlyphs) { for (var j = 0; j < numberOfGlyphs; j++) { var glyph = glyphList[current_glyph_index]; glyph.setTransformation(arrays[j][0], arrays[j][1], arrays[j][2], arrays[j][3]); current_glyph_index++; } } } } var updateGlyphsetHexColors = function(current_colors) { var numberOfGlyphs = 1; if (repeat_mode == "AXES_2D" || repeat_mode == "MIRROR") numberOfGlyphs = 2; else if (repeat_mode == "AXES_3D") numberOfGlyphs = 3; var numberOfColours = current_colors.length; var current_glyph_index = 0 ; for (var i = 0; i < numberOfColours; i++) { var hex_values = current_colors[i]; for (var j = 0; j < numberOfGlyphs; j++) { var glyph = glyphList[current_glyph_index]; var mycolor = new THREE.Color(hex_values); glyph.setColor(mycolor); current_glyph_index++; } } } var updateMorphGlyphsets = function() { var current_positions = []; var current_axis1s = []; var current_axis2s = []; var current_axis3s = []; var current_scales = []; var current_colors = []; var current_time = inbuildTime/_this.duration * (numberOfTimeSteps - 1); var bottom_frame = Math.floor(current_time); var proportion = 1 - (current_time - bottom_frame); var top_frame = Math.ceil(current_time); if (morphVertices) { var bottom_positions = positions[bottom_frame.toString()]; var top_positions = positions[top_frame.toString()]; var bottom_axis1 = axis1s[bottom_frame.toString()]; var top_axis1 = axis1s[top_frame.toString()]; var bottom_axis2 = axis2s[bottom_frame.toString()]; var top_axis2 = axis2s[top_frame.toString()]; var bottom_axis3 = axis3s[bottom_frame.toString()]; var top_axis3 = axis3s[top_frame.toString()]; var bottom_scale = scales[bottom_frame.toString()]; var top_scale = scales[top_frame.toString()]; for (var i = 0; i < bottom_positions.length; i++) { current_positions.push(proportion * bottom_positions[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_positions[i]); current_axis1s.push(proportion * bottom_axis1[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_axis1[i]); current_axis2s.push(proportion * bottom_axis2[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_axis2[i]); current_axis3s.push(proportion * bottom_axis3[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_axis3[i]); current_scales.push(proportion * bottom_scale[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_scale[i]); } } else { current_positions = positions["0"]; current_axis1s = axis1s["0"]; current_axis2s = axis2s["0"]; current_axis3s = axis3s["0"]; current_scales = scales["0"]; } updateGlyphsetTransformation(current_positions, current_axis1s, current_axis2s, current_axis3s, current_scales); if (colors != undefined) { if (morphColours) { var bottom_colors = colors[bottom_frame.toString()]; var top_colors = colors[top_frame.toString()]; for (var i = 0; i < bottom_colors.length; i++) { var bot = new THREE.Color(bottom_colors[i]); var top = new THREE.Color(top_colors[i]); var resulting_color = new THREE.Color(bot.r * proportion + top.r * (1 - proportion), bot.g * proportion + top.g * (1 - proportion), bot.b * proportion + top.b * (1 - proportion)); current_colors.push(resulting_color.getHex()); } /* for (var i = 0; i < bottom_colors.length; i++) { current_colors.push(proportion * bottom_colors[i] + (1.0 - proportion) * top_colors[i]); } */ } else { current_colors = colors["0"]; } updateGlyphsetHexColors(current_colors); } } var createGlyphs = function(geometry, material) { for (var i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i ++) { var glyph = new Zinc.Glyph(geometry, material, i + 1); glyphList[i] = glyph; group.add(glyph.getMesh()); } updateGlyphsetTransformation(positions["0"], axis1s["0"], axis2s["0"], axis3s["0"], scales["0"]); if (colors != undefined) { updateGlyphsetHexColors(colors["0"]); } _this.ready = true; } var meshloader = function(finishCallback) { return function(geometry, materials){ var material = undefined; if (materials && materials[0]) { material = materials[0]; } createGlyphs(geometry, material); if (finishCallback != undefined && (typeof finishCallback == 'function')) finishCallback(_this); } } this.getBoundingBox = function() { var boundingBox1 = undefined, boundingBox2 = undefined; for ( var i = 0; i < glyphList.length; i ++ ) { boundingBox2 = glyphList[i].getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox1 == undefined) { boundingBox1 = boundingBox2; } else { boundingBox1.union(boundingBox2); } } return boundingBox1; } this.setMorphTime = function (time) { if (time > _this.duration) inbuildTime = _this.duration; else if (0 > time) inbuildTime = 0; else inbuildTime = time; if (morphColours || morphVertices) { updateMorphGlyphsets(); } } this.render = function(delta, playAnimation) { if (playAnimation == true) { var targetTime = inbuildTime + delta; if (targetTime > _this.duration) targetTime = targetTime - _this.duration inbuildTime = targetTime; if (morphColours || morphVertices) { updateMorphGlyphsets(); } } } } Zinc.Geometry = function () { this.geometry = undefined; this.mixer = undefined; this.timeEnabled = false; this.morphColour = false; this.modelId = -1; this.morph = undefined; this.clipAction = undefined; this.duration = 3000; this.groupName = undefined; var inbuildTime = 0; var _this = this; this.setVisibility = function(visible) { _this.morph.visible = visible } this.setAlpha = function(alpha){ var material = _this.morph.material var isTransparent = false if (alpha < 1.0) isTransparent = true material.transparent = isTransparent material.opacity = alpha } this.getCurrentTime = function () { if (_this.clipAction) { var ratio = _this.clipAction.time / _this.clipAction._clip.duration; return _this.duration * ratio; } else { return inbuildTime; } } this.setMorphTime = function(time){ if (_this.clipAction){ var ratio = time / _this.duration; var actualDuration = _this.clipAction._clip.duration; _this.clipAction.time = ratio * actualDuration; if (_this.clipAction.time > actualDuration) _this.clipAction.time = actualDuration; if (_this.clipAction.time < 0.0) _this.clipAction.time = 0.0; if (_this.timeEnabled == 1) _this.mixer.update( 0.0 ); } else { if (time > _this.duration) inbuildTime = _this.duration; else if (0 > time) inbuildTime = 0; else inbuildTime = time; } if (_this.morphColour == 1) { if (typeof _this.geometry !== "undefined") { if (_this.morph.material.vertexColors == THREE.VertexColors) { morphColorsToVertexColors(_this.geometry, _this.morph, _this.clipAction) } _this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } } } this.calculateUVs = function() { _this.geometry.computeBoundingBox(); var max = _this.geometry.boundingBox.max, min = _this.geometry.boundingBox.min; var offset = new THREE.Vector2(0 - min.x, 0 - min.y); var range = new THREE.Vector2(max.x - min.x, max.y - min.y); _this.geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] = []; for (var i = 0; i < _this.geometry.faces.length ; i++) { var v1 = _this.geometry.vertices[_this.geometry.faces[i].a]; var v2 = _this.geometry.vertices[_this.geometry.faces[i].b]; var v3 = _this.geometry.vertices[_this.geometry.faces[i].c]; geometry.faceVertexUvs[0].push( [ new THREE.Vector2((v1.x + offset.x)/range.x ,(v1.y + offset.y)/range.y), new THREE.Vector2((v2.x + offset.x)/range.x ,(v2.y + offset.y)/range.y), new THREE.Vector2((v3.x + offset.x)/range.x ,(v3.y + offset.y)/range.y) ]); } geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true; } this.setWireframe = function(wireframe) { _this.morph.material.wireframe = wireframe } this.setVertexColors = function(vertexColors) { _this.morph.material.vertexColors = vertexColors _this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } this.setColour= function(colour) { _this.morph.material.color = colour _this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } this.setMaterial=function(material) { _this.morph.material = material; _this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } getColorsRGB = function(colors, index) { var index_in_colors = Math.floor(index/3); var remainder = index%3; var hex_value = 0; if (remainder == 0) { hex_value = colors[index_in_colors].r } else if (remainder == 1) { hex_value = colors[index_in_colors].g } else if (remainder == 2) { hex_value = colors[index_in_colors].b } var mycolor = new THREE.Color(hex_value); return [mycolor.r, mycolor.g, mycolor.b]; } var morphColorsToVertexColors = function( targetGeometry, morph, clipAction ) { if ( morph && targetGeometry.morphColors && targetGeometry.morphColors.length) { var current_time = 0.0; if (clipAction) current_time = clipAction.time/clipAction._clip.duration * (targetGeometry.morphColors.length - 1); else current_time = inbuildTime/_this.duration * (targetGeometry.morphColors.length - 1); var bottom_frame = Math.floor(current_time) var proportion = 1 - (current_time - bottom_frame) var top_frame = Math.ceil(current_time) var bottomColorMap = targetGeometry.morphColors[ bottom_frame ]; var TopColorMap = targetGeometry.morphColors[ top_frame ]; for ( var i = 0; i < targetGeometry.faces.length; i ++ ) { var my_color1 = getColorsRGB(bottomColorMap.colors, targetGeometry.faces[i].a); var my_color2 = getColorsRGB(TopColorMap.colors, targetGeometry.faces[i].a); var resulting_color = [my_color1[0] * proportion + my_color2[0] * (1 - proportion), my_color1[1] * proportion + my_color2[1] * (1 - proportion), my_color1[2] * proportion + my_color2[2] * (1 - proportion)] targetGeometry.faces[i].vertexColors[0].setRGB(resulting_color[0], resulting_color[1], resulting_color[2]) my_color1 = getColorsRGB(bottomColorMap.colors, targetGeometry.faces[i].b); my_color2 = getColorsRGB(TopColorMap.colors, targetGeometry.faces[i].b); resulting_color = [my_color1[0] * proportion + my_color2[0] * (1 - proportion), my_color1[1] * proportion + my_color2[1] * (1 - proportion), my_color1[2] * proportion + my_color2[2] * (1 - proportion)] targetGeometry.faces[i].vertexColors[1].setRGB(resulting_color[0], resulting_color[1], resulting_color[2]) my_color1 = getColorsRGB(bottomColorMap.colors, targetGeometry.faces[i].c); my_color2 = getColorsRGB(TopColorMap.colors, targetGeometry.faces[i].c); resulting_color = [my_color1[0] * proportion + my_color2[0] * (1 - proportion), my_color1[1] * proportion + my_color2[1] * (1 - proportion), my_color1[2] * proportion + my_color2[2] * (1 - proportion)] targetGeometry.faces[i].vertexColors[2].setRGB(resulting_color[0], resulting_color[1], resulting_color[2]) } } } this.getBoundingBox = function() { if (_this.morph) return new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(_this.morph); return undefined; } this.render = function(delta, playAnimation) { if (playAnimation == true) { if ((_this.clipAction) && (_this.timeEnabled == 1)) { _this.mixer.update( delta ); } else { var targetTime = inbuildTime + delta; if (targetTime > _this.duration) targetTime = targetTime - _this.duration inbuildTime = targetTime; } if (_this.morphColour == 1) { if (typeof _this.geometry !== "undefined") { if (_this.morph.material.vertexColors == THREE.VertexColors) { var clipAction = undefined; if (_this.clipAction && (_this.timeEnabled == 1)) clipAction = _this.clipAction; morphColorsToVertexColors(_this.geometry, _this.morph, clipAction); _this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } } } } } } Zinc.defaultMaterialColor = 0x7F1F1A; Zinc.defaultOpacity = 1.0; Zinc.Scene = function ( containerIn, rendererIn) { var container = containerIn; //zincGeometries contains a tuple of the threejs mesh, timeEnabled, morphColour flag, unique id and morph var zincGeometries = []; var zincGlyphsets = []; var scene = new THREE.Scene(); this.directionalLight = undefined; this.ambient = undefined; = undefined; var duration = 3000; var centroid = [0, 0, 0]; var zincCameraControls = undefined; var num_inputs = 0; var startingId = 1000; this.sceneName = undefined; this.progressMap = []; var errorDownload = false; var stereoEffectFlag = false; var stereoEffect = undefined; var _this = this; this.getDownloadProgress = function() { var totalSize = 0; var totalLoaded = 0; var unknownFound = false; for (var key in _this.progressMap) { var progress = _this.progressMap[key]; totalSize += progress[1]; totalLoaded += progress[0]; if (progress[1] == 0) unknownFound = true; } if (unknownFound) { totalSize = 0; } return [totalSize, totalLoaded, errorDownload]; } this.onProgress = function(id) { return function(xhr){ _this.progressMap[id] = [xhr.loaded,]; } } this.onError = function ( xhr ) { errorDownload = true; }; this.onWindowResize = function() { zincCameraControls.onResize(); = container.clientWidth / container.clientHeight;; } this.resetView = function() { _this.onWindowResize(); zincCameraControls.resetView(); } setupCamera = function() { = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 40, container.clientWidth / container.clientHeight, 0.0, 10.0); _this.ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x202020 ); //scene.add( _this.ambient ); _this.directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0x777777 ); //scene.add( _this.directionalLight ); zincCameraControls = new ZincCameraControls(, rendererIn.domElement, rendererIn, scene ) zincCameraControls.setDirectionalLight(_this.directionalLight); zincCameraControls.resetView(); } setupCamera(); nextAvailableInternalZincModelId = function() { var idFound = true; while (idFound == true) { startingId++; idFound = false for ( var i = 0; i < zincGeometries.length; i ++ ) { if (zincGeometries[i].modelId == startingId) { idFound = true; } } } return startingId; } this.loadView = function(viewData) { var viewPort = new ZincViewport(); viewPort.nearPlane = viewData.nearPlane; viewPort.farPlane = viewData.farPlane; viewPort.eyePosition = viewData.eyePosition; viewPort.targetPosition = viewData.targetPosition; viewPort.upVector = viewData.upVector; zincCameraControls.setDefaultCameraSettings(viewPort); zincCameraControls.resetView(); } this.getBoundingBox = function() { var boundingBox1 = undefined, boundingBox2 = undefined; for ( var i = 0; i < zincGeometries.length; i ++ ) { boundingBox2 = zincGeometries[i].getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox1 == undefined) { boundingBox1 = boundingBox2; } else { boundingBox1.union(boundingBox2); } } for ( var i = 0; i < zincGlyphsets.length; i ++ ) { boundingBox2 = zincGlyphsets[i].getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox1 == undefined) { boundingBox1 = boundingBox2; } else { boundingBox1.union(boundingBox2); } } return boundingBox1; } this.viewAllWithBoundingBox = function(boundingBox) { if (boundingBox) { // enlarge radius to keep image within edge of window var radius = boundingBox.min.distanceTo(boundingBox.max)/2.0; var centreX = (boundingBox.min.x + boundingBox.max.x) / 2.0; var centreY = (boundingBox.min.y + boundingBox.max.y) / 2.0; var centreZ = (boundingBox.min.z + boundingBox.max.z) / 2.0; var clip_factor = 4.0; var viewport= zincCameraControls.getViewportFromCentreAndRadius(centreX, centreY, centreZ, radius, 40, radius * clip_factor ); console.log(viewport); zincCameraControls.setCurrentCameraSettings(viewport); } } this.viewAll = function() { var boundingBox = _this.getBoundingBox(); _this.viewAllWithBoundingBox(boundingBox); } this.forEachGeometry = function(callbackFunction) { for ( var i = 0; i < zincGeometries.length; i ++ ) { callbackFunction(zincGeometries[i]); } } this.forEachGlyphset = function(callbackFunction) { for ( var i = 0; i < zincGlyphsets.length; i ++ ) { callbackFunction(zincGlyphsets[i]); } } var loadGlyphset = function(glyphsetData, glyphurl, groupName, finishCallback) { var newGlyphset = new Zinc.Glyphset(); newGlyphset.duration = 3000; newGlyphset.load(glyphsetData, glyphurl, finishCallback); newGlyphset.groupName = groupName; var group = newGlyphset.getGroup() scene.add( group ); zincGlyphsets.push ( newGlyphset ) ; } var onLoadGlyphsetReady = function(xmlhttp, glyphurl, groupName, finishCallback) { return function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { var glyphsetData = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText); loadGlyphset(glyphsetData, glyphurl, groupName, finishCallback); } } } this.loadGlyphsetURL = function(metaurl, glyphurl, groupName, finishCallback) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = onLoadGlyphsetReady(xmlhttp, glyphurl, groupName, finishCallback);"GET", metaurl, true); xmlhttp.send(); } var loadMetaModel = function(url, timeEnabled, morphColour, groupName, finishCallback) { num_inputs += 1; var modelId = nextAvailableInternalZincModelId(); var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader( true ); var colour = Zinc.defaultMaterialColor; var opacity = Zinc.defaultOpacity; var localTimeEnabled = 0; if (timeEnabled != undefined) localTimeEnabled = timeEnabled ? true: false; var localMorphColour = 0; if (morphColour != undefined) localMorphColour = morphColour ? true: false; loader.load( url, meshloader(modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, groupName, finishCallback), _this.onProgress(i), _this.onError); } var readMetadataItem = function(item, finishCallback) { if (item) { if (item.Type == "Surfaces") { loadMetaModel(item.URL, item.MorphVertices, item.MorphColours, item.GroupName, finishCallback); } else