

  1. Prevent a warning on Linux. (commit: 2a1feed) (details)
  2. Prevent a couple of warnings on Linux. (commit: 947b6a6) (details)
  3. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: f16e91c) (details)
  4. Prevent a warning on Linux. (commit: e4d2ad2) (details)
  5. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: b0704d2) (details)
  6. Simulation Experiment view: now automatically assign a colour to a new (commit: 3bf0f90) (details)
  7. Graph Panel widget: enable our legend by default (#1665). (commit: 2c0eaec) (details)
  8. Graph Panel widget: make sure that we reset our colour sequence if all (commit: 787dc56) (details)
  9. Slight update to our downloads and what is new pages (#1665). (commit: 502c1fd) (details)
  10. Deployment: make sure that we deploy the qavfmediaplayer plugin on (commit: d631ab6) (details)
  11. Simulation Experiment view: now export to SED-ML the selected state of a (commit: 2b2a611) (details)
  12. Simulation Experiment view: can now retrieve (from a SED-ML file) the (commit: 63444a7) (details)
  13. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 07ee6a6) (details)
  14. Slight update to our downloads page (#1631). (commit: 0b332c6) (details)
  15. Some minor cleaning up (#1631). (commit: 4ec66c4) (details)
  16. Some minor cleaning up (#1631). (commit: 53435ed) (details)
  17. Graph Panel widget: a graph can now be initialised selected or (commit: 80e09a8) (details)
  18. Graph Panel widget: properly initialise the selected state of a graph (commit: e96ed32) (details)
  19. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: f53ca46) (details)
  20. Graph Panel widget: properly initialise the selected state of a graph (commit: e39fbae) (details)
  21. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 558947f) (details)
  22. New snapshot. (commit: a32ba37) (details)
  23. libgit2 package: upgraded to version 0.27.1 (#1672). (commit: 7c6cefb) (details)
  24. Only build the libgit2 package (#1672). (commit: 32c31fc) (details)
  25. Only build the libgit2 package (#1672). (commit: 2264fac) (details)
  26. Only build the libgit2 package (#1672). (commit: b60dfb6) (details)
  27. libgit2 package: binaries for version 0.27.1 (#1672). (commit: 770621f) (details)
  28. Stop building only the libgit2 package (#1672). (commit: 83b7695) (details)
  29. Slight updates to our downloads pages (#1672). (commit: 93cef9c) (details)
  30. SBML API package: upgraded to version 5.17.0 (#1671). (commit: 9ae34dc) (details)
  31. Only build the SBML API package (#1671). (commit: 8e8b9d2) (details)
  32. SBML API package: binaries for version 5.17.0 (#1671). (commit: 36a6a3c) (details)
  33. Stop building only the SBML API package (#1671). (commit: 84664c7) (details)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/CellMLSupport/src/cellmlfileruntime.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/CellMLSupport/src/cellmlfileruntime.h (diff)
Commit 947b6a64607976083c109ee118ae3e75169db107 by Alan Garny
Prevent a couple of warnings on Linux.
(commit: 947b6a6)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfileissue.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/RawSEDMLView/src/rawsedmlviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/RawSEDMLView/src/rawsedmlviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/RawSEDMLView/src/rawsedmlviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/EditorWidget/src/editorlistwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/EditorWidget/src/editorlistwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 3bf0f9051eb5b880a4391e8058d5575ddaa7b751 by Alan Garny
Simulation Experiment view: now automatically assign a colour to a new
graph (#1665).
(commit: 3bf0f90)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2c0eaec86451b34b8a9e1d1cf271709cfd53fddf by Alan Garny
Graph Panel widget: enable our legend by default (#1665).
(commit: 2c0eaec)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 787dc5632b1033b2c84e9f943d061cb8b16c3cdd by Alan Garny
Graph Panel widget: make sure that we reset our colour sequence if all
the graphs have been removed (#1665).
