

  1. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 32491bd) (details)
  2. SimulationExperiment view: added the 'legend' property to the graph (commit: 9255d39) (details)
  3. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 6251e7e) (details)
  4. SimulationExperiment view: added the 'legend' property to the graph (commit: f898557) (details)
  5. GraphPanel widget: first go at showing the legend (#1171). (commit: 247f03b) (details)
  6. GraphPanel widget: first go at showing the legend (#1171). (commit: 3008ada) (details)
  7. GraphPanel widget: make sure that the legend shows the line and symbols (commit: fa94fca) (details)
  8. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: c4b8350) (details)
  9. GraphPanel widget: some minor improvements on the way we set titles. (commit: a1280cc) (details)
  10. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: f1769dc) (details)
  11. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 0bda2d3) (details)
  12. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 24e4773) (details)
  13. Property editor widget: don't show "???" In the tooltip of a string (commit: d0a5131) (details)
  14. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: c156941) (details)
  15. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: ff82a76) (details)
  16. PropertyEditor widget: make sure that the value of some of our (commit: 769725b) (details)
  17. SimulationExperiment view: select the first graph panel once everything (commit: 1b4815a) (details)
  18. PropertyEditor widget: make sure that the value of some of our (commit: 90e8afc) (details)
  19. SimulationExperiment view: added a Title property for our graphs (commit: 8b58b4e) (details)
  20. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 2f75423) (details)
  21. SimulationExperiment view: added SED-ML support for our new graph title (commit: f69292b) (details)
  22. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: a0e0d30) (details)
  23. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: c5c209d) (details)
  24. SimulationExperiment view: added the skeleton of our legend widget (commit: 3feb9eb) (details)
  25. SimulationExperiment view: added the skeleton of our legend widget (commit: 8a51465) (details)
  26. SimulationExperiment view: added the skeleton of our legend widget (commit: 39109dc) (details)
  27. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: a6493a7) (details)
  28. SimulationExperiment view: now use the font size and foreground colour (commit: ab62e55) (details)
  29. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 1cd7d1b) (details)
  30. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 4b93bd0) (details)
  31. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all legends have the same (commit: 9f233d6) (details)
  32. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: dfcb9b8) (details)
  33. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: b7db1a8) (details)
  34. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 60f6865) (details)
  35. SimulationExperiment view: updated the alignment of our graph panels to (commit: edc0568) (details)
  36. GraphPanel widget: make sure that our legend is visible when enabled and (commit: c7ed108) (details)
  37. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: a6ae0af) (details)
  38. GraphPanel widget: make sure that our legend is visible when enabled and (commit: 777593f) (details)
  39. GraphPanel widget: fixed a problem with Qwt's rendering of legends when (commit: dc90dbe) (details)
  40. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 8f83eaa) (details)
  41. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 96135f0) (details)
  42. GraphPanel widget: some work on having a context menu for the X/Y log (commit: 6386c2f) (details)
  43. GraphPanel widget: now have a context menu for the X/Y log axes and the (commit: 741c78e) (details)
  44. SimulationExperiment view: make the legend items clickable, so that we (commit: 100df92) (details)
  45. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: c178774) (details)
  46. SimulationExperiment view: fixed a problem with the un/select all graphs (commit: cdb185d) (details)
  47. SimulationExperiment view: by default, we want the 'graphs' panel to be (commit: 1a934ea) (details)
  48. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: e9049d0) (details)
  49. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 0a5e707) (details)
  50. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: 6b450f0) (details)
  51. GraphPanel widget: properly handle the adding/removal of graphs when it (commit: c622c3d) (details)
  52. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: baf6668) (details)
  53. GraphPanel widget: don’t force the alignment when not necessary (#1426). (commit: b452fac) (details)
  54. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: d5e8d22) (details)
  55. Qt: addressed a regression issue (?) with QUrl::adjusted(). (commit: c8108fb) (details)
  56. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: d1ed38c) (details)
  57. Some minor cleaning up. (commit: c03763d) (details)
  58. GraphPanel widget: account for the size of the font when aligning a (commit: 254f7a6) (details)
  59. Slight update to our downloads page (#1171). (commit: ec5905b) (details)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 9255d39760ab89e5b66e924031f50b665af6d6f6 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the 'legend' property to the graph
panel property editor and added SED-ML support for it (#1171).
Quite a bit of refactoring too.
(commit: 9255d39)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit f8985570a73e809fd238e52434a6c269e85dc9a7 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the 'legend' property to the graph
panel property editor and added SED-ML support for it (#1171).
(commit: f898557)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 247f03bc7e172098b503a1d64a4dbc25fda52e00 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: first go at showing the legend (#1171).
(commit: 247f03b)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit 3008adadae45bdb45bf572f8df241021ade28ce3 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: first go at showing the legend (#1171).
(commit: 3008ada)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit fa94fca1920e0ca2318e8aa273e2404d2ce552c1 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that the legend shows the line and symbols
properties (#1171).
(commit: fa94fca)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit a1280cc7a23e2afa10fcbf63595e73290f40a91f by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: some minor improvements on the way we set titles.