if (item.Type == "Glyph") { _this.loadGlyphsetURL(item.URL, item.GlyphGeometriesURL, item.GroupName, finishCallback); } } } this.loadMetadataURL = function(url, finishCallback) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { var metadata = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText); var numberOfObjects = metadata.length; for (i=0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) readMetadataItem(metadata[i], finishCallback); } } requestURL = url"GET", url, true); xmlhttp.send(); } this.loadModelsURL = function(urls, colours, opacities, timeEnabled, morphColour, finishCallback) { var number = urls.length; num_inputs += number; for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { var modelId = nextAvailableInternalZincModelId(); var filename = urls[i] var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader( true ); var colour = Zinc.defaultMaterialColor; var opacity = Zinc.defaultOpacity; if (colours != undefined && colours[i] != undefined) colour = colours[i] ? true: false; if (opacities != undefined && opacities[i] != undefined) opacity = opacities[i]; var localTimeEnabled = 0; if (timeEnabled != undefined && timeEnabled[i] != undefined) localTimeEnabled = timeEnabled[i] ? true: false; var localMorphColour = 0; if (morphColour != undefined && morphColour[i] != undefined) localMorphColour = morphColour[i] ? true: false; loader.load( filename, meshloader(modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, undefined, finishCallback), _this.onProgress(i), _this.onError); } } this.loadViewURL = function(url) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { var viewData = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText); _this.loadView(viewData); } } requestURL = url"GET", requestURL, true); xmlhttp.send(); } this.loadFromViewURL = function(jsonFilePrefix, finishCallback) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { var viewData = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText); _this.loadView(viewData); var urls = []; var filename_prefix = jsonFilePrefix + "_"; for (var i = 0; i < viewData.numberOfResources; i++) { var filename = filename_prefix + (i + 1) + ".json"; urls.push(filename); } _this.loadModelsURL(urls, viewData.colour, viewData.opacity, viewData.timeEnabled, viewData.morphColour, finishCallback); } } requestURL = jsonFilePrefix + "_view.json";"GET", requestURL, true); xmlhttp.send(); } var setPositionOfObject = function(mesh) { geometry = mesh.geometry; geometry.computeBoundingBox(); var centerX = 0.5 * ( geometry.boundingBox.min.x + geometry.boundingBox.max.x ); var centerY = 0.5 * ( geometry.boundingBox.min.y + geometry.boundingBox.max.y ); var centerZ = 0.5 * ( geometry.boundingBox.min.z + geometry.boundingBox.max.z ); centroid = [ centerX, centerY, centerZ] } this.addZincGeometry = function(geometry, modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, external, finishCallback, materialIn) { if (external == undefined) external = true if (external) num_inputs++; isTransparent = false; if (1.0 > opacity) isTransparent = true; var material = undefined; if (materialIn) { material = materialIn; material.morphTargets = localTimeEnabled; } else { material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: colour, morphTargets: localTimeEnabled, morphNormals: false, vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors, transparent: isTransparent, opacity: opacity }); } material.side = THREE.DoubleSide; var mesh = undefined; mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); if (geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) { geometry.computeMorphNormals(); } setPositionOfObject(mesh); scene.add( mesh ); var newGeometry = new Zinc.Geometry(); var mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(mesh); var clipAction = undefined; if (geometry.animations && geometry.animations[0] != undefined) { var action = THREE.