Build History trend
Python support: improve the way we check whether a simulation is valid before running it
New snapshot
libgit2: upgrade to version 1.1.1
Mesa: upgrade to version 21.2.0
Oxygen: upgrade to version 5.85.0
Improve our use of QEventLoop
Simulation support: prevent Python scripts from hanging up the Simulation Experiment view and...
PMR support: ensure that all Git submodules are updated when cloning a PMR workspace
Python support: ensure that data store manipulations are safe
KaTeX: upgrade to version 0.13.13
Documentation: slight improvements
Simulation Experiment view: add a way to plot a parameter against the last used parameter (#2521)
Graph Panel widget: round off axes values whenever possible (#2518)
Qwt: upgrade to version 6.2.0 (#2517)
LLVM+Clang: upgrade to version 12.0.1 (#2515)
New snapshot
CellML Text view: support piecewise statements anywhere (#575)
Simulation Experiment view: random crashes when reloading a file (#2510)
CellML tools: prevent a Qt warning when starting OpenCOR with no file
QScintilla: upgrade to version 2.13.0 (#2503)
QScintilla: upgrade to version 2.13.0 (#2503)
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)
KaTeX: upgrade to version 0.13.11 (#2504)
Oxygen icons: upgraded to version 5.83.0.
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)
Python support: improve error handling (#2493)

Workspace of OpenCOR_macOS on Built-In Node

contactUs.html21/08/2020, 5:49:17 PM1.28 KB
index.html21/08/2020, 5:49:17 PM2.28 KB
licensing.html17/06/2019, 5:58:50 PM1.05 KB
OpenCOR.qhcp.in17/06/2019, 5:58:50 PM445 B
OpenCOR.qhp17/06/2019, 5:58:50 PM969 B
README.rst17/06/2019, 5:58:50 PM178 B
supportedPlatforms.html6/12/2020, 3:53:20 PM4.00 KB
team.html17/06/2019, 5:58:50 PM2.28 KB
whatIsNew.html9/08/2021, 2:35:12 PM4.46 KB
whatIsNew.js19/08/2021, 7:12:15 PM50.46 KB