(commit: a1280cc)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit d0a513162a1fb3e3f2665897c6f23b677206d18b by Alan Garny
Property editor widget: don't show "???" In the tooltip of a string
property when there is no value.
(commit: d0a5131)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 769725b03d5befafba2e18b4db457b712f05d862 by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: make sure that the value of some of our
properties is valid.
(commit: 769725b)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 1b4815a093807bf078c0f69953d206a6822ddf2f by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: select the first graph panel once everything
has been fully initialised.
(commit: 1b4815a)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 90e8afc359ba90be95a09816603373cace005a92 by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: make sure that the value of some of our
properties is valid.
(commit: 90e8afc)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8b58b4ebece00114aecfa335f68986b33afbae47 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added a Title property for our graphs
Now, we need to add SED-ML support for it.
(commit: 8b58b4e)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit f69292b7b6a5fede136c3c750220987970c73861 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added SED-ML support for our new graph title
property (#1171).
(commit: f69292b)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/treeviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit 3feb9eb19d157677edeb1c6aca83c136e69c0512 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the skeleton of our legend widget
(commit: 3feb9eb)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was addedsrc/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotlegendwidget.cpp
The file was addedsrc/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotlegendwidget.h
Commit 8a5146584e5706714b980051fe5645e8c9303dc5 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the skeleton of our legend widget
(commit: 8a51465)
The file was removedsrc/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotlegendwidget.cpp
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was removedsrc/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotlegendwidget.h
Commit 39109dc755c2cd7a651f120e997a26cc81e9cdc3 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the skeleton of our legend widget
(commit: 39109dc)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ab62e5555683b4c12ec7431dfddebca7ad9729e8 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now use the font size and foreground colour
properties to customise our legend (#1171).
(commit: ab62e55)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 9f233d6766e47800f6420a1f62a75eacb54b7c54 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all legends have the same
width (#1171).
(commit: 9f233d6)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit edc0568398100bd2440b15d6a04b33bc9078141e by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: updated the alignment of our graph panels to
account for the fact that they can have a legend (#1171).
(commit: edc0568)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit c7ed1084de81a1113bb70362519e08d9a180abd7 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that our legend is visible when enabled and
after having added a graph (#1171).
(commit: c7ed108)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 777593f0d11db05d37084ffc5ec81967ab9aa911 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that our legend is visible when enabled and
after having added a graph (#1171).
(commit: 777593f)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit dc90dbefbe57c320ad61485810735409de0a0471 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: fixed a problem with Qwt's rendering of legends when
exporting to PDF, etc. (#1171).
(commit: dc90dbe)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 6386c2f23641c6317c151fbd8167cf01f21286a6 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: some work on having a context menu for the X/Y log
axes and the legend (#1171).
(commit: 6386c2f)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/i18n/GraphPanelWidget_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 741c78e36625b750e3f648a52f7e9a72e8e4a864 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: now have a context menu for the X/Y log axes and the
legend (#1171).
(commit: 741c78e)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit 100df9287ec8cd52d8dd9b6a2e89ffc014a01cbf by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make the legend items clickable, so that we
can show/hide a given graph (#1171).
(commit: 100df92)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit cdb185d72dd5cd135d066f4b853ab6155e6dccdd by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: fixed a problem with the un/select all graphs
context menu.
It used to un/select the graphs of all graph panels, as opposed to those
of the current graph panel. (FWIW, that problem has always been present,
i.e. since OpenCOR 0.2 when we introduced several graph panels!)
(commit: cdb185d)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 1a934ea769570e0b45def019b5f5aad01debc115 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: by default, we want the 'graphs' panel to be
active (rather than the 'graph panels' panel).
(commit: 1a934ea)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit c622c3d676c6211a76671394748f1fa780104ab4 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: properly handle the adding/removal of graphs when it
comes to showing/hiding the legend of different graph panels (#1171).
(commit: c622c3d)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b452fac15928b750fb6e1b75c0699aa3904afd4f by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: don’t force the alignment when not necessary (#1426).
This had been modified in commit
9c3eec2b6fee47c1b93cf6d7d1a5a7a8a2668810 to ensure proper alignment when
adding a graph panel when another had a Y title. However, this was
unnecessarily realigning things and therefore slowing things down (a
lot). So, back to what we originally had. As for adding a graph panel
when another has a Y title, it looks like our various changes (as part
of issues #1426 and #1171) indirectly addresses it since everything is
still fine.
(commit: b452fac)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit c8108fb64b70d0de0b0df7650e4bb1feed576978 by Alan Garny
Qt: addressed a regression issue (?) with QUrl::adjusted().
(commit: c8108fb)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/corecliutils.cpp.inl (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 254f7a6201b64293a26bf5c986983a4db79cf581 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: account for the size of the font when aligning a
graph panel with its neighbours (#1171).
It’s working fine except if the legend is active: the graph panel will
become physically wider if we increase the font size (since the legend
gets wider) while, if anything, its plot should become narrower, which
is what actually happens if the simulation had been exported to a SED-ML
file and that we were to edit the file to increase the font size
(as opposed to doing it through the GUI).
(commit: 254f7a6)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ec5905bfa7737d8622b6925c3663c07f33ca3104 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our downloads page (#1171).
(commit: ec5905b)
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)