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence( 'zinc_animations', geometry.morphTargets, 30 ); var clipAction = mixer.clipAction( action ).setDuration(duration).play(); } newGeometry.duration = 3000; newGeometry.geometry = geometry; newGeometry.timeEnabled = localTimeEnabled; newGeometry.morphColour = localMorphColour; newGeometry.modelId = modelId; newGeometry.morph = mesh; newGeometry.mixer = mixer; newGeometry.clipAction = clipAction; zincGeometries.push ( newGeometry ) ; if (finishCallback != undefined && (typeof finishCallback == 'function')) finishCallback(newGeometry); return newGeometry; } var meshloader = function(modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, groupName, finishCallback) { return function(geometry, materials){ var material = undefined; if (materials && materials[0]) { material = materials[0]; } var zincGeometry = _this.addZincGeometry(geometry, modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, false, undefined, material); zincGeometry.groupName = groupName; if (finishCallback != undefined && (typeof finishCallback == 'function')) finishCallback(zincGeometry); } } this.updateDirectionalLight = function() { zincCameraControls.updateDirectionalLight(); } this.addObject = function(object) { scene.add(object) } this.getCurrentTime = function() { var currentTime = 0; if (zincGeometries[0] != undefined) { var mixer = zincGeometries[0].mixer; currentTime = zincGeometries[0].getCurrentTime(); } return currentTime; } this.setMorphsTime = function(time) { for ( var i = 0; i < zincGeometries.length; i ++ ) { zincGeometry = zincGeometries[i]; zincGeometry.setMorphTime(time); } for ( var i = 0; i < zincGlyphsets.length; i ++ ) { zincGlyphset = zincGlyphsets[i]; zincGlyphset.setMorphTime(time); } } this.getZincGeometryByID = function(id) { for ( var i = 0; i < zincGeometries.length; i ++ ) { if (zincGeometries[i].modelId == id) { return zincGeometries[i]; } } return null; } var allGlyphsetsReady = function() { for ( var i = 0; i < zincGlyphsets.length; i ++ ) { zincGlyphset = zincGlyphsets[i]; if (zincGlyphset.ready == false) return false; } return true; } this.renderGeometries = function(playRate, delta, playAnimation) { zincCameraControls.update(delta); /* the following check make sure all models are loaded and synchonised */ if (zincGeometries.length == num_inputs && allGlyphsetsReady()) { for ( var i = 0; i < zincGeometries.length; i ++ ) { /* check if morphColour flag is set */ zincGeometry = zincGeometries[i] ; zincGeometry.render(playRate * delta, playAnimation); } for ( var i = 0; i < zincGlyphsets.length; i ++ ) { zincGlyphset = zincGlyphsets[i]; zincGlyphset.render(playRate * delta, playAnimation); } } } this.getThreeJSScene = function() { return scene; } this.render = function(renderer, additionalScenes) { var fullScene = new THREE.Scene(); fullScene.add( _this.ambient ); fullScene.add( _this.directionalLight ); fullScene.add(scene); if (additionalScenes !== undefined) { for(i = 0; i < additionalScenes.length; i++) { var sceneItem = additionalScenes[i]; fullScene.add(sceneItem.getThreeJSScene()); } } renderer.clear(); if (stereoEffectFlag && stereoEffect) { stereoEffect.render(fullScene,; } else renderer.render( fullScene, ); } this.setInteractiveControlEnable = function(flag) { if (flag == true) zincCameraControls.enable(); else zincCameraControls.disable(); } this.getZincCameraControls = function () { return zincCameraControls; } this.getThreeJSScene = function() { return scene; } this.setDuration = function(durationIn) { duration = durationIn; } this.getDuration = function() { return duration; } this.setStereoEffectEnable = function(stereoFlag) { if (stereoFlag == true) { if (!stereoEffect) { stereoEffect = new THREE.StereoEffect( rendererIn ); } stereoEffect.setSize( container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight ); } else { rendererIn.setSize( container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight ); }; stereoEffectFlag = stereoFlag; } this.isStereoEffectEnable = function() { return stereoEffectFlag; } } Zinc.Renderer = function (containerIn, window) { var animation = 0; var container = containerIn; var stats = 0; var renderer = undefined; var currentScene = undefined; //myGezincGeometriestains a tuple of the threejs mesh, timeEnabled, morphColour flag, unique id and morph var clock = new THREE.Clock(); this.playAnimation = true /* default animation update rate, rate is 500 and duration is default to 3000, 6s to finish a full animation */ var playRate = 500; var preRenderCallbackFunctions = {}; var preRenderCallbackFunctions_id = 0; var animated_id = undefined; var cameraOrtho = undefined, sceneOrtho = undefined, logoSprite = undefined; var sceneMap = []; var additionalActiveScenes = []; var _this = this; var currentSize = [0, 0]; this.onWindowResize = function() { currentScene.onWindowResize(); if (renderer != undefined) { renderer.setSize( container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight ); currentSize[0] = container.clientWidth; currentSize[1] = container.clientHeight; } } this.initialiseVisualisation = function() { renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }); container.