(commit: 787dc56)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 502c1fd12aa9232a944e09a0ca966427deb63672 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our downloads and what is new pages (#1665).
(commit: 502c1fd)
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)
Commit d631ab63951fbb7955c16f64e5a46bee7899718f by noreply
Deployment: make sure that we deploy the qavfmediaplayer plugin on
For some reasons, it's now needed...?! (Maybe because of QtWebKit?)
(commit: d631ab6)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 2b2a611b6ac743e1d7c2714ab6793a423eebd08d by Alan Garny
Simulation Experiment view: now export to SED-ML the selected state of a
graph (#1631).
(commit: 2b2a611)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 63444a70e45ddb0df832985a49277b19a4352977 by Alan Garny
Simulation Experiment view: can now retrieve (from a SED-ML file) the
selected state of a graph (#1631).
(commit: 63444a7)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)
Commit 0b332c6718d84890e462b8fa5a3ed994532d6522 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our downloads page (#1631).
(commit: 0b332c6)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)
Commit 4ec66c44c8c2687544c8f82734b8e66b0292f80d by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up (#1631).
(commit: 4ec66c4)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit 53435eda02977611d773abf2abc8459c5388cf86 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up (#1631).
(commit: 53435ed)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 80e09a8233d7da6bb288f1c44313cd06266d062c by Alan Garny
Graph Panel widget: a graph can now be initialised selected or
unselected (#1631).
(commit: 80e09a8)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e96ed325afc6709ae46cf37a8bf741a9a6fc1468 by Alan Garny
Graph Panel widget: properly initialise the selected state of a graph
(commit: e96ed32)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e39fbaeec95f94dfcfa9cf422586147e0169d1a3 by Alan Garny
Graph Panel widget: properly initialise the selected state of a graph
(commit: e39fbae)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
Commit 7c6cefbdccb50fb5b87a2af338da6b6b366acb0c by Alan Garny
libgit2 package: upgraded to version 0.27.1 (#1672).
(commit: 7c6cefb)
The file was modified src/plugins/thirdParty/libgit2/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 32c31fc7db3782df975c220e2b1f00269196f53c by Alan Garny
Only build the libgit2 package (#1672).
(commit: 32c31fc)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 2264fac4a4e8d52b9ed359632b2dae5873d7657d by Alan Garny
Only build the libgit2 package (#1672).
(commit: 2264fac)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit b60dfb6be85ebe562c540e109c78638ba1e7dc36 by Alan Garny
Only build the libgit2 package (#1672).
(commit: b60dfb6)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 770621f72f8ac908ea887524101eb2d1f5972593 by Alan Garny
libgit2 package: binaries for version 0.27.1 (#1672).
(commit: 770621f)
The file was modified src/plugins/thirdParty/libgit2/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 83b7695632fe1cd4471c723f9c4b24b7f0948906 by Alan Garny
Stop building only the libgit2 package (#1672).
(commit: 83b7695)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 93cef9c9d26d66ae17dde3c75b4a3bd4c6c1e6cd by Alan Garny
Slight updates to our downloads pages (#1672).
(commit: 93cef9c)
The file was modified doc/downloads/previousSnapshots.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)
Commit 9ae34dc802ec548945c4b55542dde694277a8a51 by Alan Garny
SBML API package: upgraded to version 5.17.0 (#1671).
(commit: 9ae34dc)
The file was modified src/plugins/api/SBMLAPI/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 8e8b9d2a33209f638d49c8faf49f103780c92cb5 by Alan Garny
Only build the SBML API package (#1671).
(commit: 8e8b9d2)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 36a6a3c7b02f6e0dba9f0de40e1f4a51e3882865 by Alan Garny
SBML API package: binaries for version 5.17.0 (#1671).
(commit: 36a6a3c)
The file was modified src/plugins/api/SBMLAPI/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 84664c7e61876c5237ba36239bcf8a57dbd69ca0 by Alan Garny
Stop building only the SBML API package (#1671).
(commit: 84664c7)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)