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); renderer.setClearColor( 0xffffff, 1); var scene = _this.createScene("default"); _this.setCurrentScene(scene); } this.getCurrentScene = function() { return currentScene; } this.setCurrentScene = function(sceneIn) { if (sceneIn) { _this.removeActiveScene(sceneIn); var oldScene = currentScene; currentScene = sceneIn; if (oldScene) { oldScene.setInteractiveControlEnable(false); } currentScene.setInteractiveControlEnable(true); _this.onWindowResize(); } } this.getSceneByName = function(name) { return sceneMap[name]; } this.createScene = function (name) { if (sceneMap[name] != undefined){ return undefined; } else { var new_scene = new Zinc.Scene(container, renderer) sceneMap[name] = new_scene; new_scene.sceneName = name; return new_scene; } } var updateOrthoScene = function() { if (logoSprite != undefined) { var material = logoSprite.material; if ( logoSprite.position.set( (container.clientWidth-, (-container.clientHeight +, 1 ); } } var updateOrthoCamera = function() { if (cameraOrtho != undefined) { cameraOrtho.left = - container.clientWidth / 2; cameraOrtho.right = container.clientWidth / 2; = container.clientHeight / 2; cameraOrtho.bottom = - container.clientHeight / 2; cameraOrtho.updateProjectionMatrix(); } } this.resetView = function() { currentScene.resetView(); } this.viewAll = function() { if (currentScene) { var boundingBox = currentScene.getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox) { for(i = 0; i < additionalActiveScenes.length; i++) { var boundingBox2 = additionalActiveScenes[i].getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox2) { boundingBox.union(boundingBox2); } } currentScene.viewAllWithBoundingBox(boundingBox); } } } this.loadModelsURL = function(urls, colours, opacities, timeEnabled, morphColour, finishCallback) { currentScene.loadModelsURL(urls, colours, opacities, timeEnabled, morphColour, finishCallback); } loadView = function(viewData) { currentScene.loadView(viewData); } this.loadViewURL = function(url) { currentScene.loadViewURL(url); } this.loadFromViewURL = function(jsonFilePrefix, finishCallback) { currentScene.loadFromViewURL(jsonFilePrefix, finishCallback); } this.addZincGeometry = function(geometry, modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, external, finishCallback) { return currentScene.addZincGeometry(geometry, modelId, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, external, finishCallback); } this.updateDirectionalLight = function() { currentScene.updateDirectionalLight(); } /* function to make sure each vertex got the right colour at the right time, it will linearly interpolate colour between time steps */ this.stopAnimate = function () { cancelAnimationFrame(animated_id); animated_id = undefined; } this.animate = function() { animated_id = requestAnimationFrame( _this.animate ); _this.render(); } var prevTime =; this.addPreRenderCallbackFunction = function(callbackFunction) { preRenderCallbackFunctions_id = preRenderCallbackFunctions_id + 1; preRenderCallbackFunctions[preRenderCallbackFunctions_id] = callbackFunction; return preRenderCallbackFunctions_id; } this.removePreRenderCallbackFunction = function(id) { if (id in preRenderCallbackFunctions) { delete preRenderCallbackFunctions[id]; } } this.setPlayRate = function(playRateIn) { playRate = playRateIn; } this.getCurrentTime = function() { return currentScene.getCurrentTime(); } this.setMorphsTime = function(time) { currentScene.setMorphsTime(time); } this.getZincGeometryByID = function(id) { return currentScene.getZincGeometryByID(id); } this.addToScene = function(object) { currentScene.addObject(object) } this.addToOrthoScene = function(object) { if (sceneOrtho == undefined) sceneOrtho = new THREE.Scene(); if (cameraOrtho == undefined) { cameraOrtho = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( - container.clientWidth / 2, container.clientWidth / 2, container.clientHeight / 2, - container.clientHeight / 2, 1, 10 ); cameraOrtho.position.z = 10; } sceneOrtho.add(object) } var createHUDSprites = function(logoSprite) { return function(texture){ texture.needsUpdate = true; var material = new THREE.SpriteMaterial( { map: texture } ); var imagewidth =; var imageheight =; logoSprite.material = material; logoSprite.scale.set( imagewidth, imageheight, 1 ); logoSprite.position.set( (container.clientWidth- imagewidth)/2, (-container.clientHeight + imageheight)/2, 1 ); _this.addToOrthoScene(logoSprite) } } this.addLogo = function() { logoSprite = new THREE.Sprite(); var logo = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "images/abi_big_logo_transparent_small.png", undefined, createHUDSprites(logoSprite)) } this.render = function() { if (currentSize[0] != container.clientWidth || currentSize[1] != container.clientHeight ) { _this.onWindowResize(); } var delta = clock.getDelta(); currentScene.renderGeometries(playRate, delta, _this.playAnimation); for(i = 0; i < additionalActiveScenes.length; i++) { var sceneItem = additionalActiveScenes[i]; sceneItem.renderGeometries(playRate, delta, _this.playAnimation); } if (cameraOrtho != undefined && sceneOrtho != undefined) { renderer.clearDepth(); renderer.render( sceneOrtho, cameraOrtho ); } for (key in preRenderCallbackFunctions) { if (preRenderCallbackFunctions.hasOwnProperty(key)) { preRenderCallbackFunctions[key].call(); } } currentScene.render(renderer, additionalActiveScenes); } this.getThreeJSRenderer = function () { return renderer; } this.isSceneActive = function (sceneIn) { if (currentScene === sceneIn) { return true; } else { for(i = 0; i < additionalActiveScenes.length; i++) { var sceneItem = additionalActiveScenes[i]; if (sceneItem === sceneIn) return true; } } return false; } this.addActiveScene = function(additionalScene) { if (!_this.isSceneActive(additionalScene)) { additionalActiveScenes.push(additionalScene); } } this.removeActiveScene = function(additionalScene) { for(i = 0; i < additionalActiveScenes.length; i++) { var sceneItem = additionalActiveScenes[i]; if (sceneItem === additionalScene) { additionalActiveScenes.splice(i, 1); return; } } } this.clearAllActiveScene = function() { additionalActiveScenes.splice(0,additionalActiveScenes.length); } this.transitionScene = function(endingScene, duration) { if (currentScene) { var currentCamera = currentScene.getZincCameraControls(); var boundingBox = endingScene.getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox) { var radius = boundingBox.min.distanceTo(boundingBox.max)/2.0; var centreX = (boundingBox.min.x + boundingBox.max.x) / 2.0; var centreY = (boundingBox.min.y + boundingBox.max.y) / 2.0; var centreZ = (boundingBox.min.z + boundingBox.max.z) / 2.0; var clip_factor = 4.0; var endingViewport = currentCamera.getViewportFromCentreAndRadius(centreX, centreY, centreZ, radius, 40, radius * clip_factor ); var startingViewport = currentCamera.getCurrentViewport(); currentCamera.cameraTransition(startingViewport, endingViewport, duration); currentCamera.enableCameraTransition(); } } } }; //Convenient function function loadExternalFile(url, data, callback, errorCallback) { // Set up an asynchronous request var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); // Hook the event that gets called as the request progresses request.onreadystatechange = function () { // If the request is "DONE" (completed or failed) if (request.readyState == 4) { // If we got HTTP status 200 (OK) if (request.status == 200) { callback(request.responseText, data) } else { // Failed errorCallback(url); } } }; request.send(null); } function loadExternalFiles(urls, callback, errorCallback) { var numUrls = urls.length; var numComplete = 0; var result = []; // Callback for a single file function partialCallback(text, urlIndex) { result[urlIndex] = text; numComplete++; // When all files have downloaded if (numComplete == numUrls) { callback(result); } } for (var i = 0; i < numUrls; i++) { loadExternalFile(urls[i], i, partialCallback, errorCallback); } }